Призрак: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
(Полный перевод)
(Отмена правки 29458, сделанной Kvas Moth (обсуждение))
Метка: отмена
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{Needs translate}}
  |colour = 464489
  |colour = 464489
Строка 6: Строка 7:
  |ebcolour = 464489
  |ebcolour = 464489
  |img = Ghost2.png
  |img = Ghost2.png
  |stafftype = Особая
  |stafftype = SPECIAL
  |jobtitle = Призрак
  |jobtitle = Ghost
  |access = Куда угодно
  |access = Everywhere
  |difficulty = Нету
  |difficulty = None
  |superior = Никто! Ты наконец свободен!
  |superior = Nobody! You're finally free!
  |duties = Скули, возмущайся, будь мёртвым.
  |duties = Whine, complain, be dead.
  |guides = Летай вокруг, <s>пугай</s>, спорь о скучных антагонистах.
  |guides = Ghost around, <s>spook people</s>, complain about antags being boring.

Так, ты попытался подраться с [[Shitcurity|МУЖИКОМ]] и проиграл, верно? Но не бойся, ведь теперь ты призрак! Ты уже наверняка заметил, что ты можешь проходить сквозь стены, прыгать на экипаж станции и прочее, довольно круто, не так ли? Чтож, угадай что, это всё. Да, если быть честным, единственная "хорошая" вещь в пребывании призраком это то, что ты можешь случайно стать [[Alien]] когда какой то глупый джентельмен столкнётся с фэйсхагером.
So you've tried to fight [[Shitcurity|THE MAN]] and lost, eh? Never fear, you are now a ghost! You've probably already noticed you can go through walls and jump to people and shit, pretty cool huh? Well, guess what, you can't do anything else. Yeah, to be honest, the only "good" thing about being a ghost is that you can randomly become an [[Alien]] when some silly gentleman has a bad encounter with a facehugger.

===Путешествие в астральный мир===
===Travelling to the Astral Plane===
Команда "ghost" даёт тебе возможность стать призраком, неважно жив ты или нет. '''ВНИМАНИЕ'''! Призраки могут перезайти в своё тело если они гостанулись после смерти (пока тело не гибнуто или не превращено в пепел), что даёт возможность отклонировать тело, если его кто-то найдет. Но если вы гостанулись пока были живы, будет написано что вы "катоник", у вас пропадет возможность перезайти в тело или быть клонированым
The "ghost" command allows you to become a ghost, whether you are dead or alive. '''CAUTION'''! Ghosts can re-enter their body (assuming their body isn't gibs or ashes) if they ghosted after death, allowing that body to be cloned if anyone ever finds it. However, if you ghost before you die, your body will appear as "catatonic" and can't be re-entered or cloned.

Ты стал призраком и ты останешься им до конца раунда. Но не бойся! Помимо [[alien]], призраки так же могут стать [[pAI]] или [[adamantine golem]] если другой живой игрок ищет призрака для заполнения оболочки (и твои настройки позволяют)! Если [[admin|боги]] будут снисходительны то у вас будет шанс стать чем-то другим!
Once you're a ghost, odds are you're going to stay a ghost until the end of the round. But never fear! Besides being chosen to be an [[alien]], ghosts may also become [[pAI]]s or [[adamantine golem]]s if the right mortal beings seek you out (and your game settings allow it)! If the [[admin|gods]] are especially playful, you might even get the chance to become something else!

===Ревизия 4876===
===Revision 4876===
Эта ревизия поменяла игру навсегда. До этой ревизии, призраки могли взаимодействовать с живым миром. У них была способность вращать стулья, использовать "Boo!" что заставляло свет моргать, а так же их речь утекала в мир в заглушенной и спутанной манере. Но это было слишком весело, а уже удалено было в связи с получением мета информации через призраков.
This revision completely changed the game forever. Before this revision, ghosts could interact with the living realm. They had the ability to rotate chairs, use the "Boo!" verb which flickered lights on and off, and speech would leak into the world, although in a muffled in-cohesive manner. However, this was considered too fun for the station and was removed due to it being abused by players to acquire meta information.

