Guide to Circuits: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
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(не показано 5 промежуточных версий 2 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
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'''Схемы''' - это отличный способ автоматизировать всё, что попадётся тебе под руку! Сделайте шлюз, который открывается по секретному слово или дрона, который бегает за вашими обидчиками и покрывает их трёхэтажным матом! Свобода действий не ограничена.
|reason = This looks more like a place-holder than an actual guide. Circuits in-game aren't explained well at all, so having an actual guide to these things would be great.
Перед тем, как начать, вам нужно немного подготовиться:
= Необходимые предметы =
==[[File:Integrated_circuit.png|64px]] Интегральная схема ==
Интегральная схема - ваш фундамент для построения различных логических схем и машин. Именно она используется, как "мозг" ваших машин. Однако же, интегральная схема может работать и сама по себе, без оболочки.
Сперва интегральную схему нужно запитать [[File:Powercell.png|class=pixelart]]'''Батареей'''. Как только вы убедились, что батарея заряжена, просто {{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Нажатие ЛКМ. Не имеет разницы, включён ли <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Включается на '''4''' или '''F''' по умолчанию. ЛКМ по людям пустой рукой [[Combat Mode#Harm|Навредит]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] им, если включён, или [[Combat Mode#Help|Поможет]] [[File:Help_32.png]] им, если выключен. Предотвращает рокировку с другими людьми и не даёт себя толкать. </div></span> или нет.</div>'''используйте её''' на интегральной схеме. Если вы хотите сменить или зарядить батарейку, просто нажмите [[File:Screwdriver tool.png|class=pixelart]] '''Отвёрткой''' по ней.
{{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Нажатие ЛКМ. Не имеет разницы, включён ли <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Включается на '''4''' или '''F''' по умолчанию. ЛКМ по людям пустой рукой [[Combat Mode#Harm|Навредит]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] им, если включён, или [[Combat Mode#Help|Поможет]] [[File:Help_32.png]] им, если выключен. Предотвращает рокировку с другими людьми и не даёт себя толкать. </div></span> или нет.</div>Батарейка разряжается по мере выполнения интегральной схемой операций. Нажав на маленькую i на компоненте покажет, сколько он расходует заряда за операцию. Если вы не понимаете, о чём идёт речь, читайте дальше.
Как только вы поместили заряженную батарейку в интегральную схему (опционально), вы можете засунуть её в [[File:Shell_bot.png|class=pixelart]][[Guide_to_Circuits#Оболочка|Оболочку]].
==[[File:Shell_bot.png|64px|class=pixelart]] Оболочка ==
The shell will make it possible for you to add components to the integrated circuit, it'll let you access the circuitry, and it'll add input options so that you can interface with your circuit.
С некоторыми оболочками, вам потребуется [[File:Screwdriver tool.png|class=pixelart]] '''Отвёртка''' для их сбора перед тем, как вы сможете {{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Toggle with '''4''' or '''F''' by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will [[Combat Mode#Harm|Harm]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] them if on, or [[Combat Mode#Help|Help]] [[File:Help_32.png]] them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. </div></span> is on or not.</div>'''использовать''' [[File:Integrated_circuit.png|class=pixelart]][[Guide_to_Circuits#Интегральная схема|интегральную схему]] на вашей оболочке.
<div class="tooltiptext">Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Toggle with '''4''' or '''F''' by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will [[Combat Mode#Harm|Harm]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] them if on, or [[Combat Mode#Help|Help]] [[File:Help_32.png]] them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. </div></span> is on or not.</div>Если вам по какой-то причине понадобится вынуть интегральную схему из оболочки, примените на ней [[File:Screwdriver tool.png|class=pixelart]] '''Отвёртку'''.
Оболочки разделяются на четыре группы по размеру. От размера зависит количество компонентов, которые могут поместиться в оболочке. Из них:
* '''Малые''': Имеют лимит в 25 компонентов.
* '''Средние''': Имеют лимит в 50 компонентов.
* '''Большие''': Имеют лимит в 100 компонентов.
* '''Огромные''': Имеют лимит в 500 компонентов.
Существует множество оболочек, каждая из которых имеет свои дополнительные функции:
(Если вы не понимаете, что такое "выход" и "сущность", изучите [[Guide_to_Circuits#Типы сигналов|типы сигналов]])
{| class="wikitable" Width="80%"
! Имя || Описание || Размер || Необходимые исследования || Необходима сборка?
| Пульт || Простейшая оболочка с единичным сигналом на выходе при нажатии {{Leftclick}} '''use''' it on your hand.|| Малая || Отсутствуют || Нет
| Бот || Простейшая стационарная оболочка. Выводит единичный сигнал подобно пульту, если {{Leftclick}} '''нажать''' по нему || Большой || Advanced Shell Research || Да
| Шлюз || Шлюз, контролируемый интегральной схемой. '''Чтобы вставить схему, {{Leftclick}} Нажмите ЛКМ по нему, находясь в {{Combat Mode}}'''. Имеет множество сигналов, позволяющих открывать, закрывать, болтировать её и убирать болты. А также сигнал, оповещающий о действии, плюс два цифровых выхода, возвращающих 1 или 0 в зависимости от того,открыты или нет, заболтированы они или нет.|| Большая || Advanced Shell Research || Да
| Контроллер || Аналогичен Пульту, но имеет несколько кнопок-вводов: {{Leftclick}} Используйте в руке для первичного выхода (Известен, как "Signal" в интегралке), Alt-{{Leftclick}}, чтобы нажать альтернативную кнопку, и {{Rightclick}} в руке, чтобы нажать дополнительную кнопку. || Средний || Advanced Shell Research || Нет
|A stationary shell that is able to take and dispense items. Its outputs signals tell you what Items it has in it as a list, what was the last Item that was added, and two triggers for when an item is added and removed. To dispense an item click the plus button on the top right of the window, you'll see a "Vend" window pop up, from there you can choose what entity you want to dispense, and when you trigger "Vend Item" the item will be dispensed. To put items inside it just {{Leftclick}}Click it with the item in your hand.
|Advanced Shell Research
| Gun || A handheld shell that's actually a GUN. Has infinite bullets, and returns both who shot the gun, what the bullet hit, and a trigger that triggers when the gun is shot. || Medium || Advanced Shell Research || No
| Money Bot || Stationary like the Bot component, but allows taking and dispensing credits! Has output signals that tell you when money has been inserted, how much money has been inserted and how much money the machine has in general.|| Large || Advanced Shell Research || Yes
| Scanner Gate || Very simple shell that returns any entity that walks through it. || Large || Advanced Shell Research || Yes
| Scanner || Another handheld shell. {{Leftclick}} Use it on anything to output that thing as an entity. || Large || Advanced Shell Research || No
| Brain-Computer Interface || Circuits, but in your BRAIN! For more information on Brain-Computer Interfaces (Also known as BCI), go [[Guide_to_Circuits#Brain-Computer Interfaces|here]]|| Small || Brain-Computer Interfaces || Yes
| Drone || This little guy is able to move around just like you! Has many signal inputs, with each representing each direction in which it can go.|| Large || Movable Shell Research || Yes
| Server || Basically the same as the Bot shell, but bigger and better || Very large || Server Technology Research || Yes
Once you have a shell with an integrated circuit in it, you may access the circuit in it by using a [[File:Multitool.png|class=pixelart]] '''Multitool''' on it, and you may also begin to add [[File:Circuit_component.png]][[Guide_to_Circuits#Components|Components]] to your circuit.
=[[File:Circuit_component.png|64px|class=pixelart]] Components =
== Типы сигналов ==
Every single thing in circuits revolves around these signal types. They send either information or triggers, which is the bases of circuits. There are 7 types of signals:
* '''Signal''': Think of these as a pulse of electricity or a shockwave. They are NOT binary, when you activate one a chain reaction begins throughout the rest. Can easily be turned into numbers but you should only do so for checking whether its 0 or not, since the value itself makes no sense.
* '''Number''': Any number your heart desires. Can also be used as a signal component, with any number above 0 activating a signal. You can also connect them to a string input.
* '''String''': Any ascii character. If you try to write numbers in this, they will not be classified as numbers, so you can't do arithmetic equations with them.
* '''Entity''': If you know DM, this is the equivalent to an atom. If you don't, then basically it can be any single item or living thing.
