Предметы СБ: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
Нет описания правки
Нет описания правки
Строка 141: Строка 141:
'''Повреждения''' = N/A   
'''Повреждения''' = N/A   

Строка 146: Строка 147:
  |bgcolor1 = #ffcccc
  |bgcolor1 = #ffcccc
  |bgcolor2 = #ff9999
  |bgcolor2 = #ff9999
  |name = Handcuffs
  |name = Наручники
  |image = Handcuffs.png
  |image = Handcuffs.png
  |foundin = [[Security Office]], full box at [[Armory]] [[File:Handcuffsbox.png]]
  |foundin = [[Security Office|Офицер СБ]], полная коробка в [[Armory|Оружейке]] [[File:Handcuffsbox.png]]
  |usedfor = Apprehending the criminal.  
  |usedfor = Задержание преступника.
  |strategy = Apply it to a criminal.  
  |strategy = Надеть на преступника.  
  |description = Throw a pair in your pocket; more can be dispensed from the SecTech vendors. It prevents [[Assistant|criminals]] from holding items, opening doors, and generally locks them behind whatever room they're in. If the [[Mime|victim]] were to be dragged or grabbed in any way, they will be unable to move. Be careful not to bump into anybody else while transporting the [[Captain|criminal]], as this may loosen the prisoner from your grip allowing him to run free. A [[Syndicate_Items#Freedom Implant|freedom implant]] or resourceful [[changeling]] can remove cuffs instantly, but everyone else has to struggle with them for two or more minutes in a private area to get them off without outside help. Remember, you cannot open airlocks while cuffed. So if you are handcuffed in space without proper gear, you will most likely die. Can be combined with orange prison [[shoes]] to make foot shackles, which force a person to always walk.
  |description = Положите пару в карман и забудьте про них; больше можно купить в автомате SecTech. Не позволяет [[Assistant|Преступникам]] взаимодействовать с шлюзами, предметами и прочими прелестями. Если [[Mime|жертву]] схватили она не сможет двигаться. [[Syndicate_Items#Freedom Implant|Имплант свободы]] или [[changeling|Генокрад]] могут мгновенно снять наручники, но остальным придется пытаться их снять долгое время, если им конечно кто-нибудь не поможет. Можно объединить с оранжевыми тюремными [[shoes|ботинками]] для изготовления ножных кандалов, которые заставляют всегда ходить.

{{anchor|Ion Rifle}}
{{anchor|Ion Rifle}}

Версия от 15:22, 29 июня 2022

Нелетальное оружие

Можно найти в: Шкафчик Офицера СБ и Посты охраны, Кабинет СЕ, Роботехника, Мостик, Хранилище плат
Используется для: Подчинения преступников.
Стратегия: Используйте на противнике (убедитесь, что у него нет защитных очков) или активируйте ее в своей руке.
Вспышка - это небольшое устройство, излучающее чрезвычайно яркий свет, способный дезориентировать противника, нанести урон выносливости и парализовать, если использовать на цели которая напротив вас, использование вспышки в руках только ослепляет противника. С другой стороны, использование вспышки может выжечь глаза, а само средство склонна к перегоранию после многократного использования. Прекрасно работает на тех, кто не использует защитные средства такие как Сварочный шлем или Солнцезащитные очки. Ручные вспышки также эффективны для оглушения Боргов, один из немногих способов остановить их.

Если перед тобой:

Если с боку:

Использование со спины:

Лидеры Революции могут использовать флешки для промывания мозгов экипажу, который не имеет средств защиты от вспышки. Могут использовать ее со спины.

Телескопическая дубинка
Телескопическая дубинка
Можно найти в: Рюкзаке Главы вашего отдела.
Используется для: Подчинения сотрудников, когда они не выполняют приказы.
Стратегия: Возьмите его в руку и разложите, после используйте на подчиненном. Вы можете хранить его в разложенном состоянии на поясе.
АКА Телескопичка. Компактное, но чрезвычайно надежное оружие индивидуальной защиты. В сложенном состоянии легко скрыть. Каждый Глава Отдела получает такую, кроме ГСб (у него просто целый отдел подобных).
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Вызывает на 1.5 секунды нокдаун и выбивает 55 выносливости и вводит в СтамКрит с 2-х ударов. Имеет 4-х секундную перезарядку, если бить без нанесения вреда. Мгновенно сбивает с ног большинство людей одним щелчком мыши! Но не надолго, так как долгая перезарядка не позволяет удерживать их на земле. Если вы только не начнете...

Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.Наносит 10 единиц физ.урона. Имеет гораздо более короткую перезарядку, в целом гарантированно удерживает нападающего на земле. Для достижения максимальной эффективности время от времени щелкайте левой кнопкой мыши. Используйте на дружелюбных протестующих, но ворвавшись в ваш офис, он обычно начинает кричать по радио, что вы его избиваете, так что используйте ограничено.

Полицейская дубинка
Полицейская дубинка
Можно найти в: Детектив имеет одну
Используется для: Подчинения преступников.
Стратегия: Применить на противнике.
Работает так же, как и телескопичка, за исключением того, что он всегда разложен и наносит немного больше повреждений.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Вызывает на 1.5 секунды нокдаун и выбивает 55 выносливости и вводит в СтамКрит с 2-х ударов. Имеет 4-х секундную перезарядку, если бить без нанесения вреда.

Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. Наносит 12 единиц физ. урона.

Электрошоковая дубинка
Электрошоковая дубинка
Можно найти в: Шкафчики Офицеров СБ.
Используется для: Подчинения преступников.
Стратегия: Применить на противнике.
Ваше основное оружие ближнего боя. По стандарту - носить его на поясе или же поясе СБ. Не бегайте с оружием наперевес, так как клоун вас подкараулит и украдет вашу дубинку, чтобы после продать ее Преступному отбросу.

Станбатон имеет два режима: вкл и выкл.

Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not.
Если ударить кого-либо, то это нанесет ему 60 урона по выносливости и нокдаун в 5 секунд через 2 секунды после удара. Имеет перезарядку в 2.5 секунды
между ударами нокдауна. 

Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. Приведет к тому, что вы будете "Хармбатонить" жертву, нанося 10 единиц грубого урона в дополнение к вышеуказанному оглушению.

Не рекомендуется чрезмерное использование среди дальновидных и сочувствующий сил СБ. Имеет небольшой шанс сработать при броске. Заряжается в зарядном устройстве. Нокдаун можно смягчить с помощью Pump-Up и других химикатов.

Можно найти в: У сотрудников СБ, в ящике с дизейблерами
Используется для: Вывода из строя органиков.
Стратегия: Стрелять в противника пока он не упадет.
Это основное оружие дальнего боя у правоохранительных органов. Имеет только один режим стрельбы, при котором стреляет лучами, которые выбивают стамину. Нанесение урона более 100 единиц выносливости в грудь или голову вводит цель в состояние "СтамКрита", которое парализует на долгое время. Хватит 4 выстрела чтобы ввести в СтамКрит.

Энергетическая бола
Энергетическая бола
Можно найти в: Торговый автомат СБ
Используется для: Замедление противника.
Стратегия: Бросайте его в противника, чтобы она запуталась у него в ногах и замедлила движение.
Бола, которую невозможно поймать при броске. Прикрепляется к тому, в кого вы ее кинули и замедляет его пока не будет снята, когда ее снимут она пропадет. Используйте вместе с дизейблером или станбатоном, чтобы быстро повалить противника на землю. Полезна для борьбы с халками, так как это одна из немногих вещей, которая может замедлить их.

