Дрон: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
(Полный перевод)
(Отмена правки 29459, сделанной Kvas Moth (обсуждение))
Метка: отмена
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{Needs translate}}
  |colour = 5589c5
  |colour = 5589c5
Строка 6: Строка 7:
  |ebcolour = 5589c5
  |ebcolour = 5589c5
  |img = Generic drone.png
  |img = Generic drone.png
  |stafftype = Синтетик
  |stafftype = SYNTHETIC
  |jobtitle = Дрон
  |jobtitle = Drone
  |access = Полый
  |access = Everywhere
  |difficulty = Легко
  |difficulty = Easy
  |superior = Твои законы
  |superior = Your laws
  |duties = Поддерживай состояние станции. Избегай всех кроме других дронов.
  |duties = Maintain the integrity of the station. Avoid any non-drone species.
  |guides = [[Guide to construction]], [[Guide to advanced construction]], [[Singularity Engine]], [[Solars]], [[Guide to Telecommunications]]
  |guides = [[Guide to construction]], [[Guide to advanced construction]], [[Singularity Engine]], [[Solars]], [[Guide to Telecommunications]]
  |requirements = Поддерживай станцию, не входи в контакт со всеми кроме других дронов.}}
  |requirements = Maintain the space station, don't have elaborate communications with others.}}

'''ВАЖНО: Как дрон, ВЫ НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ ВЛИЯТЬ НА ХОД РАУНДА, вы связанны тремя простыми законами. [[#What_This_Means|Поймите что они значят]] и следуйте до буковки.'''
'''IMPORTANT: As a Drone you MUST NOT DISTURB THE ONGOING ROUND, you are bound to three simple laws. [[#What_This_Means|Understand what they mean]] and obey them to the letter.'''

Дроны - не люди, они пауко-подбные создания с задачей поддержания станций Nanotrasen. Обычно они результат кооперации между Роботехами и РнД. Дроны не проявляют лояльности ни к кому кроме себя. Их единственная задача это поддержание состояния станции к которой они привязаны. Они никак не могут взаимодействовать ни с кем кроме других дронов, из за риска уничтожения.
Drones are non-human, insect-like creatures tasked with maintaining the integrity of Nanotrasen space stations. They are usually the result of cooperation between Robotics and RnD. Drones hold no loyalty to anyone but themselves, however their entire purpose is to maintain the integrity of their assigned space station. They cannot interact with any non-drone person at all, at risk of destruction.

За дронов также играют игроки, которые на данный момент [[Ghost|в гостах]]. Для того чтобы взять дрона под контроль найдите пустую оболочку, и кликните по ней (обычно находятся в робототехнике). Так же смотрите [[Guide to robotics|постройка дрона]]
Drones are played by players who are currently [[Ghost|ghosted]]. In order to take control of a Drone, find a empty drone shell (usually these will be in robotics) and then left click it. See also [[Guide to robotics|building a drone]]

==Законы дронов==
==Drone Laws==

{{Important|Title=Это правила|Note=Вы будете лишены игры за дрона если нарушаете эти законы.}}
{{Important|Title=These are rules|Note=You will be banned from playing as a drone if you break these laws.}}
# Вы не должны вмешиваться в дела других существ, даже если это конфликтует с вторым или третим законом, пока это существо не другой дрон.
# You may not involve yourself in the matters of another being, even if such matters conflict with Law Two or Law Three, unless the other being is another Drone.
# Вы не должны вредить другим существам, независимо от обстоятельств.
# You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance.
# Ваша цель: строить, поддерживать, чинить, улучшать, и питать станцию. Вы никогда не должны делать противоположное этому.
# Your goals are to build, maintain, repair, improve, and power to the best of your abilities, You must never actively work against these goals.