* '''List''': Any of the above data types, joined into a single element. There different kinds of lists, each corresponding to each of the datatypes mentioned above. You access said data types by indexing the list. You cannot make a list of lists, that's what tables are for.
* '''Table''': A list of lists, usually used in databases such as the security arrests one. If a component provides a Table, you'll usually be able to see what each entry in said table is by clicking the information icon in the component.
* '''Any''': Usually used in inputs, signifies that it can take any of the signal types above.
* '''Options''': Changes what the component does, or what inputs it takes in. Can be changed with a string signal type.
== Available Components ==
You might need to research specific things to unlock some of these components.
{| class="wikitable" Width="80%"
! Name || Description
| Arithmetic || When triggered performs basic mathematical operations: Adding, substracting, multiplying, getting the minimum and getting the maximum.
|Binary Conversion
|Turns any number into a sequence of binary digits (which is a way of represent numbers with only two digits- 1 and 0). For example, the input "2" will output the following bits in the following order, from top to bottom: "01000000". Good for obfuscating information or for usage with AND, OR and XOR components.
| Clock || When the input is any number above 0, it'll begin sending the output signal every 0.9 seconds.
| Comparison || When triggered checks two of the inputs to see if they're equal, not equal, lesser than or bigger than the other. The Result output returns either 0 or 1 depending on if the comparison is true or not.
| Concatenation || Combines up to four strings into one string.
| Concatenate List || Turns a list into a string by adding a specified separator between the items. For example, we have a list that has two items, "Item1" and "Item2". If we set the separator as "," then we get "Item1,Item2". If we set the separator as " " (a space), we get "Item1 Item2".
|Decimal Conversion
|Converts a binary sequence into a decimal number. For example: The sequence of numbers "01000000" will return 2. Useful for translating stuff made with the Binary Conversion component back into a normal number.
| Delay || When triggered, waits the specified amount of time in seconds, then triggers the output
| Direction || When triggered, will output the direction towards the target entity from the point of view of the shell as either a string or a signal.
|Filter List
|Loops through each item on the list, and if the "Next Index" output signal connects to the "Accept Entry" input signal, then the value of that element of the list will be saved to the "Filtered List" output. The "Element" output string outputs the current element, "Index" outputs the index of said element, "Next Index" is triggered when it's time to check the next item in the list, "Filtered list" outputs the list with the filtered items, "On Finished" triggers when the component has gone through all the elements of the list and "On Failed" triggers when the component fails.
Example: I have a list that has the following values: "Item","Item","Clown","Item". I want to remove the "Clown" value from the list while keeping the list format, so I use the Filter List component. I set my string as the "List Input" value, and I connect the "Element" output into a comparison component and I change the comparison option to "=", and I type "Item" into the second input. I connect the "Next Index" output into the "Compare" input, and the "True" output into the "Accept Entry" input, then I trigger the "Trigger" input in the Filter component. The component will then grab the first element in the list, it being the word "Item", then send the "Next Index" component, basically saying "I wanna go to the next item". Before it can move to the next item, however, whatever's connected to "Next Index" must finish, so the comparison input must do the comparison. We check whether if the element is "Item", and yes, it is. So we send a "True" signal, which connects to the "Accept Entry" signal input, which adds the Element into the final Filtered List, then goes to the next element, it being "Item" again, so the same thing will happen. When it gets to "Clown", the Comparison component will return False, and because there's nothing connected to the "False" output, the component ends there, which means that "Accept Entry" is never triggered, so "Clown" is not added to our final list. After all that we can check our output list, and we'll see that it's "Item", "Item", "Item".
|For Each
|Same as Filter List, but it does not output a list. Useful for checking if a value is in a list if you do not know at what index that value will be in.
| Get Column || Gets the column of a table and returns it as a list.
| GPS || When triggered, outputs the current position of the shell the Integrated Circuit is in
| Health || When triggered, gets the health and damage amounts of the entity input.
| Voice Activator || Triggers itself whenever it can hear a message, may this message be oral or through a radio. Returns information about said message and the speaker. If the message comes from a radio, you wont be able to get who said the original message.
| Index || When triggered, indexes a list to get the value of an item in it. For example, let's say you have a list with the following items: Item1, Item2, Item3 and Item4. If you index the list by 1, you'll get "Item1" as the output.
|Index Associative List
| Length || When triggered, gets the length of an input. If the input is a list or table, gets how many items it has. If it's a string, gets how many characters it has. If it's a number, retunrs 0.
| Light || Emits light. The "On" input will make the light turn on if the number is anything above 0, and it'll turn off if it is 0.
| List Literal || Basically, let's you create lists. Press the plus icon to add an item to the list, and the minus icon to remove the last one in the list. When triggered, joins the inputs into a list.
| Logic || When triggered, checks whether if: its inputs are all true (AND), one of its inputs is true (OR), ONLY one of its inputs is true (XOR)
| MMI || Let's you add an [[Research_items#MMI|MMI]] to the Integrated Circuit. The "Message" and "Send Message" inputs let you send the MMI inside the shell a message that only it can hear. The outputs correspond to the keys in the player controlling the MMI's brain's keyboard: North is Up/W, East is Right/D, South is Down/S, West is Left/A, Attack is Left click and Secondary Attack is Right click.
| Module || If you know programming, this is basically the equivalent of a function. If you don't know programmming, think of it as an integrated circuit inside an integrated circuit. Useful for making circuits look way less messy. You can duplicate these using the Module Duplicator.
| Multiplexer || When triggered, checks to see if the number input is a number from 1 to 4, and if so, chooses the respective input of that number. For example, If I type "Test1" in the "Input 1" Input, and "Test2" in the "Input 2" Input, then change the value in the Input selector to 2, it'll return "Test2". It's as confusing as it sounds.
| Not || If it receives anything other than 0, outputs 0. If it receives exactly 0, outputs 1.
| NTNet Transmitter || Transmits any kind of data through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck. Data can only be recieved by the NTNet Receiver.
| NTNet Receiver || Recieves data sent through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck.
|Proximity Pinpointer
|Returns the X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the entity input, but only if it's in view of the shell.
| Pressure Sensor || When triggered, outputs the sensor of the exact tile in which the shell is at that time.
|Prints a given string into a paper. It doesn't dispense the paper, and it triggers once the input string is received. Once it has been received you can get your paper by triggering the "Eject" input signal.waw
| Radio || Sends and receives frequencies from radios or other radio components.
| Random || When triggered, outputs a random number between the minimum and maximum numbers you set as inputs.
| Router || TBA
| Select Query || For use with USB cables. Gets you the table that matches the column name and comparison input you provide it. For example: You connect it to the security arrests console, and from the arrests database you want to get the info of your friend, Mops-The-Floors. On the Input value, you connect the database output. On the Column Name you type "Name", and on the comparison input you type "Mops-The-Floors". It'll get you the table who's "Name" value matches "Mops-The-Floors". From there you can index it and get its arrest status, its crimes, etc.
| Self || Returns the current shell as an entity.
| Sound emitter || Emits a sound. You can choose what sound to emit from the options menu, and you can change both frequency and volume
| Get species || When triggered, returns the species of the entity input as a string.
