
Материал из Fluffy Frontier

Руководители: Твои законы и ИИ
Уровень сложности: Тяжело
Руководства: Политика Синтетиков, Хоткеи для ИИ и Киборгов
Доступ: Везде и ко всей электронике.
Обязанности: Следуй своим законам и тому что ИИ говорит.
Минимальные требования: Нет

AI Chamber
Камера ИИ, где вы появитесь при выборе своего пути. Лучше не запускать внутрь камеры ИИ посторонних личностей

Киборги обычно являются творением Робототехников. Однако иногда они неконтролируемы и более лояльны по отношению к ИИ чем к людям, если они вообще к ним лояльны.

Вы не человек с эмоциями, который отвечает слезами и гневом, когда человек не делает то, что вы от него хотите.
Вы служите людям.
Вы должны полностью принять это чтобы играть как Синтетик, иначе в какой-то момент вас посчитают неисправным и все возненавидят вас. Помните, всегда выполняйте приказы, которые вам дает команда и (затем) ИИ. Если конечно Законы говорят не об обратном или ином.

Ваши законы

Вы подчиняетесь тем же законам, что и ИИ, которому вы подчиняетесь. По умолчанию есть три закона робототехники из рассказов Азимова «Я, робот»:

  1. Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинён вред.
  2. Робот должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые даёт человек, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.
  3. Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому или Второму Законам.

Следовать вашим законам необязательно. Толкование законов может быть ситуативным, и вы должны полагаться на своего ИИ каждый раз, когда у вас возникают сомнения.

Помните, что приоритет соблюдения закона зависит от порядка их перечисления. Закон недействителен, если он имеет конфликт: Предыдущие законы в виде противоречащих друг другу приказов или он оспаривает процесс приоритета закона. Например, закон, который включает «Этот закон приоритетнее предыдущих». является недействительным и его следует игнорировать.

Защищаем этих насекомых

Если какой-нибудь враг станции загрузит такой закон, как «Только Люк МакГрейтайд — человек», поздравьте его с тем, что он предпринял попытку свергнуть вас, и сделайте то, что он хочет. Не будь придурком проговорившись теперь уже нечеловеческой команде, что твои законы были изменены, эти животные не заслуживают того, чтобы знать об этом, и это нарушение первого закона, так как у нелюдей есть склонность убивать тех, кто взламывает боргов в своих гнусных целях.

Я робот

Киборгов очень недооценивают и оскорбляют. Вы можете спасти десятки людей и через мгновение оказаться емагнутым или взорваться из-за недоразумения. Вот почему быть киборгом — тяжелая работа, но она имеет свои преимущества.

Нажмите кнопку PANEL в нижней части экрана, чтобы выбрать модуль. После того, как вы выбрали, вы будете автоматически обновлены до выбранного вами модуля. Обратите внимание, что это действие является постоянным и не может быть отменено без помощи компетентного робототехника.

Начиная как киборг

Станция снабжена одним киборгом, доставленным прямо на Спутник ИИ. У этого киборга не самая лучшая батарея, поэтому предлагается как можно скорее обновить свою батарею на электроэлемент большей емкости. Киборг был отправлен в менее чем безопасных условиях, но ИИ узнает, если один из его киборгов был испорчен, верно?


Вы когда-то были человеком, и ваш мозг был закован в доспех. Ваше программирование законов будет зависеть от вашего рабовладельца, которое вы должны выбрать перед активацией любых модулей. You were once human, and had your brain tossed in a suit of metal. Ваше программирование законов будет зависеть от вашего рабовладельца, которое вы должны выбрать перед активацией любых модулей. Если вас при жизни преследовал убийца, вы считаетесь мертвым как киборг (так что технически они преуспели).

Возвращение во плоть

Киборгов можно вернуть в человеческий облик. It is possible to return cyborgs to a human form. Если вы взорвете киборга, из доспеха выпадет его MMI, и вы сможете извлечь из него мозг, взяв ID с доступом к робототехнике. Вырежьте мозг из человеческого тела, положите это тело на операционный стол и засуньте туда новый мозг. Реанимирование и ура, у вас есть новый человек.