Светошумовая граната
Светошумовая граната
Можно найти в: Шкафчики Офицеров СБ и Посты охраны, полная коробка есть в Оружейной Flashbangbox.png
Используется для: Оглушения толпы преступников.
Стратегия: Активируйте ее и бросьте в толпу преступников.
Передовое оборудование, сложно в использовании. Можно купить в SecTech или попросить Смотрителя выдать вам, вы так же можете их найти в шкафчиках офицеров СБ. В помещениях, где ожидается присутствие многочисленных и/или вооруженных людей, вы можете использовать светошумовую гранату, чтобы внезапно ворваться в помещение. Выберите его, активируйте и бросьте его до того, как взорвется

Выбивает в нокдаун на 20 секунд (в зависимости от расстояния) и оглушает до 2-х секунд. Люди, у которых глаза защищены от вспышек, а уши от громких звуков, не пострадают. Офицеры обычно носят солнцезащитные очки HUD и гарнитуры bowman, что позволяет им безопасно метать светошумовые гранаты. Шлем СБ защищает от удара, но не от вспышки. Альтернативой могут быть обычные солнцезащитные очки/сварочные маски и защитные наушники, которые глушат весь звук. Частичная защита может снизить время нокдауна и оглушения. Светошумовые гранаты, взорванные на одной плитке с вами, наносят вам полный эффект, даже если на вас надета полная защита. Если вы находитесь на расстоянии 1 плитки от детонации и носите защиту, то всего 3 секунды нокдауна и 1.5 секунды оглушения

Так же светошумовые выводят из строя боргов на несколько секунд. Для достижения наилучших результатов "готовьте" светошумовую в течение нескольких секунд в руке, чтобы дать меньше времени на реакцию (хотя это ужасно оглушит вас, если он взорвется, пока вы держите его в руке).

Повреждения = N/A

Перцовый баллончик
Перцовый баллончик
Можно найти в: Шкафчики Офицеров СБ и Посты охраны
Используется для: Подчинения преступника.
Стратегия: Прысните его в глаза ублюдку, который хочет вашей смерти .
Производится компанией UhangInc, используется для быстрого подчинения противника. Содержит 50 унций Конденсированного капсаицина. Не забудьте настроить перцовый балончик на использование 5 единиц, чтобы получить максимальную отдачу от него, при использовании он будет достигать дальности до четырех плиток. Лучше всего использовать в узком коридоре, где он может достигнуть максимальной эффективности.

Когда в цель попадает содержимое перцового балончика, эффект зависит от того, надета ли защита на рот и глаза. Если цель не имеет полной защиты, она на 3 секунды получит нокдаун, 6 секунд будет ослеплена, 10 секунд помутнения в глазах, 10 секунд замешательства и 10 секунд замедления.

Примерами предметов с защитой от перца являются: противогазы, защитные противогазы, шлемы для бунта или сварочные шлемы с опущенным козырьком, космические шлемы, банданы (только для рта), шлем плазмамена и радиационные капюшоны.

Заправлять можно в пунктах Pepper Spray Refiller.pngзаправки перцовых аэрозолей, расположенных на стенах на брига и постах охраны. Вы также можете заправить его другими химикатами, например, сварочным топливом, если найдете ему применение.

Повреждения = N/A

Можно найти в: Офицер СБ, полная коробка в Оружейке Handcuffsbox.png
Используется для: Задержание преступника.
Стратегия: Надеть на преступника.
Положите пару в карман и забудьте про них; больше можно купить в автомате SecTech. Не позволяет Преступникам взаимодействовать с шлюзами, предметами и прочими прелестями. Если жертву схватили она не сможет двигаться. Имплант свободы или Генокрад могут мгновенно снять наручники, но остальным придется пытаться их снять долгое время, если им конечно кто-нибудь не поможет. Можно объединить с оранжевыми тюремными ботинками для изготовления ножных кандалов, которые заставляют всегда ходить.

Ion Rifle
Ion Rifle
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Disabling borgs and mechs.
Стратегия: Shoot silicon machines with it.
Large and unwieldy, great for dealing with mechs. Cyborgs are weak to it: EMPing cyborgs totally immobilizes them and leaves you free to robust them to your heart's content. EMP will cause machinery (air/fire alarms, airlocks, et cetera) to malfunction.

Temperature Gun
Temperature Gun
Можно найти в: Armory, Security Protolathe.
Используется для: Combat.
Стратегия: Detaining traitors with energy swords/shields, slime removal/healing.
This gun can heat up or cool down targets, although it won't reach really dangerous levels unless you cool down someone in a hardsuit.
This weapon is deceptively strong since the projectiles aren't blocked by eswords/eshields and can slow people down to a crawl.
Slimes die to it in two to three hits, or you can heal them with heat setting.