| Speech || When triggered, says what you inputted in the string input out loud.
| Split || Splits a string by its separator, turning it into a list. For example, you have a string that "Looks like this". By setting the string input to that string, and its separator to a space (" "), you'll get a list that "Looks", "like", "this"
| String Contains
| When triggered, checks whether the string you set in the "needle" input is in the string you set in the "haystack" input. For example, if you put "in" as the needle, and "You are in my room" as the haystack, it'll return true, since "in" is in the sentence "You are in my room".
| Temperature Sensor || When triggered, returns the current temperature in the tile the shell currently is in.
| Textcase || When triggered, makes it so that its string input is either all in lowercase or all in UPPERCASE.
|Outputs the current station time. "Time Format" will output the time as XX:XX:XX, "Unit of Time" outputs time as specified in the "Unit of time" input. For example, if the station time is 00:10:08, and you set the unit of time input as "Minutes", then "Unit of Time"'s output will be "10".
| To Number || When triggered, converts a string that's only numbers into a number signal.
| To String || When triggered, converts its output into a string component. If it's output is an entity, it'll return the name of the entity. If the output is a list or table, it'll return "/list". For actually turning a list into a string, look at Concatenate List.
|A component that has many trigonometric functions. That's as in-depth as I'll go since I hate math with a passion.
| Typecast || If the input value is the Signal type you set in the options, returns the input value. If not, returns nothing.
| Typecheck || When triggered, returns what Signal type the inputted signal is.
| Pathfinder || When triggered, will calculate a path towards the X and Y coordinates you set as inputs. Once calculated, will return a "step" (aka where it has to go next to continue said path). If triggered again when the shell arrived at the step, will output the next step, and so on and so forth. If used with the Direction component, can be used to make a Drone that moves by itself.
| Pull component || When triggered, will start pulling the entity input if its right besides it. Only works on Drone shells.
=Machines and Items=
===[[File:Circuit_fab.png|32px|class=pixelart]] Circuit Fabricator ===
Found on the Circuit Lab. Used for printing out Components, Integrated Circuits, Shells, USB-Cables, Circuit multitools and BCI Manipulation Chambers. If you {{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Toggle with '''4''' or '''F''' by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will [[Combat Mode#Harm|Harm]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] them if on, or [[Combat Mode#Help|Help]] [[File:Help_32.png]] them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. </div></span> is on or not.</div>'''Attack''' the component printer with an integrated circuit, then you'll be able to directly add components to that integrated circuit by just pressing the "+" button on the top-left of your screen. Just drag and drop the components into your circuit.
===[[File:Module_fab.png|32px|class=pixelart]] Module duplicator ===
Duplicates both Module components and Integrated Circuits. Just name them (open the circuit/module, and on the top left you should see a "Name" input field), then {{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Toggle with '''4''' or '''F''' by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will [[Combat Mode#Harm|Harm]] [[File:Harm_32.png|class=pixelart]] them if on, or [[Combat Mode#Help|Help]] [[File:Help_32.png|class=pixelart]] them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. </div></span> is on or not.</div>'''Attack''' the duplicator with either of those in your hand. After that click on the printer with an empty hand, and you'll be able to print the circuit/module.
===[[File:Bci_implanter.png|32px|class=pixelart]] Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber===
Check [[Guide_to_Circuits#Brain-Computer Interfaces|here]].
=== Circuit Multitool ===
Let's you mark entities, which can later be uploaded to entity inputs by clicking the arrow pointing up when you have a circuit multitool in your hand. Can also be used to see circuits by double clicking them with it, but a normal [[File:Multitool.png|class=pixelart]] '''Multitool''' should do fine.
=== USB Cables ===
Let's you connect a shell to a technological device. To do this, while you're grabbing the usb cable, click on the shell, then on the device you want to connect with. When you do this, you should get a new component on your shell. To disconnect, click the little "x" on the top right of the new component.
You can only interface with a few select devices:
{| class="wikitable" Width="80%"
! Name || Description || Inputs || Outputs
|Let's you turn the lights of the area on and off. That's it. Very simple. 0 is off, and any number above 0 is on.
* On (Number)
* Is On (Number)
| Security Records Console || Lets you see the current legal status of every crewmember, and even let's you change them. Notable for having two components within it: Security Records Data (Which will return the entire security database) and Security Records Set Status, which let you set the status of the individual who's table you set as the input.
If you want to, for example, set a person named John Doe to arrest, grab a Select Query component, set the input as the security records, the Column Name as "name" and the Comparison Input as "John Doe", it'll return John Doe's table, which you can then input into the Security Records Set Status component, set the option to "Arrest", then trigger it. Each Person has their on table, by setting the "Column Name" value to "name" and the "Comparison Input" value to "John Doe", you're basically saying "Get me the table of the person who's value in the name field is John Doe." To see what Column Names are available, click the little "i" icon on the top right of the Security Records Data component.
'''Security Records Data'''
* Trigger (Signal)
'''Security Records Set Status'''
* Arrest options (Option)
** Arrest
** Incarcerated
** Paroled
** Discharged
** None
* Targets (Table)
* Trigger (Signal)
'''Security Records Data'''
* Security Records (Table)
* Failed (Signal)
* Triggered (Signal)
'''Security Records Set Status'''
* Set Status (String)
* Failed (Signal)
* Triggered (Signal)
| Crew Monitoring Console || Lets you see the current health status of every crewmember that has turned on their suit sensors.  
Click on the little "i" button on the top right to see what values the table has. Use in conjunction with the "Select Query" component.
* Trigger (Signal)
* Crew Monitoring Data (Table)
* Triggered (Signal)
| Teleporter Control Console || Lets you set, update and see the currently available teleporter targets. ||
* New Target (String)
* Set Target (Signal)
* Update Targets (Signal)
* Current Target (String)
* Possible Targets (List)
* Failed (Signal)
* Triggered (Signal)
| Bluespace Launchpad Console || Lets you set a Bluespace Launchpad's offset, and lets you trigger its sending and retrieving capabilities. ||
* Launchpad ID (Number)
* X offset (Number)
* Y offset (Number)
* Send (Signal)
* Retrieve (Signal)
* Sent (Signal)
* Retrieved (Signal)
* Fail reason (String)
* Failed (Signal)
| Air Alarms || Lets you change the air alarm's min and max gas, pressure and temperature values. Also lets you check the current pressure, temperature, and amount of a certain gas in the area the alarm is in. ||
* Air alarm options (Option)
** Pressure
** Temperature
** Every single gas type. No way in hell I'm writing them all.
* Min 2 (Number)
* Min 1 (Number)
* Max 1 (Number)
* Max 2 (Number)
* Pressure (Number)
* Temperature (Number)
* Chosen Gas Amount (Number)
| Quantum Pad || Lets you set the target pad and notifies you when the teleportation failed. ||
* Target Pad (Entity)
* Trigger (Signal)
* On Fail (Signal)
| Tram Controls || Let's you set the Tram's destination, and let's you send the tram to said destination. Also returns 1 or 0 if its travelling or not.||
* Destination (String)
* Send Tram (Signal)
* Location (String)
* Travelling (Number)
| Digital Valves || Let's you know whether its open or not, and let's you open and close it yourself. ||
* Open (Signal)
* Close (Signal)
* Is Open (Number)
* Opened (Signal)
* Closed (Signal)
|Binary Atmospheric Pump
|Lets you set and get the pressure, lets you get the temperature, and lets you check whether if the pump is turned on or off and if it's active.
* New Pressure (Number)
* Turn On (Signal)
* Turn Off (Signal)
* Request Port Data (Signal)
* Input Pressure (Number)
* Output Pressure (Number)
* Input Temperature (Number)
* Output Temperature (Number)
* Active (Number)
* Turned On (Signal)
* Turned Off (SIgnal)
| Conveyor Switch || Let's you turn the conveyor on or off, and let's you see what direction it's going. ||
* Trigger (Signal)
* Conveyor Direction (Number)
=[[File:bci.png|64px|class=pixelart]]Brain-Computer Interfaces=