==Что Это Значит==
==What This Means==
'''Законы 1 и 2 предотвращают ваш контакт с живыми существами'''. Включая: людей, ящеролюдей, кремниевые формы жизни, обезьян, питомцев, слаймов, животных, ксеносов, и вообще всё что не является предметом, частью станции или другим дроном. Вы не можете помагать или вредить им, и вообще никак с ними не взаимодействовать, НИКОГДА. Это '''НЕ ЗНАЧИТ''', что вам нужно идти другой дорогой если вы увидели кого-то; '''ОНИ ПРОСТО НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЮТ ДЛЯ ВАС'''. Человек в крите? Пройди мимо. Предатель кого-то убивает в тех тоннелях? Не твоя забота. Вторжение ксеноморфов? Просто почини дыры которые они за собой оставили.
'''Laws 1 and 2 prohibit you from interacting with living beings'''. This includes humans, lizardpeople, silicons, monkeys, pets, slimes, animals, xenos, and basically anything that is not an object, another drone, or part of the station. You cannot help them, you cannot hurt them, and you cannot interact with them at all, ever. This does '''not''' mean you have to go out of your way to avoid living beings; '''they simply do not exist to you'''. Person in crit? Walk on by. Traitor murdering someone in maint? Not your problem. Xeno infestation? Just fix the holes they leave in the station.

'''Закон 3 дает вам мандат содерживающего станцию. '''  Содержанием считается заделывание разгерметизаций, отмывание крови и следов вандализма, починка и наладка подачи питания, и вооюще все что [[Station Engineer]] или [[Janitor]] <s>никогда не</s> делают. Для примера: Настройка солнечных понелей - хорошо. Постройка форта в техах - что-то около хорошего. Тоскание за собой диска ядерной аутентификации - плохо. Разговор с чем то живым кроме дрона - '''ОЧЕНЬ ПЛОХО'''. Если вы видите включённую бомбу, уходите. Здесь нет повреждений. А вот когда она взорвалась, настало время её чинить, так как это прописано в вашем третьем законе. ''Думай головой и не твори херь.''
'''Law 3 gives your mandate: station upkeep. ''This is not the same as prevention!'' '''  Upkeep can include repairing hull breaches, cleaning bloodstains or vandalism, repairing power issues, and generally what a [[Station Engineer]] or [[Janitor]] <s>never</s> does. This is intentionally somewhat broad. For example, setting up the solars is definitely okay. Building a fort in maintenance is probably okay. Dragging around the nuclear authentication disk like a party train is not okay. And interacting with living beings in the process is '''never okay'''. If you see an active bomb, you leave it alone. There is no damage yet after all. Once it goes off, the station is damaged and only then does your third law come into play. ''Use common sense or get banned.''

Nanotrasen stations being what they are, gray areas might sometimes arise. When in doubt, [[adminhelp|ahelp]].
У дронов есть 2 руки и вы можете подбирать предметы так же как и люди. В них встроенны: гаечный ключ, отвёртка, кусачки, сварка и лом. Также у дронов есть встроенные источники света, такие же яркие как фонарики, предназначенные для работы в тёмных условиях.

Дроны могут лазать по вентиляциям для быстрого передвижения по станции. Зажав ''Alt'', а затем нажав левой кнопкой мыши по вентиляции, вы начнёте в неё залезать. Используйте это для доступа в отделы с закрытыми дверьми, а так же для быстрого доступа к материалам и инстурментам, для того чтобы починить что-либо быстрее чем сможет любой из членов экипажа. Подумайте о уборке за собой после того как выполнили работу, дабы не пересекаться с экипажем. (1ый закон).
Drones have two hands, and can pick up certain items around the station just like humans. They are also equipped with a built in wrench, screwdriver, wirecutters, welding tool, and crowbar. Drones also have built-in light sources, as bright as flashlights, for when they are working in dark areas.  

Дроны могут говорить друг с другом на своём языке, но больше никого не могут понимать. Дроны могут общаться в своём специальном канале, который никто кроме них не может прослушивать ":b", так же как и [[Silicon]] в бинарный канал.
Drones can climb through connected vents to quickly move around the station. To do that hold down the ''Alt'' key while left-clicking on a vent. Use this to access areas without opening doors and to gather tools or materials for repairs faster than any regular crew member could. Think about cleaning up your mess after a task is complete to minimize your possible interaction with the crew (law 1).

Некоторые захотят поднять вас и носить как шляпу, но ваша цель другая - сопротивляйтесь.
Drones can talk to and understand other drones with the special drone language, but otherwise cannot understand anyone else. Drones can also speak on the Drone Chat channel with ":b", like the [[Silicon]] binary channel, but just for drones.