Hybrid Taser
Hybrid Taser
Можно найти в: Admin spawned
Используется для: Subjugating criminals.
Стратегия: Shoot it at the target.
This used to be the primary law enforcement weapon, but is now only spawnable by admins. It has two modes of use; Tase OR Disable. In taser mode (Yellow) it will fire an incandescent ball of energy at low velocity. The projectile is stopped by windows, grilles, walls, simple distance, and various other obstructions. When the shot hits its target, it will cause temporary paralysis and slur speech to near illegibility. The range of the taser shot is also limited. In Disabler mode (Light Blue) it will fire a blue disabler beam that deals stamina-damage, slowing down the prep and making them fall after three shots. The disabler beam is NOT stopped by windows and grilles and its range is unlimited. Melee use of this weapon is inappropriate except for the most extreme cases (see space law section Dangerous Criminals).

Damage = 10 brute damage when hit on melee.

Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Slowing and teleporting people.
Стратегия: Shoot people with it.
The "Dynamic Rapid-Apprehension of the Guilty" net is a revolution in law enforcement technology. It has two settings: One (snare) which places energy snares, which act like bear traps without the damage, and another (netting) that shoots shotgun-like bursts of projectiles which deal heavy stamina damage and place "nets" when they hit a person. About 4 seconds after appearing, these "nets" will teleport any mob standing on top of them, to whichever location any existing "teleporter control console" is set to (with some variation). The teleporter control console target must both be set AND the "teleporter station" must have been clicked to "engage" the teleporter, for it to count. Calibration is not required.

If 3 different teleporters (including abandoned teleporter) are set to different locations, the game seems to use a hierarchy of: 1. Abandoned teleporter, 2. AI satellite antechamber and 3. Teleporter room. Meaning it will only use the destination of the abandoned teleporter, if all 3 of those teleporters are engaged (at least on Boxstation). If no location is set on any teleporter, the location will be random, which can teleport people into space or inside walls.

Lethal Weapons

Laser Gun
Laser Gun
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Fire at the target.
Distributed by the Warden (or Quartermaster), this is essentially an Energy Gun that lacks a disabler mode. The laser gun, unsurprisingly, shoots lasers, which deal a great deal of burning damage. The lasers will travel through grilles and glass of all sorts. Laser guns have slightly more rounds to fire than e-guns and can be recharged. Usually distributed along with Riot Shields in extreme cases. Can be ordered by the quartermasters in a secure weapons crate, which itself can only be opened by a security officer or military head of staff.

In the event of a massive biological outbreak, security staff usually freely distribute laser weapons to the crew, as they are effective against the blob and lack stun capabilities.

Damage = 10 brute on melee and 20 burn on shot.

Energy Gun.gif
Energy Gun
Можно найти в: Armory, Captain's locker, Head of Personnel's locker
Используется для: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Toggle the mode you want and fire at the target.
Distributed by the Warden and standard issue for the Head of Personnel, Head of Security and the Captain. This state of the art weapon combines the function of a Disabler and a laser gun in one. Clicking the weapon while it's held alternates between a disabling shot and a burning laser: blue for stun, red for kill. E-guns are stored in the armory and can be ordered in a secure crate by the quartermaster. They are to be distributed only under the most extreme circumstances or at the Head of Security's discretion.

Damage = 10 brute on melee and 20 burn on shot if turned to the "kill" setting.

Multiphase gun stun.gif
X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun (aka head of security's personal laser gun)
Можно найти в: Head of security's locker in Head of Security's office, or carried by the Head of Security
Используется для: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Toggle the mode you want and fire at the target.
Unique weapon held only by the Head of Security. Functions essentially as a more advanced energy gun, capable of firing in disable, ion, and lethal laser modes. This is a high-risk item and is often a theft objective for traitors (head of security's personal laser gun).

