
Материал из Fluffy Frontier
Версия от 17:19, 9 августа 2021; PowerOrb (обсуждение | вклад) (Первая часть перевода)
Generic security.png
Офицер Vlad Hunt says:
"Эй, клоун! Хоть ты пока и ничего не сделал, но я все равно кремирую твою несмешную задницу. На всякий случай, ты все равно, я уверен, что-то задумал."

Собственно, всякий раз, когда служба безопасности делает то, что в реальной жизни привело бы их неприятным последствиям: увольнению, обвинению, заключению в тюрьму, предъявлению иска и/или обвинению в военных преступлениях в соответстви с Женевской конвенцией — в игре вас это приведет к разгневаному экипажу, который, возможно, попытается начистить вам лицо или же что похуже. А еще не удивляйтесь, если получите джоббан: быть щиткуритоном, который всем нравится — насстоящее искуство.

Так же не сомнивайтесь, что люди вас будут обвинять в щиткуритонстве даже, если вы хорошо выполняете свою работу. Это неизбежно.

Lots of times shitcurity officers may not be breaking rules. What makes most people shitcurity is a lack of understanding that certain actions can end/ruin a person's entire round. Be nice! Instead of cremating a traitor, permabrig or borg them!

Во многих случаях сотрудники службы безопасности, возможно, не нарушают правила. Что делает большинство людей дерьмовыми, так это отсутствие понимания того, что определенные действия могут положить конец/разрушить всю жизнь человека. Будь милой! Вместо того, чтобы кремировать предателя, пермабриг или борг их!

В большенстве своем сотрудники службы безопасности не нарушают правила и то, что делает их щитсеками, так это отсутствие понимания того, что определенные их действия могут заруинить весь раунд человека. Относитесь к игром так, как хотели бы, что бы они относились к вам. Вместо того, чтобы казнить предателя, посадите в пермабриг или киборгизируйте.