Some humans will want to pick you up and wear you as a hat. This is of course of no concern to you.
Ограничения которые надо соблюдать для поддержания всех законов ненарушенными.

* Вы не можете работать, пока с живым существом не соблюдается дистанция как минимум в 4 клетки.
* Вы не можете взаимодействовать с двигателем суперматерии или атмосферным отделом.
A number of restrictions are placed on drones to limit their interaction with the world, which can help you keep your laws.
* Вы можете использовать машины только если прошло 5 минут с момента прикосновения до него живого существа.
* Вы не можете использовать сигнализации и консоли.
* Вы можете поднимать только некоторые предметы.

Вы можете спокойно выполнять свою работу пока с вами в комнате кто-то находится, если будете соблюдать дистанцию в 4 клетки.
* Cannot interact when within 4 tiles of a being.
* Cannot interact in the Supermatter Engine or Atmospherics areas
* Cannot interact with machines touched by a being less than 5 minutes ago.
* Cannot use air alarms or computers.
* Can only pick up certain items.

==Дроны и Вы==
You should generally be able to perform your duties with these restrictions, but a good rule of thumb is you can't help beings repair a room, unless you keep your distance.
Дроны здесь для починки <s>после ваших экспериментов</s> ущерба который был нанесён станции. Они способны сами брать ресурсы и даже забирать их с ваших рабочих мест. Почти всё время это не должно быть проблемой для вас, но если это проблема, просто поднимите материал в руки и дрон уйдет, оставив вас и ваш материал в покое.

Помни, дроны <s>будут гличить и красть ваши вещи</s> должны чинить станцию и поэтому будут брать ваши материалы. Они вас не понимают, так что лучшее средство это находиться рядом с материалами.
==Drones and You==
Drones are here to repair <s>your screw ups</s> damage to the station. They are able to procure these resources on their own and may attempt to take them from your workplace. Most of the time this should not be a problem for you, but if it is, pick up the metal or glass and the drone will leave it (and you) alone.

Если вы видите работающего дрона, не подходите к нему, иначе вы прервёте его работу.
Remember, drones <s>will probably glitch out and steal your shit</s> are very single-minded in their focus on their task and thus are likely to acquire supplies you need for yourself. They are not able to understand you, so often the only way to get them to stop is to give them a few whacks until they can't continue.

=== Как их делать? ===
If you see a drone working, you will interfere by getting too close. Give them some space if you see one, so they can continue their work.
Дроны могут быть исследованы в РнД под веткой ''Dexterous Robotics Research'', и собраны в [[mech fabricator]] в разделе ''Control Interfaces''.

=== Украшения ===
The repurposed W.I.Z Inc. machine-spirit hardware in drone tech is highly susceptible to hat based emanations. <s>Stealing</s> Borrowing of hats is an unfortunate side effect of this; do not be alarmed. If the <s>glitchy little bastard</s> valued robot helper refuses to give up your headgear, wear the drone as a hat instead. Some models of drone have an inbuilt holoprojector for headgear.
Дроны могут менять своё обличие и цвета.
=== How do I make them? ===
Drones can be researched by R&D under the ''Dexterous Robotics Research'' node, and constructed at a [[mech fabricator]] under ''Control Interfaces''.
=== Customization ===
Drones can customize both their appearances and the colors in which they appear in.

[[File:Drone.png]] [[File:Repairdrone.png]] [[File:Scoutdrone.png]]<br>
[[File:Drone.png]] [[File:Repairdrone.png]] [[File:Scoutdrone.png]]<br>
[[File:Droneblue.png]] [[File:Dronegreen.png]] [[File:Dronepink.png]] [[File:Dronepink2.png]] [[File:Dronered.png]] [[File:Superdrone.png]]
[[File:Droneblue.png]] [[File:Dronegreen.png]] [[File:Dronepink.png]] [[File:Dronepink2.png]] [[File:Dronered.png]] [[File:Superdrone.png]]

== Типы дронов ==
== Drone Types ==
Очень редко упоминаемы, не доделаны и никогда не будут.
Very rarely encountered, never naturally implemented. Still exists in the code, however.