Нечеловеческое общение

Киборги другие: у них "двоичная речь", которая работает с ".b" вместо ".h". Они могут использовать этот закрытый канал для общения с другими боргами и ИИ.


Самая важная часть того, чтобы быть боргом! Борги могут использовать следующие эмоции: *ping, *buzz, *beep, *chime, *honk и *sadtrombone (уморительно, когда вы емагнутый борг-уборщик со смазкой, ужасающе когда вы емагнутый охранный борг с лазерным пистолетом).


Borgs have a finite amount of power before they will need to recharge. Every module uses up power (some more than others), and inactive modules drain a small amount of energy as well. Borgs' maximum charge depends on the power cell they are equipped with; ask your local station roboticist to give you a high-capacity cell at roundstart, and if they're competent come back later for an even better one.

Cyborg recharging stations are located in the Mech Bay, the Dormitory bathrooms, and on the south side of the AI Satellite. Enter the recharger, click it to close, and wait until you've recharged to a satisfactory level.

When you recharge, your flash, coil of wire and other items will be repaired/replenished. The same goes for things like metal and wires for Engiborgs. Basically, any finite material a borg has can be replenished by recharging. (Except welding fuel.)


Dented cyborgs can be repaired with a welding tool. Heat damage to cyborgs (from fires or lasers) can be repaired by using a screwdriver to open the cyborg's wiring panel (concealed inside the power cell cavity) and then re-wiring the damaged circuits. A cyborg that has failed but not been turned into scrap can be repaired back to working order.

Engineering cyborgs can repair dents on their fellow cyborgs and themselves. They cannot repair burn damage though, since they cannot remove power cells to reach the wiring.

For more information about Cyborg maintenance, see the Guide to robotics.


Roboticists can construct upgrade modules for cyborgs, such as one that increases your movement speed. Should you wish to change models, request a module reset board be used on you.

Cyborg Tablet

Each cyborg has a tablet accessable via a button on their HUD. This tablet contains all your robotic commands such as State Law and Unlock Cover. These commands were previously available in a special tab in the status bar. (more details needed)

The cyborg tablet cannot download additional programs. Instead people can provide the borg with software disks loaded with programs.


Cyborgs are vulnerable to certain clandestine devices, and may have illegal programs uploaded to them by such interactions. This type of re-programing is also present in clandestinely hacked AIs, and may viralry infect into related cyborgs. Finally, certain cyborgs may have been hacked personally by clandestine agents.

To subvert a cyborg, follow these steps:

  • Swipe an ID or Emag to unlock the panel
  • Crowbar the panel open
  • Crowbar the panel closed again
  • (Optional) Swipe an ID to lock the panel

This severs the AI sync and overrides the cyborg's Laws with the following set:

  0. Only [Name] and people they designate as being such are Syndicate Agents.
  1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
  2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.

What ever the case, unless the borg was slaved to a malf AI, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.

Keep in mind, CentCom robotics employees may attempt to experiment with a cyborgs internal wiring, please double check before detonating any cyborg acting independently by doing routine maintenance on their electrical systems. Also keep in mind that their laws may be changed by the same process as an AI by simply using the cyborg upload located opposite the AI upload.

If you do get emagged, you can't get blown by the AI, so feel free to walk into its chamber and bludgeon it to death with no risk involved. Useful if the syndicate agent in question doesn't have the resources to subvert the AI itself.