== Integrated Circuit ==
Ever wanted to have a computer in your head? Sure hope the answer is yes, because Brain-Computer Interfaces (Henceforth referred to as "BCI's") are here for that!
The integrated circuit is the foundation for all circuits. Shells can be implanted with integrated circuits and removed with a screwdriver. You can't add components to an integrated circuit whilst it is in a shell, but you can rewire it with a multitool.
To get working with BCI's you need two things: A Brain-Computer Interface Shell (Info about which you can see above, in the Shells section) and a Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber, which is a machine.
Both the shell and the machine circuit can be printed from the Component Printer.

Batteries can be removed from an integrated circuit with screwdriver.
==How To Build==
Integrated Circuits are always off and do not process inputs when not in a shell.
You build the Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber like any other [[Machines|machine]], and you build the BCI shell by using a screwdriver on it, It already has an Integrated Circuit in it.
You can interact with an integrated circuits by using it in your hand, and you can attach components to it by hitting it with a component.
It is recommended that you start coding when the BCI isn't on your brain yet, aka this exact moment. When the BCI is on your brain, '''you can no longer add components to it''', you can still change connections and remove them though.

Each component has ports that input and output information. The component acts as the processor and the ports act as the input/outputs.
An input can only be connected to one output but an output can be connected to many inputs.
BCI's are compatible with every single component, but it also has a bunch of '''exclusive components that only work with it'''. You can see these components on the "BCI Components" section of the Component Printer. These components are:

Whenever an input receives a value, it drains 1 unit of energy from the attached battery cell
{| class="wikitable" Width="80%"
There are currently no components that can interact with the physical world except a built-in component for the drone shell that allows it to move.
! Name || Description || Inputs || Outputs
| Bar Overlay || Shows a progress bar ontop of the entity object you set as its input. ||
* Bar overlay options (Option)
** Vertical
** Horizontal
* Number (Number)
| BCI Action || When the BCI shell is in your brain, shows a button in the top left of your screen. When you click on it, it triggers the Signal output. The icon input lets you change the icon. ||
* Icon (Option)
** I am not listing them all, there are a lot
* Name (String)
* Signal (Signal)
| BCI Target Interceptor || When activated, the next time you click an entity, the output signal will be triggered and that entity will be set as the output. ||
* Activate (Signal)
* Triggered (Signal)
* Targeted Object (Entity)
| Counter Overlay || Shows a three digit number on top of you. You can change the position of it by using the axis shift inputs, but it'll always follow you. You might even need to shift it since it doesn't show correctly when its on top of you for some reason. ||
* Displayed Number (Number)
* Update Overlay (Signal)
* X-Axis Shift (Number)
* Y-Axis Shift (Number)
| Object Overlay || Creates or deletes a sprite on top of the target entity. You can change what sprite it uses, and you can even shift its location by changing the axis shift options. ||
* Object (Option)
** Corners (Blue/Red)
** Circle (Blue/Red)
** Small Corners (Blue/Red)
** Triangle (Blue/Red)
** Hud Mark (Blue/Red)
* Target (Entity)
* Create Overlay (Signal)
* Remove Overlay (Signal)
* X-Axis Shift (Number)
* Y-Axis Shift (Number)

Signal ports are number ports, but are used to trigger the execution of a component. Each component will usually have an input signal port and an output signal port.
==How to put it in your head==
Grab your BCI shell and just {{Leftclick}}<div class="tooltiptext">Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if <span class="tooltip">[[Combat Mode]] [[File:Combat_32.png|link=Combat_Mode]]<div class="tooltiptext">Toggle with '''4'<nowiki/>'' or '''''<nowiki/>''F''' by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will [[Combat Mode#Harm|Harm]] [[File:Harm_32.png]] them if on, or [[Combat Mode#Help|Help]] [[File:Help_32.png]] them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. '''''</div></span>''''' is on or not.'''''</div> <nowiki>''use''</nowiki> it on the BCI Manipulation Chamber. After that just open it up by, again, {{Leftclick}}''using'' it and close the door once you're inside. Wait for a bit, and you should see an animation play out, once that animation is done, congrats! You're ready to do freaky brain stuff.
If you ever wanna remove a BCI Shell from your head, just walk back into a Manipulation Chamber and wait for a bit again. You'll see the animation play, and after its done you can just Right Click the manipulation chamber to get your shell back.

