Контрактник синдиката

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
Contractor Sindy.png
Контрактник синдиката

Руководители: Наниматель (Синдикат).
Уровень сложности: Сложно
Доступ: Отсутствует
Обязанности: Выполните заказы Синдиката и станьте лучшим наёмником в этом краю.
Минимальные требования: Нет

Contractors are a variant of the Traitor. Like Traitors, they receive a hidden uplink in their PDA as well as codewords. However, they forfeit their 20 initial telecrystals for access to kidnapping contracts that reward TC upon completion, potentially resulting in a TC total higher than the initial 20.

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Становление контрактником

Если ты родился в рубашке и тебе повезло быть выбранным среди других 10 человек Госпожой Удачей то ты станешь Дрейфующим Контрактником!

Произойдёт 2 вещи:

  1. Ты начнёшь с разным кол-во Телекристаллов (ТК).
  2. Ты получишь Набор Контрактника он содержит всё что тебе требуется для начала. Он содержит:
Название Описание
Contractor Uplink
То без чего Контрактник бесполезен. Позволяет просматривать текущие Контракты и принимать их. Так же позволяет забирать со счёта ТК которые ты заработал. И наконец, он так же позволяет Контрактнику покупать особую "экипировку".
Contractor Standard Loadout Box
Золотая жила Контрактника, содержит всякую хрень что понадобится для тебя. Её содержание ниже.
Contractor Guide
Руководство Контрактника. Прочитайте его а потом избавьтесь навсегда при помощи своей зажигалки!
3 Случайных низко-сортных вещей Синдиката Случайные вещи от Синдиката что подсобят тебе в твоём приключении. Большая часть вещей стоят менее 5 ТК и не могут повторяться.

Что может вам попасться:

  • Для атаки: Donksoft SMG, Boxed Throwing Kit, Energy Dagger, Foam Force Riot Pistol, Syndicate Soap, Dart Gun Kit, Rapid Syringe Gun, Pack of X4 Charges
  • Смешанные: Boxed EMP Kit, EMP Flashlight
  • Поддерживающие: Syndicate Donk Pockets, Traitor Belt, Chameleon No-Slip Shoes, Suspicious Toolbox, Surgery Duffelbag, AI Detector, Binary Translator Key, Radio Jammer, Freedom Implant

Стандартная экипировка Контрактника выглядит так:

Название Описание
Contractor MODsuit
Эксклюзивный МОД. Удобен что бы маневрировать в нём от СБшников ВНЕ станции. Имеет следующие модули: Ion Jetpack Module, Baton Holster Module, EMP shield Module, DNA lock Module, Syndicate Storage Module, Magnetic Harness Module, Chameleon Module, Armor Booster Module.
Contractor Baton
Складная дубинка (Почти как у глав) что применяет слабые электрические пульсации по нервной системе жертвы. В отличие от своих братьев, у этой очень маленькое время сбития с ног и очень долгое время перезарядки (до 4-х секунд) но наносит 70 урона по шкале выносливости. Это отличная вещица для того что бы истощить жертву, делая погоню легче. Ударив их 2 раза они будут полностью истощены (критическое состояние выносливости), обездвиживая их на некоторое время. Этой дубинкой можно останавливать киборгов, пригодится если надо их взломать или они просто вас бесят.

Прямо как обычная складная дубинка, Атакуя жертву с желанием "Помочь" собьёт её с ног, а атакуя жертву с желанием "Навредить" проведёт обычную атаку.

Agent ID Card
Id regular.png
Особая ID карта что позволяет занять любую должность, даже несуществующую. У неё имеется базовый доступ (тех. тоннели и наружные шлюзы), может сканировать настоящие ID карты что бы скопировать их доступ.

Не забудьте одеть её когда вы собираетесь похитить жертву что бы скрыть свою личность и отсканировать их ID что бы получить больше доступа по станции.

Syndicate Cigarettes
Syndicate Smoke.png
Сигареты с Омнизином, лечащим химикатом.

Не курите их слишком долго иначе получите зависимость, что повлечёт за собой ужасающие эффекты!

Зажигалка которой вы можете поджечь свои сигареты или избавиться от руководства.

Contractor Quick Guide

Here is a quick primer on the most important aspects of being a Contractor:

Contractor Uplink

This is your most important item as Contractor — do not lose it or you will be unable to accept contracts or withdraw TC! Using it will bring up its' interface, which is divided in 2 parts:

  • Your Contractor statistics for the round. From there you can see your unclaimed TC, number of completed contracts and your Contractor Rep (more on that further down).
  • Two tabs serving as the main content:
    • Contracts: The most important tab. Accept contracts from there.
    • Hub: Allows you to spend Contractor Rep for special purchases.