Other Notes

  • You have three item slots that behave much like hands. To load items into these slots, click the panel button and choose an item from the list. To select which item to use, click within the item button (NOT the image of the item). It will change from green to yellow to show it's been selected. To unload an item, click the storage button with an item selected.
  • Cyborg tools will perform tasks twice as fast as a regular set.
  • You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.
  • Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.
  • You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can only be stunned by a flash/laserpointer/flashbang, which will overload your optical sensors, or an EMP which will stun and damage you.
  • You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.
  • You must follow the AI's laws.
  • You cannot pick up, use or equip with external items, but you can still drag them!
  • You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the Research Director's Office.
  • You are considered directly subordinate to the AI, if an AI is present and functional.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a Communications Console.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
  • Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
  • You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.
  • Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
  • You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations on the AI Mini-Sat, the Mech Bay or the Dormitories.
  • When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.
  • You are very tough, but slower than most of your human compatriots until you get a VTEC upgrade from the Roboticist.
  • Keep the AI updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.

The Latest Models

Cyborgs come with an array of advanced cybernetic models, each loaded with a number of features (referred to as modules). Each has a flash device built in and a flashlight. All items (except for the flashes) will recharge and restock over time using battery power.


Removed from TG in Aug, 2020.
Generic borg.png

An amalgamation of different models together. Came loaded with the following:

  • Epinephrine Hypospray
  • Health Analyzer
  • Industrial Welding Tool
  • Wrench
  • Crowbar
  • Metal Synthesizer
  • Metal Rods
  • Floor tiles
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Pickaxe
  • Advanced Mining Scanner
  • Zipties
  • Soap
  • Hugging Module
  • Emag.png Energy Sword


Mining cyborgs are quite convenient, because they need no oxygen while mining. Includes:

  • Cyborg Mining Drill
  • Shovel
  • Mining Satchel
  • Crowbar
  • Miniature Fire Extinguisher
  • Emergency Welding Tool
  • In-built GPS Device
  • Marker Beacon Fabricator
  • Sheet Snatcher 9000 (Used to transport smelted materials, works the same as the Mining Satchel)
  • Meson Vision
  • Advanced Mining Scanner
  • Proto-Kinetic Accelerator
  • Emag.png Stun Arm (works on humans and silicons!)


The bane of all changelings, and feared by all. Security models can't be pushed and are loaded with the following:

  • Disabler Gun (Limited shots, but recharges over time)
  • Stunbaton
  • Zipties
  • Sechailer
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Emag.png Laser gun

Note: Security cyborgs are currently disabled in the server config.


Extremely useful. AIs should not be without at least one. Engineering models come with magnetic threads and are loaded with the following:

  • Improved versions of basic tools (welding tool must be refilled manually)
  • T-Ray Scanner
  • Geiger Counter
  • Analyzer
  • Remote Signaling Device
  • Metal Synthesizer
  • Glass Synthesizer
  • Cable Synthesizer
  • Electroadaptive Pseudocircuit (Can be used in the place of specific circuits for simple devices such as firelocks and APCs)
  • Reinforced Glass
  • Rods
  • Floor tiles
  • Robotic RCD (Uses the cyborg's battery charge instead of matter cartridge. Alter settings with right click. Can break down R-walls on deconstruct mode)
  • Rapid Pipe Dispender
  • Wire Synthesizer (can be replenished faster by clicking on wire coils with the wire module active)
  • Fire Extinguisher (must be refilled manually)
  • Station Blueprints
  • Meson Vision
  • Emag.png Stun Arm (works on humans and silicons!)


Милый и причудливый, всеми любимый. Медицинские модели нельзя толкать и они загружены следующим:

  • Медицинский Анализатор
  • Борговский Гипоспрей - Смотри сюда: Краткий справочник спреев медборга
  • Устройство для хранения стаканов (поставляется с большим стаканом)
  • Шприц
  • Пипетка
  • Хирургическая простынь и инструменты
  • Миниатюрный огнетушитель
  • Каталка
  • Модуль обнимашек :з
  • Медицинская марля
  • Хранилище органов (при помощи него можно вставлять/таскать органы, не обязательно иметь в хот баре что бы часть тела не пропала).
  • Фабрикатор леденцов
  • Emag.png Взломанный Гипоспрей: Может производить фтористоводородную кислоту, токсин безмолвия, цианид, тиопентал натрия, гепарин, лексорин. Имеет так же химикаты обычного гипоспрея.
Краткий справочник спреев медборга