WT-550 Autorifle
WT-550 Autorifle
Можно найти в: Cargo, deep space
Используется для: Eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Fire at the target.
Ballistic rifle that Security can gain access to via Cargo. The rifle holds several clear advantages and disadvantages over the standard Laser Gun. The rifle holds 20 rounds per magazine, can be reloaded in the field and can bypass some energy weapon defenses such as Energy Shields and, to a degree, Energy Swords. However this weapons needs physical ammo to reload with, lacks any stunning capability, cannot bypass glass and must be bought from Cargo en masse.

The choice to acquire this weapon is usually in the hands of the Head of Security or the Warden, and as such is a very uncommon weapon to see in Security's hands, however if Security has sufficient warning about a imminent attack, such as Nuclear Operatives declaring war, then the weapon tends to be a popular choice.

Damage = 20 brute on shot, 10 damage on melee

Riot Shotgun
Riot Shotgun
Можно найти в: Armory, cargo
Используется для: Stunning/Eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Fire at the target.
Security issued shotgun, can hold up to six shells at a time and comes preloaded with rubber shot rounds for non-lethal take downs. Useful against opponents with energy weapon protection or against large crowds of enemies. Can be sawed off with any form of saw to allow the Shotgun to fit in a backpack, your belt slot, or holstered in your armor.

Combat Shotgun
Combat Shotgun
Можно найти в: Cargo, random spawn in the Armoury contraband locker
Используется для: Eliminating threats.
Стратегия: Fire at the target.
This semi-automatic shotgun holds 6 rounds, and fires without needing to be cocked after every shot. When combined with the right ammunition, this weapon becomes one of the most powerful in the game. However, it's a huge item and it cannot be sawed off, so the only place it will fit is in your hand or on your back.


WT-550 Standard Magazine
WT-550 Standard Magazine
Можно найти в: Security Protolathe, ordered from Cargo.
Используется для: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A 20-round 4.6x30mm magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires standard ball ammunition, dealing 20 damage per hit. Easy and cheap to produce.

WT-550 Armour Piercing Magazine
WT-550 Armour Piercing Magazine
Можно найти в: Security Protolathe
Используется для: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A 20-round 4.6x30mm AP magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires armor piercing bullets that can tear through armor, but at the cost of dealing less damage per bullet.

WT-550 Toxin Tipped Magazine
WT-550 Toxin Tipped Magazine
Можно найти в: Security Protolathe
Используется для: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A 20-round 4.6x30mm TX magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires uranium tipped ammunition, dealing 15 toxin damage per hit.

WT-550 Incendiary Magazine
WT-550 Incendiary Magazine
Можно найти в: Security Protolathe
Используется для: Loading a WT-550 Auto Rifle.
Стратегия: Lock and load.
A 20-round 4.6x30mm IC magazine for use in the WT-550 automatic rifle. Fires unique ammo that deals five damage per bullet, but each bullet contains a compound that ignites the target aflame.

RnD Gear

See the Research Items page.

Armor for Protection

Можно найти в: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts
Используется для: General defence.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate some damage from attacks.
Standard issue security Helmet issued to all Security Officers. This provides a modest amount of protection against most forms of attack, and as such is generally recommended you wear it when on duty.

Можно найти в: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts
Используется для: Information.
Стратегия: Wear it to identify arrest targets easier.
Stylish sunglasses that provide a heads up display for the user. This HUD provides a suite of options to the user to assist in law enforcement. The glasses will identify the current occupation of anyone in the user's line of sight, or at least the occupation their ID card is displaying. It will signal if someone has been implanted with a Mindshield Implant. It'll inform the user if someone has been set to a arrest condition. In addition the glasses act as defense against flash based weapons like Flash or Flashbang.

Click here for an overview of what the symbols mean.

Can also be used to set a visible target to arrest on the fly.

Body Armor
Body Armor
Можно найти в: Lockers at Security Office and Security Posts, Head of Personnels Locker
Используется для: General defence.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate some damage from attacks.
Standard issue security Body Armor, issued to all Security personnel and select station personnel. Provides a moderate amount of protection, so it's recommended you wear it at all times.

Riot Helmet
Riot Helmet
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Melee defence.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate melee attacks significantly.
Riot duty armor designed to be highly resistant to melee attacks. Features a flip down/up visor that further protects from attacks to the face and can stop certain entities that attack by latching onto a person's face.