Accepting a Contract

Before you can kidnap a crew member and earn TC, you need to accept a contract. Open the Contracts tab in your Contractor Uplink and you will be presented with a list of contracts. Each contract contains the following information:

  • The name, occupation and photograph of the target to kidnap.
  • An IC reason as to why they are a target. These are randomly generated, so don't pay too much attention to it.
  • More importantly, the Extraction Zone. This decides where your target is to be brought and extracted from. Each contract has 3 possible extraction zones, each varying in difficulty. You may pick (and lock the contract) only one location — there is no going back once you made your choice, so be careful!
  • The TC payout per contract depends on the chosen Extraction Zone. Maintenance tunnels are generally considered easy, so have the lowest payout. Highly frequented or restricted areas are considered more difficult and thus yield more TC as a reward.

Once you've ascertained the available contracts, you are free to accept one by picking one of its' extraction zones. You will be locked to that contract until it is either completed or aborted. That means you can only do one contract at a time.

Performing the Contract

So you've accepted a contract, memorised your target's name, job and appearance. It's time to get to work.

Here is a list of useful equipment that you can procure to make your job easier:

  • Zipties.png Cable Ties: Restrains your victim, preventing them from using items or moving when you are pulling them. Always carry a pair. Make them using 15 cable coils.
  • Stunprod.gif Stun Prod: Boasts a longer stun time compared to your baton but has a limited battery. Good opener when kidnapping someone. Craft it with metal rods, an igniter and cable ties, then add a power cell to it.
  • Syringegun.png Syringe Gun: You can load them with syringes containing tranquillizers such as Ether or Morphine, making anyone shot with them fall asleep after some time! Another option is loading them with Perfluorodecalin which, as long as there are more than 4 units in the bloodstream, will silence anyone, preventing them from calling for help.

Once you have the equipment you need, forge yourself a new identity (or an existing one to frame another crew member) using your Agent ID, Chameleon Jumpsuit and Mask to throw Security off when you are called out. Make contact with your target then kidnap and restrain them when the time is right. Bring them to the chosen extraction zone and access your Contractor Uplink. If you have the correct target and you are both in the selected extraction zone, the Call Extraction button will light up — click it and stand still to start the extraction process:

  1. The process starts by you lighting up a signal flare.
  2. Once it's lit up, a portal will appear shortly after.
  3. Finally, when the portal appears, push the target in it. It will not accept non-targets.

Important: The portal remains up for 5 minutes. After that period it will vanish and you will have to wait some time before calling for another extraction, so be swift!

Package Received

You kidnapped your target, called down the extraction portal and pushed them into it. Now what? Well, the portal will vanish along with your target and your contract will be marked as complete. Your Contractor Uplink will be credited with the TC reward according to the chosen extraction zone with a substantial penalty if the target was extracted while dead! Your ATM account will also be credited with a random amount of Credits, although this is less important.

With this, you've successfully completed a contract, congratulations! You can withdraw your hard-earned TC through your Contractor Uplink — they will appear in your hand, so make sure to have your hidden uplink ready to cash them in. After that, you are free to take up another of your remaining contracts.

Aborting a Contract

If you feel a contract you've accepted suddenly became very difficult or impossible to complete, you have the ability to abort it through your Contractor Uplink. However, you will not be able to take it up again nor will a new one be given to you, losing precious TC!

Contractor Rep

Contractor Rep is a special currency you earn from completing contracts, at a rate of 2 Rep per contract. It permits the purchase of items and other things that are generally unique to Contractors.

The available purchases are:

Name Description Cost Purchase Limit
Contract Reroll Replaces your inactive contracts with new ones, containing a new target and extraction zones. 2 Rep N/A
Contractor Pinpointer
A low accuracy pinpointer that can track anyone in the sector without the need for suit sensors. Can only be used by the first person to activate it. 1 Rep 2
Fulton Extraction Kit
A balloon that can be used to extract equipment or personnel to a Fulton Recovery Beacon. Anything not bolted down can be moved. Link the pack to a beacon by using the pack in hand.

Does not work indoors!

1 Rep 1
Blackout Overloads the station's power net, shorting random APCs.

Has a global 15 minute cooldown.

3 Rep N/A
Contractor Baton
A replacement baton, good if you need a spare, want to give one to an ally, or got disarmed of your own. 1 Rep 2
Contractor Zippo Lighter
An unique black and gold zippo lighter with no purpose other than showing off. 12 Rep 1
Contractor Balloon
An unique black and gold balloon with no purpose other than showing off.

All contracts must be completed in the hardest location to unlock this.

12 Rep 1


  • Change your identity often to confuse Security. That includes your appearance (clothes, hair), ID card and voice.
  • Contractors receive a kit that is geared towards stealth. Try spending your TC towards stealthy items to remain under the radar!
  • Familiarise yourself with the station's layout and don't hesitate to create hidden escapes to make a clean getaway.
  • Have a contract that is very difficult or impossible to complete? Don't forget you can spend Contractor Rep to reroll all of your inactive contracts!
  • Keep your space suit handy to manoeuvre around the station or escape from people chasing you.
  • Make contact with fellow agents using codewords! If they agree to meet, ask to scan their ID card for their access, opening you more pathways around the station.
  • When kidnapping someone, remember to turn off their suit sensors so that they cannot be tracked through the Crew Monitor.

Персонал на станции Fluffy Frontier

Гражданский персонал

Искусственный интеллект