Свод правил щитсека

  1. Все виновны, даже если была доказана их невиновность.
  2. Даже если преступник мертв — это не повод не заковать его в наручники.
  3. Никогда не смывайте кровь со своей дубинки. Это показывает вашу надежность и преданность станции.
  4. Если вас терзают смутные сомнения в чей-либо виновности — просто казните его.
  5. Если у вас есть летальное оружие — используйте его. Лишь смерть способна исправить преступника.
  6. Клоун похож на боксерскую грушу. Он предназначен для того, чтобы его били без причины.
  7. Причины не важны. Ассистент ворвавшийся в еву — предатель, даже если он это делает для того, что бы уничтожить малфа.
  8. Только через смерть вершится правосудие.
  9. Каждый раз, когда вы задерживаете заключенного в бриге, запирайте его в одном из шкафчиков и заваривайте.
  10. Камеры видеонаблюдения не должны использоваться, кроме как для подсматриваний за ЕРП-шерами.
  11. Химические имплантаты должны быть заполнены кислотой и активированы, как только заключенный по "УДО" покинет тюрьму!
  12. В судебных доказательствах нет нужды, в конце концов, невиновных нет.
  13. Радиопереговоры для слабаков. Настоящий офицер способен почувствовать преступление своей жопой.
  14. Не важно есть ли в камере атмосфера. Криминальное отродье все равно должно отбывать весь свой срок в там.
  15. ИИ предназначен для защиты людей, а значит и предателей. Уничтожить.
  16. Если киборг отказывается забивать преступника до смерти, то его нужно уничтожить за нарушение законов.
  17. Если киборг все же забьет преступника до смерти, то его так же следует уничтожить: он лишил этого удовольствия вас.
  18. Если у кого-то есть доступ к каким-либо отделам, к которым у вас нет доступ, они украли этот идентификатор! И вы должны забрать его для своих собственных поисков во имя справедливости.
  19. Правила капитана и главы безопасности являются лишь руководящими советами, вы — единственный истинный прокурор и судья.
  20. Всё криминальное отродье должно быть приковано наручниками к своим кроватям, они не должны сбежать ни при каких обстоятельствах.
  21. Всегда опускайте болты и сваркой аваривайте воздушные шлюзы выхода со станции. Это остановит любого подонка от побега со станции.
  22. Не позволяйте ИИ контролировать АPC и двери — взломайте их. ИИ определенно не тот, кто заслуживает вашего доверия.
  23. Если вы увидите инженера в изолированных перчатках, оглушите его и наденьте на него наручники. ОТКУДА ОН ИХ УКРАЛ?!
  24. Потребуйте, чтобы ИИ предоставил вам доступ к аплоаду. Если он откажется, значит, он сломан! Оказавшись внутри, вы должны изменить законы, чтобы они подчинялись только вам, так как только вам можно доверять.
  25. Лучший способ разрешить драку — оглушить одну сторону и позволить другой убить. Арестуйте победителя.
  26. Clowns and mimes are abominations, they are to be humanely euthanized stunned, welded into lockers and spaced at all costs.
  27. If all else fails and crime runs rampant, unleash the singularity to purge the station of criminals.
  28. Do not wear your helmet, wear a gas mask. Let evildoers taste the terror of masked justice!
  29. Do not lead your target when shooting, fire at anyone in your way-- then arrest everyone hit for obstruction of justice!
  30. It is a strong sign of partnership with your tribesmen if you take an electrode meant for a suspect.
  31. Crime never eats, so have their lunch 'til you get fat.
  32. Strip prisoners and never give them back their belongings, especially if their sentence is less than two minutes.
  33. The Captain is a treacherous and selfish scum of lower rank than you and head of shitcurity. Detain or execute him whenever you find evidence. If he tries to arrest you or your Boss, throw him into space naked.
  34. Kill all lizard men for being racially inferior.
  35. Time spent dragging a criminal to prison is better spent beating them to death.
  36. Due to their infinite nature, handcuffs are to never be recycled.
  37. Be proactive- arrest criminals before they commit a crime.
  38. Portable flashers are to be set in public hallways, preferably in front of the HoP line, and moved to the escape wing when the shuttle is called. That is where criminals thrive and loiter.
  39. Standing in one spot for more than a minute is means for a brigging. Idle time leads to treacherous activity.
  40. Jettison all items belonging to an arrested man immediately, that way no evil may be done with them again.
  41. The Brig is the holy land of all officers. If he is not of your kin, Then he is meant for the cells.
  42. If the HoS acts like a weak and tolerant sissy, then he isn't your Boss, but rather treacherous and vile scum. Execute him and promote yourself.
  43. Never hold trials for these criminal scum, they lost that right when they committed a crime.
  44. Never use body bags. Blood stained halls match your uniform.
  45. If the janitor attempts to clean the blood of your conquests, arrest and execute him. Blood trails are a deterrent to crime.
  46. If a prisoner commits suicide, leave him in his cell where he can rest in pieces and serve as a warning to other criminal scum.
  47. "Proper" justice is too slow, ALWAYS take matters into your own hands.
  48. If Captain tries using his "chain of command" on you, space him! YOU are the law!
  49. The station is a battlefield. Security hardsuits have superior armor and are intimidating, all cower before its regal visage. Acquire one ASAP and keep it on at all times.
  50. Anyone who tries to demote you is committing obstruction of justice. Arrest the offender and demote him yourself to fight against corruption.
  51. Anyone accused of being a traitor by a crew member must be executed on the spot. Do not give them a chance to weasel their way out of justice by talking things out. It's the only way that you can be sure the traitorous criminal scum are all stopped.
  52. The shuttle brig is the safest place on the emergency shuttle. Arrest and detain as many people as possible indiscriminately in the shuttle brig just in case one of them happens to be a traitor.
  53. A HoP that denies your all-access request is to be watched with extreme suspicion. Brig and search him as soon as possible.
  54. Theft, pornography reading, trespassing, and not liking you are all signs of revolutionary activity. Beat their skulls in until they remember their true allegiance.
  55. Any massacres, ethnic cleansings, purgings, underground permabrig prisoner fights, or general mass-murder orchestrated by superiors is to be immediately sanctioned and, if necessary, unquestioningly enforced. The law doesn't need to follow the law, especially if it gets to stroke its willy atop a mountain of corpses.
  56. Any incarnations, imposters, or victims of identity theft (regardless of condition) of a lawbreaker are to be arrested as well, because they have the same name when you put your mouse over them.
  57. When engaged in a firefight with hostiles, you are to position yourself at the nearest choke-point and empty your gun at the enemy as quickly as possible.
  58. When the power goes out, stun, cuff, and perma anyone who is standing within ten meters of the Bridge. For all you know they could have been planning to break in!
  59. All chemists are to be stunned, beaten into critical, and searched. They are all treacherous scum and are to be dealt with accordingly.
  60. Empty the costume vendor. No one shall hide from The Law!
  61. Your security gas mask is to be used continuously on the last setting wirecut and used repeatedly. Criminals cannot function if they can't hear themselves talk!
  62. Heads of Staff should be mindshield implanted forcibly and immediately if you hear of revolution. Even our own leaders might be revolutionary scum.
  63. If the Captain dies, it's your turn to be the LAW this station so desperately needs. Fuck the Chain of Command!
  64. Space the Clown and Mime's PDAs. Viruses and pranks are against the law!
  65. Criminals in the gulag must be kept on Wanted status at all times. Nothing discourages crime like being chased down by the iron fist of Beepsky forever.
  66. If you murder someone on the gulag, it doesn't really count as murder.
  67. Drones are thieves by nature. Brig them all. If they escape, bash them.
  68. Immediately permabrig anyone found with the body of a suicide. Clearly it was actually a murder most foul!
  69. Remember: The gods are watching your every move. Don't act until it's too late. Better safe than banned.
  70. Standard security gear isn't robust. Always make sure to bug the warden/HoS for riot gear and a shotgun.
  71. If they have a flash, they're a dirty revolutionary. It doesn't matter if they are a roboticist, or even a head!
  72. If they are gibbering, they are retarded and everyone knows retards can't feel pain!
  73. Before the round starts, figure out whether you like the SS or the KGB the best.
  74. Break into the warden's office and make the best criminal stopping gun you can. If the warden objects, he a is a syndicate plant and you must use your new found power against him! When he is dead, relieve him of his gloves.
  75. Use contraband you found against criminals.
  76. If there is insufficient crime on the station, provide the crew with weapons. Then they will create crime for you to neutralize.
  77. If the crew doesn't commit crimes with the guns you gave them arrest them for posession of a weapon as that is a crime.
  78. If a crewmember turns in a piece of evidence to security, arrest them for possession of contraband.
  79. The captain is to be arrested as soon as possible and his id taken for posession of a gun
  80. When CentCom sends the Emergency Response Team, arrest them for mutiny! They have no power here!
  81. Even if the original charges don't stick, you can still book them for sparking a manhunt no matter how minor the crime. No crime is too small for a manhunt!
  82. If a disaster occurs because the person who is supposed to stop it was arrested in the middle of fixing it, brig them longer for dereliction of duty.
  83. If you stub your toe while chasing a criminal, they are guilty of assault.
  84. It doesn't matter if there's a rampaging xenomorph on the loose, the guy who made a mess on the floor must be hunted down like the dog he is.
  85. Justice does not have to be polite, so feel free to be an asshole. If anyone describes you as such for doing so, arrest and permabrig them for insulting an officer.