=== Синди-дрон ===
=== Syndrone ===
<br> Заместо законов обычного дрона, синдикатовские получили специальные законы. Стоят 10 телекристалов, могут убивать других дронов и поедать их, чтобы увеличивать своё здоровье. Изначально имеют 30 здоровья, но могут повысить его аж до 120. Также у них есть доступ к радиоканалу синдиката и носит шлем от их космического костюма. Имеет полный доступ и может лазать по вентиляциям как и обычный дрон.
<br> Instead of the default drone laws, the syndicate drone receives a special syndicate lawset. It gets 10 telecrystals (which can be used to buy weapons), and can kill and eat other drones to increase its health. They also get access to the syndicate radio channel, and wears a syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. It has a default 30 health, but by consuming other drones, it can reach a maximum health pool of 120. Very powerful, as it has all access, and can ventcrawl around. This, combined with the fact that the little bugger is super hard to hit means that you can be a real menace to the crew.

'''Law 1:''' Вмешивайся.
'''Law 1:''' Interfere.

'''Law 2:''' Убивай.
'''Law 2:''' Kill.

'''Law 3:''' Разрушай.
'''Law 3:''' Destroy.

==== Крутой синди-дрон ====
==== Badass Syndrone ====
Синди дрон, но стоит 30 телекристалов, отличается только тем, что носит шлем от элитного костюма вместо обычного синдикатовского.
It's a regular Syndrone, except it has 30 telecrystals, which is plenty enough for you to go on a killing rampage. It is distinguished by normal syndrones by getting a special elite syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. Fancy. Unfortunately, it still has 30 default health and is still vulnerable to EMPs.

=== Дрон снежинка ===
=== Snowflake Drone ===
[[File:Generic drone.png]]<br>
[[File:Generic drone.png]]<br>
<br> Техтоннельный дрон с встроенным голографическим прожектором шляп и масок. Так же может бесконечно менять свой цвет.
<br> A maintenance drone with a built in holographic projector to display hats and masks. The possibilities are endless! This drone can also polymorph its own color.



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Generic drone.png

Руководители: Your laws
Уровень сложности: Easy
Руководства: Guide to construction, Guide to advanced construction, Singularity Engine, Solars, Guide to Telecommunications
Доступ: Everywhere
Обязанности: Maintain the integrity of the station. Avoid any non-drone species.
Минимальные требования: Maintain the space station, don't have elaborate communications with others.

IMPORTANT: As a Drone you MUST NOT DISTURB THE ONGOING ROUND, you are bound to three simple laws. Understand what they mean and obey them to the letter.

Drones are non-human, insect-like creatures tasked with maintaining the integrity of Nanotrasen space stations. They are usually the result of cooperation between Robotics and RnD. Drones hold no loyalty to anyone but themselves, however their entire purpose is to maintain the integrity of their assigned space station. They cannot interact with any non-drone person at all, at risk of destruction.

Drones are played by players who are currently ghosted. In order to take control of a Drone, find a empty drone shell (usually these will be in robotics) and then left click it. See also building a drone

Drone Laws

Gavel.png These are rules

You will be banned from playing as a drone if you break these laws.

  1. You may not involve yourself in the matters of another being, even if such matters conflict with Law Two or Law Three, unless the other being is another Drone.
  2. You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance.
  3. Your goals are to build, maintain, repair, improve, and power to the best of your abilities, You must never actively work against these goals.

What This Means

Laws 1 and 2 prohibit you from interacting with living beings. This includes humans, lizardpeople, silicons, monkeys, pets, slimes, animals, xenos, and basically anything that is not an object, another drone, or part of the station. You cannot help them, you cannot hurt them, and you cannot interact with them at all, ever. This does not mean you have to go out of your way to avoid living beings; they simply do not exist to you. Person in crit? Walk on by. Traitor murdering someone in maint? Not your problem. Xeno infestation? Just fix the holes they leave in the station.