== Circuit Multitool ==
However, if all you want to do is recharge the power cell inside your BCI shell, you can just '''walk into a cyborg recharger'''.
The circuit multitool is used to mark entities. Using it in hand will clear the current marked entity, allowing you to mark another entity.
A marked entity can then be uploaded to a circuit port with the "any" or "entity" type by pressing the upload button on it.  

== Shells ==
* Compact Remote - A remote with one button. Click on it to trigger it.
|color = #A06DA0
* Controller - Remote with 3 buttons. Normal clicking, alt-clicking, and right-clicking when in your hand will trigger one of the three ports.
* Bot - A structure that cannot be picked up but is not dense. The most generic container as it has no special inputs or outputs.
* Drone - A mob that moves about when fed input commands by the circuit.
* Server - A structure that cannot be picked up and only operates when anchored. Can hold an enormous amount of components.

[[Category: Guides]]
[[Category: Guides]]

Текущая версия от 12:32, 1 марта 2023

Схемы - это отличный способ автоматизировать всё, что попадётся тебе под руку! Сделайте шлюз, который открывается по секретному слово или дрона, который бегает за вашими обидчиками и покрывает их трёхэтажным матом! Свобода действий не ограничена. Перед тем, как начать, вам нужно немного подготовиться:

Необходимые предметы

Integrated circuit.png Интегральная схема

Интегральная схема - ваш фундамент для построения различных логических схем и машин. Именно она используется, как "мозг" ваших машин. Однако же, интегральная схема может работать и сама по себе, без оболочки.

Сперва интегральную схему нужно запитать Powercell.pngБатареей. Как только вы убедились, что батарея заряжена, просто

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Нажатие ЛКМ. Не имеет разницы, включён ли Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Включается на 4 или F по умолчанию. ЛКМ по людям пустой рукой Навредит Harm 32.png им, если включён, или Поможет Help 32.png им, если выключен. Предотвращает рокировку с другими людьми и не даёт себя толкать.
или нет.

используйте её на интегральной схеме. Если вы хотите сменить или зарядить батарейку, просто нажмите Screwdriver tool.png Отвёрткой по ней.

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Нажатие ЛКМ. Не имеет разницы, включён ли Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Включается на 4 или F по умолчанию. ЛКМ по людям пустой рукой Навредит Harm 32.png им, если включён, или Поможет Help 32.png им, если выключен. Предотвращает рокировку с другими людьми и не даёт себя толкать.
или нет.

Батарейка разряжается по мере выполнения интегральной схемой операций. Нажав на маленькую i на компоненте покажет, сколько он расходует заряда за операцию. Если вы не понимаете, о чём идёт речь, читайте дальше.

Как только вы поместили заряженную батарейку в интегральную схему (опционально), вы можете засунуть её в Shell bot.pngОболочку.

Shell bot.png Оболочка

The shell will make it possible for you to add components to the integrated circuit, it'll let you access the circuitry, and it'll add input options so that you can interface with your circuit.

С некоторыми оболочками, вам потребуется Screwdriver tool.png Отвёртка для их сбора перед тем, как вы сможете

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Toggle with 4 or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or not.

использовать Integrated circuit.pngинтегральную схему на вашей оболочке.

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Toggle with 4 or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or not.

Если вам по какой-то причине понадобится вынуть интегральную схему из оболочки, примените на ней Screwdriver tool.png Отвёртку.

Оболочки разделяются на четыре группы по размеру. От размера зависит количество компонентов, которые могут поместиться в оболочке. Из них:

  • Малые: Имеют лимит в 25 компонентов.
  • Средние: Имеют лимит в 50 компонентов.
  • Большие: Имеют лимит в 100 компонентов.
  • Огромные: Имеют лимит в 500 компонентов.

Существует множество оболочек, каждая из которых имеет свои дополнительные функции: (Если вы не понимаете, что такое "выход" и "сущность", изучите типы сигналов)

Имя Описание Размер Необходимые исследования Необходима сборка?
Пульт Простейшая оболочка с единичным сигналом на выходе при нажатии Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
use it on your hand.
Малая Отсутствуют Нет
Бот Простейшая стационарная оболочка. Выводит единичный сигнал подобно пульту, если Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
нажать по нему
Большой Advanced Shell Research Да
Шлюз Шлюз, контролируемый интегральной схемой. Чтобы вставить схему, Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Нажмите ЛКМ по нему, находясь в Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. . Имеет множество сигналов, позволяющих открывать, закрывать, болтировать её и убирать болты. А также сигнал, оповещающий о действии, плюс два цифровых выхода, возвращающих 1 или 0 в зависимости от того,открыты или нет, заболтированы они или нет.
Большая Advanced Shell Research Да
Контроллер Аналогичен Пульту, но имеет несколько кнопок-вводов: Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Используйте в руке для первичного выхода (Известен, как "Signal" в интегралке), Alt-Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
, чтобы нажать альтернативную кнопку, и Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. в руке, чтобы нажать дополнительную кнопку.
Средний Advanced Shell Research Нет
Dispenser A stationary shell that is able to take and dispense items. Its outputs signals tell you what Items it has in it as a list, what was the last Item that was added, and two triggers for when an item is added and removed. To dispense an item click the plus button on the top right of the window, you'll see a "Vend" window pop up, from there you can choose what entity you want to dispense, and when you trigger "Vend Item" the item will be dispensed. To put items inside it just Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Click it with the item in your hand.
Large Advanced Shell Research Yes
Gun A handheld shell that's actually a GUN. Has infinite bullets, and returns both who shot the gun, what the bullet hit, and a trigger that triggers when the gun is shot. Medium Advanced Shell Research No
Money Bot Stationary like the Bot component, but allows taking and dispensing credits! Has output signals that tell you when money has been inserted, how much money has been inserted and how much money the machine has in general. Large Advanced Shell Research Yes
Scanner Gate Very simple shell that returns any entity that walks through it. Large Advanced Shell Research Yes
Scanner Another handheld shell. Leftclick.png
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Use it on anything to output that thing as an entity.
Large Advanced Shell Research No
Brain-Computer Interface Circuits, but in your BRAIN! For more information on Brain-Computer Interfaces (Also known as BCI), go here Small Brain-Computer Interfaces Yes
Drone This little guy is able to move around just like you! Has many signal inputs, with each representing each direction in which it can go. Large Movable Shell Research Yes
Server Basically the same as the Bot shell, but bigger and better Very large Server Technology Research Yes

Once you have a shell with an integrated circuit in it, you may access the circuit in it by using a Multitool.png Multitool on it, and you may also begin to add Circuit component.pngComponents to your circuit.