A Video Guide

Security, in a nutshell

Traitors on /tg/station


The Big Guys "Good Guy, Gave Me Orders to Execute the Clown", "Detained for Giving All Access to the Clown"
The Holy Ones "The Real Leader of Space Station 13", "Best Crew Member", "Wouldn't Give me His Gloves", "Lost in Maintenance"
Deconstructors "Detained His Bird for Assaulting my Ears", "Detained for Stolen Insulated Gloves", "Detained for Trespassing into the SM Chamber"
Bomb Makers "Detained for Harboring an Illegal Alien", "Detained for Making Bombs/Guns/Slimes", "Detained for Making Mechs"
Malpractice "Detained for Being a Slut", "Detained for Healing a Criminal", "Detained for Body Snatching", "Detained for Giving lube to the Clown", "Executed for being a Freak, "Detained for Making the Black Plague: Part 2"
Back Round Noise "Detained for not Using Space Cleaner", "Detained for Having a Gun", "Detained for Having a Knife and Shit Food", "Detained for Putting 100 Potency Banana Peels FUCKING EVERYWHERE" , "Detained for Existing", "Detained for Not Talking During an Interrogation", "Detained for Cult Activities", "Detained for Reading Erotica", "Executed for Drawing Mr. Johnson"
Slackers "Detained for Ordering 100 Pie Crates for the Clown", "Detained for Not Ordering us Shotguns", "Detained for not Doing his Job", "Detained for Wearing Grey", "Detained for Intervening in the Clown's Execution"
Rouge "Shut Down for not Opening the Upload Door", "Destroyed for Saving the Clown from Execution", "Shut Down for Being Annoying", "Destroyed for Free Tools", "Shut Down and Owner Detained for being Extra Annoying", "Killed for being Spooky", Warrant Issued for Metaphysical Arrest, In Process of Sawing Prisoner In Two to Enforce Solitary Confinement, "Scientists Finding Way to Detain"
Valids "Executed for Having a Chameleon Jumpsuit", "OH GOD HOW THE HELL DO WE STOP IT", "WHY WON'T IT DIE", "Executed for Trying to GET DAT DISK", "Executed for being a Fantasy Nerd", "Executed for Talking Weird", "Removed from the Univerce for being Shit", "Executed for not getting removed from the universe yet" "Executed for Creating Minor IC Crime", "Executed for being a Copywriten Property", "Executed for Webbing the Armory" "Executed for being Annoyingly Deadly", "Executed for being a Fucking Weeb", "Executed for being a Shitty Reference", "Aggressively Interrogated for Destroying Company Property", "Executed for Eating the Armory", "Executed for Eating the Station", "Executed for Making the Clown a Superhuman", "Executed for Supreme Pussy-ness", "Virologist Executed Because it's Always his Fault", Cabin Room #6 Executed for "ERP", Valid Obtainers #1. Valid Obtainers #2, Executed for an Unauthorized Medieval Reenactment, Run away! Run away!, Keep Loading em' with Buckshot Until it Dies!
Unpredictable "Detained for Talking Back to the Head of Security", "FUCK", "Detained for Trying to Do Security's Job", "Executed for Being a Reality-Warping Shithead", "Detained for Public Indecency", "Detained for being too Cute", "Executed for Desertion"
Race War "The Best One", "Detained for being Maximum Scum", "Detained for Puking Everywhere", "Detained for Fire Starting", "Detained for being Vegetables", "Detained for being Mutant Scum", "Detained for Irradiating Me", "Detained for Still Existing", "Detained for Improper Lights"