Riot Armor
Riot Armor
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Melee defence.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate melee attacks significantly.
Riot duty armor designed to be highly resistant to melee attacks. Provides strong melee defence at the cost of little defence against anything else.

Bulletproof Helmet
Bulletproof Helmet
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Ballistic and explosive defense.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate ballistic and explosive attacks significantly.
Special duty helmet usually worn by Security Officers during a crisis. Bulletproof Helmets provide excellent protection against ballistic attacks, and good protection against explosive attacks, but have only minor defense against other form of attacks.

Bulletproof Vest
Bulletproof Vest
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Ballistic and explosive defense.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate ballistic and explosive attacks significantly.
Special duty armor usually worn by Security Officers during a crisis. Bulletproof Armor provide excellent protection against ballistic attacks, and good protection against explosive attacks, but have only minor defense against other form of attacks.

Ablative Vest
Ablative Vest
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Laser and energy defence.
Стратегия: Wear it to mitigate laser and energy attacks significantly.
Unique armor vest designed to deflect and significantly reduce damage from energy based attacks. Provides very little defence against anything else.

NOTE: For all above and below items, remember to LOCK the locker you took them from!

Other Items

Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Cruising.
Стратегия: Drag yourself on it with the key in hand.
Unique transportation vehicle available in the armoury. Can prove useful if you need to drive through a area with low pressure, have taken significant damage and need to move quickly, are wearing a bulky hardsuit or want to look like a tool.

Можно найти в: Security Officer's backpack
Используется для: Seeing in the dark.
Стратегия: Switch it on to see better in darkness or use it for self-defense.
A robust flashlight used by security. Can also be mounted to energy guns and Hybrid Tasers.

Security Gas Mask
Security Gas Mask
Можно найти в: Armory, Head of Security's locker
Используется для: Internals, shout very loud at the criminals.
Стратегия: Put it on and use it like a regular mask for internals, use the HALT-feature in the upper left corner to shout at criminals.
A very useful piece of equipment for when you don't have time to politely ask someone to stop.

Can be hacked if you like scaring the criminals. Emag it to make them shit their pants.

Riot Shield
Riot Shield
Можно найти в: Armory, Head of Security's locker
Используется для: To protect you from melee and ranged attacks.
Стратегия: Wield it and form a wall with your comrades.
These are held in a hand space and used to block close range weapons. They also have a percentage change to block ranged attacks. Makes you un-pushable.

They make a fairly efficient weapon in terms of bludgeoning criminals, but it's suggested to pair this up with a stun baton or ranged weapon. Slamming your baton against this shield will create a threatening banging sound. When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom

Tracking Implant
Tracking Implant
Можно найти в: Armory in a Tracking Implant Kit Implantbox.png
Используется для: Tracking suspects, and making it possible to teleport straight up to the implanted person.
Стратегия: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person.
When used on someone, it will implant a tracking beacon under the skin of that person's chest. The Prisoner Management Console can be used to check the implanted person's location and even send messages into their mind. Use a bluespace locator to track implanted targets. Locators can be printed from the security techfab after research. Use a Hand Teleporter or Teleporter to teleport directly to the target. It does not cause people to be gibbed when teleported to. Disintegrates 10 minutes after the death of the host, unless revived.

Chemical Implant
Chemical Implant
Можно найти в: Armory in a Chemical Implant Kit Implantbox.png
Используется для: Can be loaded with any sort of chemical agent via the common syringe and can hold 50 units.
Стратегия: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person.
When used on someone, it will put a chemical implant under the skin of that person's chest. Load the implant with up to 50 units of chemicals by injecting it with a filled syringe while it's still in its original case. You can then remotely inject the implanted chems with a Prisoner Management Console. The implant will last so long as the subject is alive. However, if the subject suffers from malnutrition, the implant may become unstable and either pre-maturely inject the subject or simply break. Disintegrates 10 minutes after the death of the host, unless revived.

