
Материал из Fluffy Frontier

Руководители: Head of Personnel, Chief Medical Officer
Уровень сложности: Легко
Руководства: N/A
Доступ: Medbay, Psychology Office
Обязанности: Advocate sanity, self-esteem, and teamwork in a station staffed with headcases.
Минимальные требования: Нет

Психолог это крепкое дружеское плечо и доброжелательное лицо. Номинально являясь частью Сервиса и физически частью медотсека, им поручено разрешать споры и следить за психологическим благополучием всего экипажа.

Минимальные требования: Общайтесь с любым членом экипажа, ищущего вашего совета.


Нанотразен глубоко заботится о психическом здоровье своих сотрудников, и с этой целью они сочли целесообразным затащить старый ковер и диван в вышедший из употребления чулан в медицинском отсеке, даже зашли настолько далеко, что повесили мотивационный плакат. Так родился Психологический кабинет, и для работы в нем стали искать квалифицированных специалистов.

Ваша работа заключается, прежде всего, в том, чтобы просто говорить и слушать всех и каждого, кто об этом попросит, и, во вторую очередь, в том, чтобы выписывать, подписывать и выдавать рецепты (которые можно выкупить у Глав.Врача., химиков, врачей или даже у ботаников и барменов) и врачебные записи для пациентов на ваше усмотрение.

CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Psychology Office
The Psychology Office, your empire of dirt.

You begin the round in your office with a black suit or suit skirt, laceup shoes, a clipboard, a medical PDA equipped with a health scanner (useful for detecting cerebral traumas), a headset with both medical and service frequencies, a small selection of pills, and a burning desire to help others. Also in your office; a medical records laptop, carbon paper and a filing cabinet, a couch and chair for therapy sessions, an adorable moff plushie to comfort those who are reliving traumatic events or for "So talk to the plushie as if it was your boss... what do you want to say to them?" exercises, and a straight jacket, muzzle, earmuffs, and blindfold.

You are, make no mistake, essentially useless to the functioning of the station, but don't let that stop you from trying! Here are some ideas on how to best serve the crew:

  • Defer to the HoP, CMO, other heads of staff, and security to help diffuse disputes and talk disagreements into soft landings
  • Help integrate criminals back into working society.
  • Talk to and provide company to sad, angry, confused, traumatized, or bored crew members.
  • Collaborate with the lawyers on perceived injustices and abuses and serve as an expert witness in court.
  • Keep the rarely utilized medical records up to date and add detailed theories on the sexual orientation of the Captain.
  • Conduct totally ethical experiments on how the crew responds to stress and confusion.
  • Bar RP unthil you die from an overdose of alcohol
  • Get surgery access and perform lobotomies on volounteers.
  • Slow down supermatter delaminations.
  • Die in a funny way by attempting to negotiate with antagonists
  • Conduct psychological research by following the clown around and recording everything he does on a piece of paper
  • Do "social experiments"

Hypocritical Oath

As a traitor, you have the small luxury of a somewhat secluded and private room that few other crew members have access to, a cozy relationship with two heads of staff, and a disarming and harmless job ripe for exploiting people's trust and vulnerability.

Basically, buy a hypnoflash and have at it.

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