===Эй, святоша, эй капеллан, почему же ты меня не слышишь?!===
===Hey, Chaplain, Hey Chaplain, why can't you hear me?!===
Задолго до ревизии призраки легко могли быть услышаны живыми. Призраки часто уговаривали людей идти убивать. После этого Nanotrasen добавили пункт в контракты на работу "Не слушайте безумного призрака". Простите призраки, вы больше не можете быть услышаны живыми, Попробуйте <s>возится с стульями.</s> не умирать.
Quite some time ago, ghosts were easily able to be heard by the living. Unfortunately, this increased staff turnover as often the ghosts made the living go homicidal. And so, Nanotrasen added a "no listening to crazy ghost" clause to their contract of employment. Sorry ghosts, you can't be heard by the living any more, try <s>twiddling chairs.</s> not dying.

По слухам призраки всё ещё могут общаться с [[Wizard|Практикующими]] или [[Cult|Черными магами]], они должны использовать специальную магию, которая проявит призраков, но конечно такие вещи никогда не произойдут на [[Beyond the impossible|Плотно контролируемой станции Nanotrasen]].
It is rumored that ghosts can commune with certain [[Wizard|practitioners]] of the [[Cult|dark arts]] should they use specific magics, but of course such things would never happen on a [[Beyond the impossible|tightly controlled Nanotrasen station]].

===Мёртвый чат===
===Dead Chat===
Чат мёртвых это два в одном [[OOC]] и [[IC]], чувствуй себя свободно, говоря  <s>о всём подряд</s> гадости о том дебиле которого ты ненавидишь.
Dead chat is considered to be both [[OOC]] and [[IC]], so feel free to <s>talk about anything</s> bitch about that shitty-ass player you hate here.

===ох чатеры, ОСТАНОВИТЕСЬ!!===
===Oh the chatter, MAKE IT STOP!!===
Есть несколько комманд для твоего использования, можешь фильтровать то, что тебе не нужно, например злобные крики экипажа друг на друга.
There are several verbs for you to use so you can filter out what the living people are saying/doing/whispering/messaging etc. so you're not flooded with everyone on the station screaming over each other.
* '''Toggle Ghost HUD:''' Включает худ.
* '''Toggle Ghost HUD:''' Toggles the HUD
* '''Show/Hide GhostEars:''' Слышать разговоры.
* '''Show/Hide GhostEars:''' Hear everyone's speech
* '''Show/Hide GhostPDA:''' Видеть сообщения на ПДА.
* '''Show/Hide GhostPDA:''' See everyone's PDA messages
* '''Show/Hide GhostSight:''' Видеть эмоуты .
* '''Show/Hide GhostSight:''' See everyone's emotes
* '''Show/Hide GhostWhispers:''' Слышать шепот.
* '''Show/Hide GhostWhispers:''' Hear everyone's whispers

===Так куда пропал диск?===
===Now where's that disk gone===
У призраков есть 5 простых комманд, если худ включён:
Ghosts have 5 basic commands in their HUD, if enabled:
* '''Teleport to Mob:''' Даст тебе выбор с возможностью телепортироваться на существо. Полезно для отслеживания движения мегафауны (боссов) лаваленда.
* '''Teleport to Mob:''' Will let you choose between a list of all mobs in game to teleport to. Useful for tracking nonsetient mobs such as lavaland bosses.
* '''Orbit:''' Покажет список всех разумных существ и точки интереса. Нажатие на что-то из списко телепортнет вас к нему и вы начнёте наблюдать за ним. Список включает диск ядерной аутентификации, ядерную боеголовку, спавны гост ролей, и так далее. '''Двойное нажатие''' по чему-либо тоже заставит вас наблюдать.
* '''Orbit:''' This will show a list of all sentient mobs and points of interest to choose from. Picking one will teleport you to it and make you start orbiting it. PoI include the nuke disk, the nuke, ghost role spawn locations, gang dominators, and so on. '''Double-clicking''' any element will also cause you to orbit it.
* '''Re-enter Corpse:''' Вы вернётесь в свой труп, если он всё ещё есть. Что очень важно когда вас оживляют, иначе нормальные методы не помогут вас оживить. Так же это возвращает вас в ваше тело когда вы используете [[Blood Cult]] Astral Projection rune или [[Wizard]]'s scrying orb.
* '''Re-enter Corpse:''' Will cause you to go back inside your corpse, if you still have one. Very important when being revived, as normal methods usually won't work iff you're not inside. This also makes you go back to your body if you're using a [[Blood Cult]] Astral Projection rune or a [[Wizard]]'s scrying orb.
* '''Teleport (to location):''' Показывает список локаций с возможностью телепортироваться к большей части из них. Полезно для путешествия между Z-уровнями, без этого ты не можешь посмотреть что происходит на центкоме.
* '''Teleport (to location):''' Gives a list of areas, allowing you to teleport to any of them. Useful for z-level crossing, as without this you can't watch CentCom.
* '''pAI candidacy:''' Даёт возможность скачать вас как [[pAI]]. После нажатия вы сможете редактировать своё имя и описание, которое может проверить человек ищущий ПИИ, и решить скачивать вас или нет.
* '''pAI candidacy:''' Allows you to make yourself available for download as a [[pAI]]. Upon clicking you'll be able to edit your name and description, which the people looking for pAIs can check to decide who to download.