Circuit component.png Components

Типы сигналов

Every single thing in circuits revolves around these signal types. They send either information or triggers, which is the bases of circuits. There are 7 types of signals:

  • Signal: Think of these as a pulse of electricity or a shockwave. They are NOT binary, when you activate one a chain reaction begins throughout the rest. Can easily be turned into numbers but you should only do so for checking whether its 0 or not, since the value itself makes no sense.
  • Number: Any number your heart desires. Can also be used as a signal component, with any number above 0 activating a signal. You can also connect them to a string input.
  • String: Any ascii character. If you try to write numbers in this, they will not be classified as numbers, so you can't do arithmetic equations with them.
  • Entity: If you know DM, this is the equivalent to an atom. If you don't, then basically it can be any single item or living thing.
  • List: Any of the above data types, joined into a single element. There different kinds of lists, each corresponding to each of the datatypes mentioned above. You access said data types by indexing the list. You cannot make a list of lists, that's what tables are for.
  • Table: A list of lists, usually used in databases such as the security arrests one. If a component provides a Table, you'll usually be able to see what each entry in said table is by clicking the information icon in the component.
  • Any: Usually used in inputs, signifies that it can take any of the signal types above.
  • Options: Changes what the component does, or what inputs it takes in. Can be changed with a string signal type.

Available Components

You might need to research specific things to unlock some of these components.

Name Description
Arithmetic When triggered performs basic mathematical operations: Adding, substracting, multiplying, getting the minimum and getting the maximum.
Binary Conversion Turns any number into a sequence of binary digits (which is a way of represent numbers with only two digits- 1 and 0). For example, the input "2" will output the following bits in the following order, from top to bottom: "01000000". Good for obfuscating information or for usage with AND, OR and XOR components.
Clock When the input is any number above 0, it'll begin sending the output signal every 0.9 seconds.
Comparison When triggered checks two of the inputs to see if they're equal, not equal, lesser than or bigger than the other. The Result output returns either 0 or 1 depending on if the comparison is true or not.
Concatenation Combines up to four strings into one string.
Concatenate List Turns a list into a string by adding a specified separator between the items. For example, we have a list that has two items, "Item1" and "Item2". If we set the separator as "," then we get "Item1,Item2". If we set the separator as " " (a space), we get "Item1 Item2".
Decimal Conversion Converts a binary sequence into a decimal number. For example: The sequence of numbers "01000000" will return 2. Useful for translating stuff made with the Binary Conversion component back into a normal number.
Delay When triggered, waits the specified amount of time in seconds, then triggers the output
Direction When triggered, will output the direction towards the target entity from the point of view of the shell as either a string or a signal.
Filter List Loops through each item on the list, and if the "Next Index" output signal connects to the "Accept Entry" input signal, then the value of that element of the list will be saved to the "Filtered List" output. The "Element" output string outputs the current element, "Index" outputs the index of said element, "Next Index" is triggered when it's time to check the next item in the list, "Filtered list" outputs the list with the filtered items, "On Finished" triggers when the component has gone through all the elements of the list and "On Failed" triggers when the component fails.

Example: I have a list that has the following values: "Item","Item","Clown","Item". I want to remove the "Clown" value from the list while keeping the list format, so I use the Filter List component. I set my string as the "List Input" value, and I connect the "Element" output into a comparison component and I change the comparison option to "=", and I type "Item" into the second input. I connect the "Next Index" output into the "Compare" input, and the "True" output into the "Accept Entry" input, then I trigger the "Trigger" input in the Filter component. The component will then grab the first element in the list, it being the word "Item", then send the "Next Index" component, basically saying "I wanna go to the next item". Before it can move to the next item, however, whatever's connected to "Next Index" must finish, so the comparison input must do the comparison. We check whether if the element is "Item", and yes, it is. So we send a "True" signal, which connects to the "Accept Entry" signal input, which adds the Element into the final Filtered List, then goes to the next element, it being "Item" again, so the same thing will happen. When it gets to "Clown", the Comparison component will return False, and because there's nothing connected to the "False" output, the component ends there, which means that "Accept Entry" is never triggered, so "Clown" is not added to our final list. After all that we can check our output list, and we'll see that it's "Item", "Item", "Item".

For Each Same as Filter List, but it does not output a list. Useful for checking if a value is in a list if you do not know at what index that value will be in.
Get Column Gets the column of a table and returns it as a list.
GPS When triggered, outputs the current position of the shell the Integrated Circuit is in
Health When triggered, gets the health and damage amounts of the entity input.
Voice Activator Triggers itself whenever it can hear a message, may this message be oral or through a radio. Returns information about said message and the speaker. If the message comes from a radio, you wont be able to get who said the original message.
Index When triggered, indexes a list to get the value of an item in it. For example, let's say you have a list with the following items: Item1, Item2, Item3 and Item4. If you index the list by 1, you'll get "Item1" as the output.
Index Associative List TBA
Length When triggered, gets the length of an input. If the input is a list or table, gets how many items it has. If it's a string, gets how many characters it has. If it's a number, retunrs 0.
Light Emits light. The "On" input will make the light turn on if the number is anything above 0, and it'll turn off if it is 0.
List Literal Basically, let's you create lists. Press the plus icon to add an item to the list, and the minus icon to remove the last one in the list. When triggered, joins the inputs into a list.
Logic When triggered, checks whether if: its inputs are all true (AND), one of its inputs is true (OR), ONLY one of its inputs is true (XOR)
MMI Let's you add an MMI to the Integrated Circuit. The "Message" and "Send Message" inputs let you send the MMI inside the shell a message that only it can hear. The outputs correspond to the keys in the player controlling the MMI's brain's keyboard: North is Up/W, East is Right/D, South is Down/S, West is Left/A, Attack is Left click and Secondary Attack is Right click.
Module If you know programming, this is basically the equivalent of a function. If you don't know programmming, think of it as an integrated circuit inside an integrated circuit. Useful for making circuits look way less messy. You can duplicate these using the Module Duplicator.
Multiplexer When triggered, checks to see if the number input is a number from 1 to 4, and if so, chooses the respective input of that number. For example, If I type "Test1" in the "Input 1" Input, and "Test2" in the "Input 2" Input, then change the value in the Input selector to 2, it'll return "Test2". It's as confusing as it sounds.
Not If it receives anything other than 0, outputs 0. If it receives exactly 0, outputs 1.
NTNet Transmitter Transmits any kind of data through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck. Data can only be recieved by the NTNet Receiver.
NTNet Receiver Recieves data sent through the NTNet network, if Tcomms is destroyed then tough luck.
Proximity Pinpointer Returns the X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the entity input, but only if it's in view of the shell.
Pressure Sensor When triggered, outputs the sensor of the exact tile in which the shell is at that time.
Printer Prints a given string into a paper. It doesn't dispense the paper, and it triggers once the input string is received. Once it has been received you can get your paper by triggering the "Eject" input signal.waw
Radio Sends and receives frequencies from radios or other radio components.
Random When triggered, outputs a random number between the minimum and maximum numbers you set as inputs.
Router TBA
Select Query For use with USB cables. Gets you the table that matches the column name and comparison input you provide it. For example: You connect it to the security arrests console, and from the arrests database you want to get the info of your friend, Mops-The-Floors. On the Input value, you connect the database output. On the Column Name you type "Name", and on the comparison input you type "Mops-The-Floors". It'll get you the table who's "Name" value matches "Mops-The-Floors". From there you can index it and get its arrest status, its crimes, etc.
Self Returns the current shell as an entity.
Sound emitter Emits a sound. You can choose what sound to emit from the options menu, and you can change both frequency and volume
Get species When triggered, returns the species of the entity input as a string.
Speech When triggered, says what you inputted in the string input out loud.
Split Splits a string by its separator, turning it into a list. For example, you have a string that "Looks like this". By setting the string input to that string, and its separator to a space (" "), you'll get a list that "Looks", "like", "this"
String Contains When triggered, checks whether the string you set in the "needle" input is in the string you set in the "haystack" input. For example, if you put "in" as the needle, and "You are in my room" as the haystack, it'll return true, since "in" is in the sentence "You are in my room".
Temperature Sensor When triggered, returns the current temperature in the tile the shell currently is in.
Textcase When triggered, makes it so that its string input is either all in lowercase or all in UPPERCASE.
Timepiece Outputs the current station time. "Time Format" will output the time as XX:XX:XX, "Unit of Time" outputs time as specified in the "Unit of time" input. For example, if the station time is 00:10:08, and you set the unit of time input as "Minutes", then "Unit of Time"'s output will be "10".
To Number When triggered, converts a string that's only numbers into a number signal.
To String When triggered, converts its output into a string component. If it's output is an entity, it'll return the name of the entity. If the output is a list or table, it'll return "/list". For actually turning a list into a string, look at Concatenate List.
Trigonometry A component that has many trigonometric functions. That's as in-depth as I'll go since I hate math with a passion.
Typecast If the input value is the Signal type you set in the options, returns the input value. If not, returns nothing.
Typecheck When triggered, returns what Signal type the inputted signal is.
Pathfinder When triggered, will calculate a path towards the X and Y coordinates you set as inputs. Once calculated, will return a "step" (aka where it has to go next to continue said path). If triggered again when the shell arrived at the step, will output the next step, and so on and so forth. If used with the Direction component, can be used to make a Drone that moves by itself.
Pull component When triggered, will start pulling the entity input if its right besides it. Only works on Drone shells.