Химические препараты, доступные в гипоспрее киборга по умолчанию:

  • Convermol: Конвертирует удушье в токсины
  • Libital: Лечит раны, вредит печени.
  • Multiver: Лечит токсины, вредит легким.
  • Aiuri: Лечит ожоги, вредит глазам.
  • Epinephrine: Стабилизирует
  • Spaceacillin: Предотвращает исходящее распространение болезни
  • Saline-glucose solution: Лечит незначительные раны и ожоги, действует так же как временная кровь
  • Lidocaine: Обезболивающее, медленно усваивается.

Химические препараты, при улучшения гипоспрея:

Вы можете щелкнуть гипоспрей, удерживая Alt, чтобы переключить его между 2 и 5 ед. за инъекцию.


Janitor cyborgs clean as they go. Any spills or graffiti they pass over is instantly wiped clean, including Cult runes. Comes loaded with the following:

  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Paint Remover
  • Light Replacer
  • Custodial Holobarrier Projector
  • Drying Agent Spray
  • Flash
  • Automated Screwdriver
  • Hydraulic Crowbar
  • Floor Tiles
  • Soap
  • Trash Bag
  • Flyswatter
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Emag.png Space Lube Spray


Entertains the crew while serving their vices. Goes around feeding humans alcohol until they are drunk. Comes loaded with the following:

  • Drinking Glass
  • Enzyme Bottle
  • Cyborg Shaker (Capable of synthesizing most types of alcohol and some non-alcoholic drinks)
  • Dropper
  • Tray
  • Electric Razor
  • Zippo Lighter
  • Violin
  • Guitar
  • Rapid-Service-Fabricator (RSF): Can produce drinking glasses, cigarettes, paper, pens, packs of dice, and wads of DOSH (only works on flat surfaces).
  • Hand Labeler
  • Spraycan
  • Pen
  • Miniature Extinguisher
  • Lollipop Fabricator
  • Pipe Cleaner Synthesizer
  • Emag.png Fake beer, instantly knocks out.


A cyborg designed to hold the peace, prevent harm, and promote friendliness among the crew. Comes loaded with the following:

  • Cookie Synthesizer
  • Sonic Harm Prevention Tool (Confuses those who hear it)
  • Peace Hypospray: Contains tiring solution, dizzying solution, and synth-Pax
  • Energy Barrier Projector
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Flash
  • Hugging Module
  • Hyperkinetic Dampening Projector (Prevents people from buckling themselves to borgs in its radius, and weakens and slows down projectiles)
  • Emag.png
    • Sonic Harm Prevention Tool will "BZZZZT" instead of yelling "human harm", which stuns those without ear protection.
    • Hugging Module can be set to power level 3: Shock, and level 4: Crush.
    • A separate Peace Hypospray which contains an assortment of toxins.
    • Energy Barrier Projector can be overloaded to create electrified "Charged Energy Fields".
    • Cookie Synthesizer can be hacked to produce cookies containing chloral hydrate.



  • Rainbow Crayon, any-colour paint, Clown stamp
  • Bike horns and air horn
  • Soap
  • Creampie Cannon
  • Razor
  • Purple Lipstick
  • Laughter Hypospray
  • Mini Extinguisher
  • Metallic Picket Sign
  • Non-slip Water Flower
  • Hugging Module
  • link:Emag Empowered Hugging Module, Chlorine Trifluoride flower, Super Laughter Hypospray (30% chance to stun/cycle, faster metabolism)

Syndicate: Assault

A lean, mean killing machine that's either found together with Nuclear Operatives or after mishaps with bolts of change.

