Security Sergeant

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
Paper.png Черновик

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Руководители: Head of Security
Уровень сложности: Very hard
Руководства: Guide to security, Guide to Trials, Chain of Command, Space Law, Head of Staff Equipment, Security items
Доступ: Everything available to a regular security officer.
Обязанности: Coordinate security personnel, ensure they are not corrupt, make sure every department is protected, save the Virologist when he gets mauled by monkeys.
Минимальные требования: Нет

You've worked yourself out being a Security Officer. Not hard enough for you? Well, you're in the right place. I hope. Now, you're in charge of security operations in the field. It's your job to keep your officers organised, on track, and alive. Answering to the Head of Security, you make sure that their orders, as they make them from their lavish office, are carried out in the grimy, gruelling field.

Bare minimum requirements: Try to keep your team alive, working together, communicating, concentrating on the bigger fish rather than small leeches and not devolve into shitcurity.

Hoscap.png Your Authority

As a Security Sergeant, you are responsible for a lot of important security staff. It's important not to lose track of them, and make sure they are doing their job correctly. You are concerned with the following people:

Helmet.png Security Officers

These are your pawns, and it's your job to control them. Each of them is given an assignment when they sign up. If they're being assholes, yell at them and get them to fall in line - if they continue, throw them in the brig for a little while. It's important not to let these guys run rampant, because they can and will fuck everything up if you do. If they seem to not know what they need to do, give them a firm reminder of what they need to do. On occasion you might have a new player on your team, so don't go too hard on them. However, if they continue to be assholes or just totally incompetent, bust them back down to assistant and kick them off the force.

Detectivefedora.png The Detective

A loose cannon at best, dangerous at worst. Generally just let him do his thing. He's used to operating with a fair degree of autonomy from Sec. Just remember to call him a loose cannon from time to time and be ready to send in the redshirts should he uncover something big.

Clipboard paper.png Assignments

Each officer is given an assignment when they join the game. Most will be assigned to guard one of the four major departments (Medbay, Research, Engineering, and Supply). Department guards are given a small security office along with limited access and are able to use that department's radio channel. Department guards are also marked with color-coded armbands. It is your job to make sure each department is staffed by a member of security. If a department becomes a hotspot for criminal activity, it may be a good idea to reallocate more men to that department.

Handcuffs.png The Brig

The Brig is where most of your "in-and-out" prisoners will make their stay.

The holding area for prisoners. Security personnel, Heads of Staff, and the Lawyer have access to the hallway, but only Security personnel can use the cell controls. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.

Prisoners try to flee all the time, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to release them if they aren't super dangerous). And SET A GOD DAMN TIME TO THE TIMER -- it won't lock the door unless you do this. Remember that some prisoners may have a toolbelt or insulated gloves, thus a means to escape if left unsupervised. Remember to remove possible weapons, unless you want a nasty surprise, but you already knew that, right?

While you are able to, your job is not to set and watch over people in the cells and prison. Leave that to the warden or HoS, where possible.

StunBaton.gif Day to Day

You'll be dealing with the possibility of several different types of threats to the station on a shift-to-shift basis. Knowing how to handle everything that can be thrown at you in the field is crucial to working well as a Security Sergeant, and while this guide provides a good start, experience is the greatest teacher.

Light Bulb.pngTips

  • There are muzzles and straitjackets in the prison wing for restraining dangerous prisoners
  • You can use the gulag shuttle (or any other shuttle, but the gulag one is the most reliable) to gib changelings. Surprisingly useful if the gibber and cremator were destroyed.
  • The Armory has a few types of special implants - If you run out, more can be ordered from Cargo
    • Chemical implants can be triggered by the recipient or remotely via a prisoner control console
    • Each Chemical implant can be filled up with 50 units of chemicals injected into the implant while it is still in it's casing
    • Tracking Implants have three functions: They tell you the approximate distance to your target, the direction from your current position (With the tracker), and acting as a teleportation beacon
    • Suspected Changelings can be implanted with a tracking implant, as it gives a special HUD icon, ex. I didn't implant that person but they have an implant, probably a changeling.
    • You can use tracking implants to give completely private orders to individual officers even while Telecomms is down.
  • Keeping a close eye on your Officers and other staff is usually a very good idea. Keep tabs on your Officer's life signs by getting a portable Crew Monitor from Medbay. The CMO will most likely not mind.
    • This however will not be able to detect Changelings if they are fully disquised. Beware of these creatures infiltrating your security force. They are one of the biggest threats to you and your team simply because of their ability to assimilate into any scenario seemlessly. The enemy might be right next to you and you would never know.

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