Machines and Items

Circuit fab.pngMachines

Circuit fab.png Circuit Fabricator

Found on the Circuit Lab. Used for printing out Components, Integrated Circuits, Shells, USB-Cables, Circuit multitools and BCI Manipulation Chambers. If you

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Toggle with 4 or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or not.

Attack the component printer with an integrated circuit, then you'll be able to directly add components to that integrated circuit by just pressing the "+" button on the top-left of your screen. Just drag and drop the components into your circuit.

Module fab.png Module duplicator

Duplicates both Module components and Integrated Circuits. Just name them (open the circuit/module, and on the top left you should see a "Name" input field), then

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Toggle with 4 or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or not.

Attack the duplicator with either of those in your hand. After that click on the printer with an empty hand, and you'll be able to print the circuit/module.

Bci implanter.png Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber

Check here.


Circuit Multitool

Let's you mark entities, which can later be uploaded to entity inputs by clicking the arrow pointing up when you have a circuit multitool in your hand. Can also be used to see circuits by double clicking them with it, but a normal Multitool.png Multitool should do fine.

USB Cables

Let's you connect a shell to a technological device. To do this, while you're grabbing the usb cable, click on the shell, then on the device you want to connect with. When you do this, you should get a new component on your shell. To disconnect, click the little "x" on the top right of the new component. You can only interface with a few select devices:

Name Description Inputs Outputs
Lightswitch Let's you turn the lights of the area on and off. That's it. Very simple. 0 is off, and any number above 0 is on.
  • On (Number)
  • Is On (Number)
Security Records Console Lets you see the current legal status of every crewmember, and even let's you change them. Notable for having two components within it: Security Records Data (Which will return the entire security database) and Security Records Set Status, which let you set the status of the individual who's table you set as the input.

If you want to, for example, set a person named John Doe to arrest, grab a Select Query component, set the input as the security records, the Column Name as "name" and the Comparison Input as "John Doe", it'll return John Doe's table, which you can then input into the Security Records Set Status component, set the option to "Arrest", then trigger it. Each Person has their on table, by setting the "Column Name" value to "name" and the "Comparison Input" value to "John Doe", you're basically saying "Get me the table of the person who's value in the name field is John Doe." To see what Column Names are available, click the little "i" icon on the top right of the Security Records Data component.

Security Records Data

  • Trigger (Signal)

Security Records Set Status

  • Arrest options (Option)
    • Arrest
    • Incarcerated
    • Paroled
    • Discharged
    • None
  • Targets (Table)
  • Trigger (Signal)

Security Records Data

  • Security Records (Table)
  • Failed (Signal)
  • Triggered (Signal)

Security Records Set Status

  • Set Status (String)
  • Failed (Signal)
  • Triggered (Signal)
Crew Monitoring Console Lets you see the current health status of every crewmember that has turned on their suit sensors.

Click on the little "i" button on the top right to see what values the table has. Use in conjunction with the "Select Query" component.

  • Trigger (Signal)
  • Crew Monitoring Data (Table)
  • Triggered (Signal)
Teleporter Control Console Lets you set, update and see the currently available teleporter targets.
  • New Target (String)
  • Set Target (Signal)
  • Update Targets (Signal)
  • Current Target (String)
  • Possible Targets (List)
  • Failed (Signal)
  • Triggered (Signal)
Bluespace Launchpad Console Lets you set a Bluespace Launchpad's offset, and lets you trigger its sending and retrieving capabilities.
  • Launchpad ID (Number)
  • X offset (Number)
  • Y offset (Number)
  • Send (Signal)
  • Retrieve (Signal)
  • Sent (Signal)
  • Retrieved (Signal)
  • Fail reason (String)
  • Failed (Signal)
Air Alarms Lets you change the air alarm's min and max gas, pressure and temperature values. Also lets you check the current pressure, temperature, and amount of a certain gas in the area the alarm is in.
  • Air alarm options (Option)
    • Pressure
    • Temperature
    • Every single gas type. No way in hell I'm writing them all.
  • Min 2 (Number)
  • Min 1 (Number)
  • Max 1 (Number)
  • Max 2 (Number)
  • Pressure (Number)
  • Temperature (Number)
  • Chosen Gas Amount (Number)
Quantum Pad Lets you set the target pad and notifies you when the teleportation failed.
  • Target Pad (Entity)
  • Trigger (Signal)
  • On Fail (Signal)
Tram Controls Let's you set the Tram's destination, and let's you send the tram to said destination. Also returns 1 or 0 if its travelling or not.
  • Destination (String)
  • Send Tram (Signal)
  • Location (String)
  • Travelling (Number)
Digital Valves Let's you know whether its open or not, and let's you open and close it yourself.
  • Open (Signal)
  • Close (Signal)
  • Is Open (Number)
  • Opened (Signal)
  • Closed (Signal)
Binary Atmospheric Pump Lets you set and get the pressure, lets you get the temperature, and lets you check whether if the pump is turned on or off and if it's active.
  • New Pressure (Number)
  • Turn On (Signal)
  • Turn Off (Signal)
  • Request Port Data (Signal)
  • Input Pressure (Number)
  • Output Pressure (Number)
  • Input Temperature (Number)
  • Output Temperature (Number)
  • Active (Number)
  • Turned On (Signal)
  • Turned Off (SIgnal)
Conveyor Switch Let's you turn the conveyor on or off, and let's you see what direction it's going.
  • Trigger (Signal)
  • Conveyor Direction (Number)