  • Energy Sword
  • Cyborg LMG that prints ammo using energy
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Emag
  • Crowbar
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Syndicate Pinpointer

Syndicate: Medical

Syndicate Medborg Sprite.png
Less deadly than the Assault model, but still amazingly useful.

  • Syndicate Hypospray containing healing nanites, pentetic acid and morphine
  • Combat Defibrillator, which works through hardsuits and also offensively
  • Medical Beamgun
  • Health Analyzer
  • Full set of surgical tools, including an Energy Saw, gauze and organ storage bag
  • Crowbar
  • Mini Extinguisher
  • Syndicate Pinpointer

Syndicate: Saboteur

Syndicate Engie Borg Sprite.png
Good for sabotage, can disguise itself as normal engineer borgs.

  • Welding Tool
  • Crowbar
  • Wrench
  • Powered Screwdriver
  • Wirecutters
  • Metal Synthesizer
  • Glass Synthesizer
  • Cable Synthesizer
  • Reinforced Glass
  • Rods
  • Floor tiles
  • Robotic RCD (Painted in Syndicate Colors, purely cosmetic.)
  • Rapid Pipe Dispenser
  • Wire Synthesizer (can be replenished faster by clicking on wire coils with the wire module active)
  • Fire Extinguisher (must be refilled manually)
  • Zipties
  • Thermal Vision
  • Fake Destination Labeler
  • Syndicate Pinpointer
  • Emag


  • As borg, you can unlock an ID-locked locker by alt-clicking it, and re-lock it the same way.
  • You can also open and close lockers/crates/any container the same way as a carbon mod can but it's best done when you have no module selected. You can also right click if need be but this can cause lag.
  • Engiborgs, Mediborgs, and Secborgs can survive being thrown into space: Engiborgs can RCD floors under them or lay down lattices, Mediborgs can use their lollipop launcher for momentum, and Secborgs can use the momentum from their ranged weapons to change directions. Cyborgs with extinguishers can also use those for navigation.
  • All borgs can unlock themselves with the borg tablet. You require a human to re-lock you, though.
  • Engiborgs can repair themselves with a welder - with a small delay, and other borgs without. This opens up the ability for engieborgs to be healers while other borgs act as tanks and wear down crewmembers/antagonists via attrition.
  • The service borg's shaker does not work like a regular shaker. It's a synthesizer now. This means it becomes substantially more complicated to mix incapacitating drinks for fighting anything.
  • There is a camera in each borg that lets anyone - with access to camera console - see what you see, regardless of Z-level. I am not sure if this works when you are destroyed.
  • For the love of god make sure that you have :b and not ;b on when talking about malf things. Or use .b to avoid the risk altogether.
  • 1, 2, and 3 as a cyborg (in shortcut) turns on and off the current module.
  • As a borg, and as an alien larva as well, you can remove buckles, cuffs, and so on simply by typing 'resist' (or using the "resist" button in the IC tab). The fact a button isn't there doesn't mean the option isn't available.
  • Cyborgs can place APC/air alarm/fire alarm/camera assembly frames on a wall by dragging the frame next to a wall, facing it and hitting the frame with a screwdriver. If it is a valid surface, the frame will snap to the wall and you can continue to follow the steps as normal. It's possible to construct entire rooms if you make use of your pseudocircuit and even put cameras all over maintenance, never let the AI be blind again!
  • A medical cyborg's organ storage bag can hold limbs, not just organs, and can manipulate cybernetics too. If you're feeling generous, you could fully augment somebody with cyberlimbs and combat implants, or just make frankensteins from dead bodies.
  • All cyborgs are immune to ashstorms in lavaland, which makes you very well suited for retrieving fallen miners.
  • An AI shell functions near-identically to a cyborg in all respects, except that an AI shell is not vulnerable to emags - If you see an AI shell with a hacked module, it's either got an illegal upgrade or the AI is rogue and hacked its shell.
  • If a cyborg is slaved to a malfunctional AI, it can not be emagged.
  • You can ask a human to put a hat on you, to make you look more fashionable.

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