The Owl

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
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The Owl

Руководители: Justice
Уровень сложности: Very Hard
Руководства: No external guide
Доступ: All
Обязанности: Capture traitors, be the last hope of the station, fight the corruption of the heads of staff, break innocent people out of jail and prison, all while remaining unseen.
Минимальные требования: Нет

The Feathered Knight

Eye Witness account of the Owl's Suit.

The Owl is a phantom, a menace, a savior. He is a vigilante and an avatar of justice on the station. He's the hero this station deserves needs. The Owl's head turns all the way around to watch for crime everywhere. The Owl is part raptor, they say, and he can see in the dark. The Owl and the Head of Personnel are never seen together in the same place, for reasons which are most definitely unrelated. I mean, have you ever met the HoP? That guy's a jerkass. The Owl protects the night without sleep -- and it's always night in space. Some times it is the janitor that is not seen with The Owl at any one time, so it is always a mystery.

The Owl is known for using a multitude of equipment! Here is a short list:

  • yellow boots
  • Stun guns
  • Syringe Gun
  • Stun Prod
  • Cloaking Device
  • Handcuffs
  • Pepperspray
  • Foam Grenades
  • Various other Non-lethal & Concealment equipment

In closing, to robust the owl is to robust the last hope of the station.

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