Mindshield Implant
Mindshield Implant
Можно найти в: Armory in a Lockbox (Mindshield Implants) Loyalty Implants.png, Head of Security's Office
Используется для: Deconverting revolutionaries; preventing people from being converted to revs or cultists.
Стратегия: Take the implanter, load it with an implant and use the implanter on a person.
When used on someone, it will act block any attempt to influence or corrupt the targets mind/brain - unless the situation is a religious one! This implant will only make it impossible to learn any new, cultistic ways. People who are already cultists cannot be de-culted via implant and persons who are strong enough to lead a revolution party will completely resist this implant. If you have time, you can remove these implants by doing an implant removal surgery on the chest, which will allow your prey to be converted normally.

Можно найти в: Prison Wing
Используется для: Torture.
Стратегия: Set a signal, screwdriver it on, throw it on a criminal and send the signal.
This is a tool used to keep a particularly dangerous criminal under control. When turned on via Screwdriver, the pack is able to be set to a certain frequency. The pack is then placed in the backpack slot of the criminal scum; he/she will be unable to remove it without someone else's help. After activation, a simple press of a Remote Signaling Device set to the same frequency as the pack will activate it, giving your prisoner an electric shock and instantly incapacitating them.

Best of all- This does no physical harm. If you did want to do physical harm, you can combine the electropack with a helmet and then place it on a Chair that has powered wires under it. This will create an electric chair to allow you to cleanly execute multiple prisoners in a row. The AI will not approve, but when does the AI ever approve of what you do?

Space Law
Space Law
Можно найти в: Security Office, Security Posts
Используется для: Studying intently about the Law.
Стратегия: Apply it in hand to read.
An official copy of Space Law is made available to all security personnel. Ensure that you understand it and don't be afraid to literally throw the book at anyone who contests it. Give it to the Head of Security or Warden and watch them scoff in disgust.

Можно найти в: Armory, Security Office, Security Posts
Используется для: Securing an area from anyone without protective eyewear.
Стратегия: Pull it to a powered area and wrench it in place.
A recharger can recharge any energy-based device should it run out of power. As a member of security you will most likely be using these to recharge your stun batons and tasers. Rechargers can be wrenched then moved, for example to be closer to a blob eating the station.

The recharge time of your energy based devices will vary depending on their maximum capacity.

Portable Flash
Portable Flash
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Securing an area.
Стратегия: Pull it to a powered area and wrench it in place.
A portable flasher is an effective device that when secured to the ground will automatically emit a bright light when its motion sensors are activated. It will stun anyone close to the bulb for about as long as a pocket-sized device would.

To prepare a portable flasher, first bring it to the desired area, then use a Wrench to secure the bolts to the ground. Once you have done that, the portable flasher will draw power from the local APC. If you are not wearing a form of eye protection (such as Sunglasses or a Welding Helmet) you will become momentarily stunned if you are close to the portable flasher when it goes off.

Deployable Barrier Grenade
Deployable Barrier Grenade
Можно найти в: Armory
Используется для: Securing an area, making sure no one can pass through.
Стратегия: Set the mode on the grenade, prime, and throw for a quick barricade
The Armory contains grenades that, when thrown, will produce a deployable barrier, a much stronger version of the wooden barricade. The grenades can have their direction switched by alt-clicking on them or using their action button, which can make up to a three wide barrier, and the barricades they spawn will take 5 seconds to deploy. Deployable barriers can be repaired using a welder.

Lethal Injection Syringe
Lethal Injection Syringe
Можно найти в: Prison Wing
Используется для: Eliminating a convict.
Стратегия: Use it on the convict.
A special syringe designed for lethal injections. Contains 15 units of Plasma, 15 units of Formaldehyde, 10 units of Cyanide, and 10 units of Fluorosulfuric Acid. It injects all of its reagents in one push. This kills a convict in about 40 seconds. Don't let the clown steal it.

N-Spect Scanner
N-Spect Scanner
Можно найти в: Brig
Используется для: Cargo Bounties.
Стратегия: Scan rooms and ship reports to Centcomm.
Centcomm-issued inspection device. Performs company grade station inspection protocols when activated, and prints encrypted sheets of paper regarding the maintenance of the station. Hard to Replace.



Security Robots

The Robotic side of the security force.