Менее известная команда не находится в худе и называется "observe", может быть найдена в ghost tab. Она работает так же как и Orbit, но она покажет игру от лица игрока, наровне с их ХУД'ом
A lesser-known command, not in the HUD, is "observe", which can be found in the ghost tab. Using it works similarly to orbit, but it will show you the perspective of the observed person, along with their HUD.

===Высококачественное наблюдение===
===High-Definition Observation===
Призраки имеют пару инструментов для наблдюдения за раундом с комфортом.
Ghosts have a few tools to observe every move of the living with maximum comfort.
* '''Toggle Inquisitiveness:''' Тянутся до шифта неудобно! Когда у вас включена эта функция вы сможете осматривать все простым щелчком левой кнопки мыши.
* '''Toggle Inquisitiveness:''' Reaching the SHIFT key is hard! With this toggled on, you'll examine everything you click.
* '''Toggle Darkness:''' Не дайте помехам со светом наблюдать за тоннельными крысами!
* '''Toggle Darkness:''' Don't let a simple lack of light prevent you from seeing those maint-stalkers!
* '''Toggle Sec/Med/Diag HUD:''' Включает все ХУДы сразу!!
* '''Toggle Sec/Med/Diag HUD:''' Turns on every HUD at once!
* '''Change View Range:''' И вот когда твоё тело не имеет оболочки, ты можешь видеть все! Или ничего, если ты вдруг так захочешь. Данная команда меняеет дальность обзора в тайлах.
* '''Change View Range:''' Having ascended from your mortal coil, your sight is no longer limited to seven meters; use this verb to expand your horizons. Or reduce them if you want to for some reason.

===Гост роли===
===Ghost Roles===
Лавалэнд, космос, и остальные локации могут иногда заспавнить руины '''ghost role spawners'''. Призрак может нажать по этому обьекту, чтоб заспавниться за нейтральную роль, такую как [[Golem#Free Golems|Свободные големы]] или [[ashwalkers| Пеплоходцы]].
Lavaland, and to a lesser degree, space, can sometimes spawn special ruins containing '''ghost role spawners'''. These objects can be clicked as a ghost to spawn as a special neutral role such as the [[Golem#Free Golems|free golems]] or the [[ashwalkers]].
Эти роли в "серой зоне" между антагонистами и экипажем станции; Вы обычно не должны совершать антагонистские действия, пока вам не угрожают, за исключением пеплоходцев, которые должны относится враждебно к многим живым существам.
These roles are in a grey area between antagonist and station crew; the rule of thumb is usually to not commit antagonistic acts unless threatened, except for ashwalkers, which are intended to be somewhat hostile to other lifeforms.
Каждая роль может иметь дополнительные правила, которые описываются ярко-красным цветом перед тем как ты заспавнишься. И помни: '''Ты не помнишь свою прошлую жизнь, так что использование гост роли для мести будет караться баном.'''
Every role can have additional rules which are explained in bright red text upon spawning. And remember: '''you do not remember your past life, so using a ghost role to get revenge will lead to a ban.'''


[[BYOND] подписчики могут менять спрайт призрака!
[[BYOND]] subscribers can change the color or appearance of their ghost sprites!

{{Jobs}}[[Category: Jobs]]
{{Jobs}}[[Category: Jobs]]

Текущая версия от 14:04, 22 декабря 2022

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Руководители: Nobody! You're finally free!
Уровень сложности: None
Руководства: Ghost around, spook people, complain about antags being boring.
Доступ: Everywhere
Обязанности: Whine, complain, be dead.
Минимальные требования: Нет

So you've tried to fight THE MAN and lost, eh? Never fear, you are now a ghost! You've probably already noticed you can go through walls and jump to people and shit, pretty cool huh? Well, guess what, you can't do anything else. Yeah, to be honest, the only "good" thing about being a ghost is that you can randomly become an Alien when some silly gentleman has a bad encounter with a facehugger.