Law 3 gives your mandate: station upkeep. This is not the same as prevention! Upkeep can include repairing hull breaches, cleaning bloodstains or vandalism, repairing power issues, and generally what a Station Engineer or Janitor never does. This is intentionally somewhat broad. For example, setting up the solars is definitely okay. Building a fort in maintenance is probably okay. Dragging around the nuclear authentication disk like a party train is not okay. And interacting with living beings in the process is never okay. If you see an active bomb, you leave it alone. There is no damage yet after all. Once it goes off, the station is damaged and only then does your third law come into play. Use common sense or get banned.

Nanotrasen stations being what they are, gray areas might sometimes arise. When in doubt, ahelp.


Drones have two hands, and can pick up certain items around the station just like humans. They are also equipped with a built in wrench, screwdriver, wirecutters, welding tool, and crowbar. Drones also have built-in light sources, as bright as flashlights, for when they are working in dark areas.

Drones can climb through connected vents to quickly move around the station. To do that hold down the Alt key while left-clicking on a vent. Use this to access areas without opening doors and to gather tools or materials for repairs faster than any regular crew member could. Think about cleaning up your mess after a task is complete to minimize your possible interaction with the crew (law 1).

Drones can talk to and understand other drones with the special drone language, but otherwise cannot understand anyone else. Drones can also speak on the Drone Chat channel with ":b", like the Silicon binary channel, but just for drones.

Some humans will want to pick you up and wear you as a hat. This is of course of no concern to you.


A number of restrictions are placed on drones to limit their interaction with the world, which can help you keep your laws.

  • Cannot interact when within 4 tiles of a being.
  • Cannot interact in the Supermatter Engine or Atmospherics areas
  • Cannot interact with machines touched by a being less than 5 minutes ago.
  • Cannot use air alarms or computers.
  • Can only pick up certain items.

You should generally be able to perform your duties with these restrictions, but a good rule of thumb is you can't help beings repair a room, unless you keep your distance.

Drones and You

Drones are here to repair your screw ups damage to the station. They are able to procure these resources on their own and may attempt to take them from your workplace. Most of the time this should not be a problem for you, but if it is, pick up the metal or glass and the drone will leave it (and you) alone.

Remember, drones will probably glitch out and steal your shit are very single-minded in their focus on their task and thus are likely to acquire supplies you need for yourself. They are not able to understand you, so often the only way to get them to stop is to give them a few whacks until they can't continue.

If you see a drone working, you will interfere by getting too close. Give them some space if you see one, so they can continue their work.

The repurposed W.I.Z Inc. machine-spirit hardware in drone tech is highly susceptible to hat based emanations. Stealing Borrowing of hats is an unfortunate side effect of this; do not be alarmed. If the glitchy little bastard valued robot helper refuses to give up your headgear, wear the drone as a hat instead. Some models of drone have an inbuilt holoprojector for headgear.

How do I make them?

Drones can be researched by R&D under the Dexterous Robotics Research node, and constructed at a mech fabricator under Control Interfaces.


Drones can customize both their appearances and the colors in which they appear in.

Drone.png Repairdrone.png Scoutdrone.png
Droneblue.png Dronegreen.png Dronepink.png Dronepink2.png Dronered.png Superdrone.png

Drone Types

Very rarely encountered, never naturally implemented. Still exists in the code, however.



Instead of the default drone laws, the syndicate drone receives a special syndicate lawset. It gets 10 telecrystals (which can be used to buy weapons), and can kill and eat other drones to increase its health. They also get access to the syndicate radio channel, and wears a syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. It has a default 30 health, but by consuming other drones, it can reach a maximum health pool of 120. Very powerful, as it has all access, and can ventcrawl around. This, combined with the fact that the little bugger is super hard to hit means that you can be a real menace to the crew.

Law 1: Interfere.

Law 2: Kill.

Law 3: Destroy.

Badass Syndrone

It's a regular Syndrone, except it has 30 telecrystals, which is plenty enough for you to go on a killing rampage. It is distinguished by normal syndrones by getting a special elite syndicate spacesuit helmet as a hat. Fancy. Unfortunately, it still has 30 default health and is still vulnerable to EMPs.

Snowflake Drone

Generic drone.png

A maintenance drone with a built in holographic projector to display hats and masks. The possibilities are endless! This drone can also polymorph its own color.

Персонал на станции Fluffy Frontier

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