
Материал из Fluffy Frontier
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Карты на Флаффи Фронтире


В ротации MetaStation, DeltaStation, IceboxStation, KiloStation, Tramstation
Устарелые, убранные или не в ротации AsteroidStation, BirdboatStation, BoxStation, PubbyStation, CereStation, Discstation, DonutStation, Dreamstation, EfficiencyStation, MiniStation, OmegaStation, RuntimeStation, Blueshift

Stub.png Эта страница stub о CereStation. Вы можете помочь нам, дополнив её. Stub.png
CereStation, last updated 2017/05/31.

Note: This map has been removed from the /tg/station-codebase. #30196


CereStation is a map with influence from MetaStation and DeltaStation, but with an attempt at creating isolation aspects even on larger crew populations.

Feedback thread: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8831