Securitron/ Officer Beepsky
Officer Beepsky
Можно найти в: One patrolling around the halls, others manufactured in Robotics
Используется для: Detaining criminals, autonomous guards in high security areas.
All stations start with at least one Securitron. One is the famous Officer Beepsky, who is the closest the Head of Security gets to a pet and also a world class criminal catcher, being able to scuttle faster than a man can run, and stun and cuff and criminals using cablecuffs made in the experimental mass fabricator Nanotrasen places in every Securitron model.

Beepsky is so vigilant, he'll even trip anyone who gets in his way when he's chasing a perp! This also makes him a right pain when hacked as he will stun and cuff everyone in sight! A similar Securitron called Officer Pingsky spawns in the AI satellite to guard it from criminals! The Roboticists have the option to make more, but they are rarely made as they use up the Warden's precious helmets.

Keep in mind that traitors with an Agent ID card will have an easy time evading securitrons!

Most stations spawn with two additional Securitrons: The Armory's personal guard Sergeant-at-Armsky and the AI satellite's Officer Pingsky.

See here how to construct a Securitron.


You can change the Securitron's settings by swiping your security-access ID on it and looking at it:

  • Status: On/Off The Securitron is either turned on or off.
  • Behaviour controls are locked/unlocked People can access the controls or not.
  • Maintenance panel panel is closed/open People can access the maintenance panel or not. This lets you insert pAIs.
  • Arrest Unidentifiable Persons: Yes/No Arrests/detains anyone who has no ID visible and is unidentifiable (name shows as "Unknown").
  • Arrest for Unauthorized Weapons: Yes/No Arrests/detains anyone who has a weapon visible and an ID without weapons authorization (by default, anyone but head jobs and security).
  • Arrest for Warrant: Yes/No Checks the security records if anyone's status is set to "Arrest" and arrests/detains them.
  • Operating Mode: Arrest/Detain Arrest: Stuns and zipcuffs the perp, then leaves. Detain: Stuns the perp indefinitely.
  • Report arrests: Yes/No When someone receives a faceful of justice, the Securitron will announce the perp's name and location on its radio channel (by default, Security).
  • Auto Patrol: On/Off Patrols the station.


Securitrons and ED-209s attack for one of two reasons:

  • The securitron is being attacked.
  • The perp's threat level is 4 or higher.

Things that can increase threat level

  • +10: Getting emagged. Now everyone is criminal scum.
  • +6: Getting attacked - but securitrons will hunt attackers regardless of threat level.
  • +5: Having a criminal status of "Arrest" when Arrest for Warrant is enabled.
  • +4: Having no visible ID and an obscured/disfigured face (showing up as Unknown) when "Arrest Unidentifiable Persons" is enabled
  • +4: Holding a weapon in your hand when Arrest for Unauthorized Weapons is enabled, but your ID doesn't have the permission.

This doesn't include dragged weapons or those in containers.

  • +2: Having a weapon equipped on the belt or back slot when the above is enabled.
  • +2: Having your criminal status set to "Incarcerated" or "Parolled".
  • +2: Violating the dress code by wearing a wizard hat or wizard hardsuit hat.
  • +1: Being non-human genetrash.

Things that can decrease threat level

  • -5: Wearing a Syndicate Agent ID card.
  • -1: Being implanted with a mindshield implant.

Good to know

  • Agent ID cards make traitors effectively invisible to sec bots, provided they don't stack more than one offense.
  • Mindshield implants do the same to a lesser degree - you can avoid weapon and ID check arrests.
  • Security bots (and also Honkbots) will get frustrated and stop hunting people after a few seconds.
  • All bots navigate by following navigation beacons. If those are destroyed, the bots will stop patrolling.
  • Sec bots are weak to EMP and ranged weapons, like guns and IED spears. Also, they can't escape welded/locked closets.

Можно найти в: manufactured in Robotics
Используется для: Detaining criminals even more efficiently.
The most fearsome security robot. Like Beepsky, but with an added disabler and four times the default health.

Keep in mind that ED-209s ignore monkeys though.


  • Same as the Securitron's

See here how to construct an ED-209.