Travelling to the Astral Plane

The "ghost" command allows you to become a ghost, whether you are dead or alive. CAUTION! Ghosts can re-enter their body (assuming their body isn't gibs or ashes) if they ghosted after death, allowing that body to be cloned if anyone ever finds it. However, if you ghost before you die, your body will appear as "catatonic" and can't be re-entered or cloned.

Once you're a ghost, odds are you're going to stay a ghost until the end of the round. But never fear! Besides being chosen to be an alien, ghosts may also become pAIs or adamantine golems if the right mortal beings seek you out (and your game settings allow it)! If the gods are especially playful, you might even get the chance to become something else!

Revision 4876

This revision completely changed the game forever. Before this revision, ghosts could interact with the living realm. They had the ability to rotate chairs, use the "Boo!" verb which flickered lights on and off, and speech would leak into the world, although in a muffled in-cohesive manner. However, this was considered too fun for the station and was removed due to it being abused by players to acquire meta information.

Hey, Chaplain, Hey Chaplain, why can't you hear me?!

Quite some time ago, ghosts were easily able to be heard by the living. Unfortunately, this increased staff turnover as often the ghosts made the living go homicidal. And so, Nanotrasen added a "no listening to crazy ghost" clause to their contract of employment. Sorry ghosts, you can't be heard by the living any more, try twiddling chairs. not dying.

It is rumored that ghosts can commune with certain practitioners of the dark arts should they use specific magics, but of course such things would never happen on a tightly controlled Nanotrasen station.

Dead Chat

Dead chat is considered to be both OOC and IC, so feel free to talk about anything bitch about that shitty-ass player you hate here.

Oh the chatter, MAKE IT STOP!!

There are several verbs for you to use so you can filter out what the living people are saying/doing/whispering/messaging etc. so you're not flooded with everyone on the station screaming over each other.

  • Toggle Ghost HUD: Toggles the HUD
  • Show/Hide GhostEars: Hear everyone's speech
  • Show/Hide GhostPDA: See everyone's PDA messages
  • Show/Hide GhostSight: See everyone's emotes
  • Show/Hide GhostWhispers: Hear everyone's whispers

Now where's that disk gone

Ghosts have 5 basic commands in their HUD, if enabled:

  • Teleport to Mob: Will let you choose between a list of all mobs in game to teleport to. Useful for tracking nonsetient mobs such as lavaland bosses.
  • Orbit: This will show a list of all sentient mobs and points of interest to choose from. Picking one will teleport you to it and make you start orbiting it. PoI include the nuke disk, the nuke, ghost role spawn locations, gang dominators, and so on. Double-clicking any element will also cause you to orbit it.
  • Re-enter Corpse: Will cause you to go back inside your corpse, if you still have one. Very important when being revived, as normal methods usually won't work iff you're not inside. This also makes you go back to your body if you're using a Blood Cult Astral Projection rune or a Wizard's scrying orb.
  • Teleport (to location): Gives a list of areas, allowing you to teleport to any of them. Useful for z-level crossing, as without this you can't watch CentCom.
  • pAI candidacy: Allows you to make yourself available for download as a pAI. Upon clicking you'll be able to edit your name and description, which the people looking for pAIs can check to decide who to download.

A lesser-known command, not in the HUD, is "observe", which can be found in the ghost tab. Using it works similarly to orbit, but it will show you the perspective of the observed person, along with their HUD.

High-Definition Observation

Ghosts have a few tools to observe every move of the living with maximum comfort.

  • Toggle Inquisitiveness: Reaching the SHIFT key is hard! With this toggled on, you'll examine everything you click.
  • Toggle Darkness: Don't let a simple lack of light prevent you from seeing those maint-stalkers!
  • Toggle Sec/Med/Diag HUD: Turns on every HUD at once!
  • Change View Range: Having ascended from your mortal coil, your sight is no longer limited to seven meters; use this verb to expand your horizons. Or reduce them if you want to for some reason.

Ghost Roles

Lavaland, and to a lesser degree, space, can sometimes spawn special ruins containing ghost role spawners. These objects can be clicked as a ghost to spawn as a special neutral role such as the free golems or the ashwalkers. These roles are in a grey area between antagonist and station crew; the rule of thumb is usually to not commit antagonistic acts unless threatened, except for ashwalkers, which are intended to be somewhat hostile to other lifeforms. Every role can have additional rules which are explained in bright red text upon spawning. And remember: you do not remember your past life, so using a ghost role to get revenge will lead to a ban.


BYOND subscribers can change the color or appearance of their ghost sprites!

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