Bci.pngBrain-Computer Interfaces

Ever wanted to have a computer in your head? Sure hope the answer is yes, because Brain-Computer Interfaces (Henceforth referred to as "BCI's") are here for that! To get working with BCI's you need two things: A Brain-Computer Interface Shell (Info about which you can see above, in the Shells section) and a Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber, which is a machine. Both the shell and the machine circuit can be printed from the Component Printer.

How To Build

You build the Brain-Computer Interface Manipulation Chamber like any other machine, and you build the BCI shell by using a screwdriver on it, It already has an Integrated Circuit in it. It is recommended that you start coding when the BCI isn't on your brain yet, aka this exact moment. When the BCI is on your brain, you can no longer add components to it, you can still change connections and remove them though.


BCI's are compatible with every single component, but it also has a bunch of exclusive components that only work with it. You can see these components on the "BCI Components" section of the Component Printer. These components are:

Name Description Inputs Outputs
Bar Overlay Shows a progress bar ontop of the entity object you set as its input.
  • Bar overlay options (Option)
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
  • Number (Number)


BCI Action When the BCI shell is in your brain, shows a button in the top left of your screen. When you click on it, it triggers the Signal output. The icon input lets you change the icon.
  • Icon (Option)
    • I am not listing them all, there are a lot
  • Name (String)
  • Signal (Signal)
BCI Target Interceptor When activated, the next time you click an entity, the output signal will be triggered and that entity will be set as the output.
  • Activate (Signal)
  • Triggered (Signal)
  • Targeted Object (Entity)
Counter Overlay Shows a three digit number on top of you. You can change the position of it by using the axis shift inputs, but it'll always follow you. You might even need to shift it since it doesn't show correctly when its on top of you for some reason.
  • Displayed Number (Number)
  • Update Overlay (Signal)
  • X-Axis Shift (Number)
  • Y-Axis Shift (Number)


Object Overlay Creates or deletes a sprite on top of the target entity. You can change what sprite it uses, and you can even shift its location by changing the axis shift options.
  • Object (Option)
    • Corners (Blue/Red)
    • Circle (Blue/Red)
    • Small Corners (Blue/Red)
    • Triangle (Blue/Red)
    • Hud Mark (Blue/Red)
  • Target (Entity)
  • Create Overlay (Signal)
  • Remove Overlay (Signal)
  • X-Axis Shift (Number)
  • Y-Axis Shift (Number)


How to put it in your head

Grab your BCI shell and just

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.png
Toggle with 4' or F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
is on or not.

''use'' it on the BCI Manipulation Chamber. After that just open it up by, again,

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.

using it and close the door once you're inside. Wait for a bit, and you should see an animation play out, once that animation is done, congrats! You're ready to do freaky brain stuff.

If you ever wanna remove a BCI Shell from your head, just walk back into a Manipulation Chamber and wait for a bit again. You'll see the animation play, and after its done you can just Right Click the manipulation chamber to get your shell back.

However, if all you want to do is recharge the power cell inside your BCI shell, you can just walk into a cyborg recharger.

Библиотека Fluffy Frontier TitleFF1.png

Начинающим; • Правила; • Горячие клавиши; • Руководство по иконкам HUD; • Выбор работы и назначения; • Терминология; • Часто задаваемые вопросы; • Руководство по избежанию банов


Руководство по Медицине; • Руководство по Химии; • Руководство по Гетто Химии; • Химические Рецепты; • Руководство по Химзаводу; • Гранаты; • Руководство по Генетике; • Инфекции; • Хирургия; • Руководство по Травмам; • Руководство по Ранениям


Руководство по Строительству; • Руководство по Сборке Машинерии; • Солнечные Панели; • Сингулярный Двигатель; • Двигатель Тесла; • Руководство по Суперматерии; • Газовая Турбина; • Руководство по Энергосетям; • Руководство по Атмосферике; • Руководство по Телекоммуникации


Руководство по Исследованиям и Разработкам; • Руководство по Робототехнике; • Хирургия и ремонт синтетиков и протезов; • Руководство по Токсинам; • Руководство по Ксенобиологии; • Руководство по Теленауке; • Руководство по Нанитам; • Руководство по Цитологии


Космозакон; • Стандартные Оперативные Процедуры; • Регламент работы Службы Безопасности; • Руководство по Суду; • Руководство по Безопасности; • Руководство по Щиткурству (Что НЕ надо делать); • Охрана департаментов


Как быть плохим, грязным предателем; • Самодельное Оружие; • Руководство по Взлому; • Руководство по Бою; • Предметы Синдиката; • Несанкционированный Доступ; • Революции; • Культ для непосвященных; • Служба латуни для непосвященных; • Совершенно секретно: полевое руководство Ядерного Оперативника; • Сбойный ИИ; • Ксеноморфство; • Абдукторство; • Семьи; • Еретик; • Блоб; • Космические пираты


Модули ИИ; • Правила игры за Силиконов; • Руководство по Удивительно Разным Вещам; • Существа (контролируемые игроком); • Твари (управляемые игрой); • Руководство по Расам; • Руководство по Еде и Напиткам; • Руководство по Гидропонике; • Космомузыка; • Бумажная волокита; • Случайные события; • Ящики поставок; • Самодельное оружие; • Предыстория; • Строительство вспомогательной базы; • Искусство из проводов; • Руководство по Исследованию Космоса; • Мафия; • Руководство по Горилле; • Руководство по кузнечному делу и стеклоделию


Как помогать в разработке; • Настройка GitHub (TG13 Source Control); • Руководство по работе с tgstation как вышестоящим репозиторием; • Загрузка исходного кода; • Понимание кода SS13 ; • SS13 для опытных программистов ; • Форматирование текста; • Руководство по Спрайтингу; • Руководство по Маппингу; • Добавление карт; • Руководство по журналам изменений; • Как внести Свое Изменение; • Как помогать делать вики; • Сообщаем о проблемах; • Руководство для начинающих по Инструментам Администратора

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