Космозакон: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
Строка 133: Строка 133:
# Привести подозреваемого в Бриг, наручники не обязательны, но, приветствуются. Сообщите Смотрителю или ГСБ, о прибытии вас и нарушителя.
# Привести подозреваемого в Бриг, наручники не обязательны, но, приветствуются. Сообщите Смотрителю или ГСБ, о прибытии вас и нарушителя.
# Проведите допрос и обыск нарушителя, да бы понять точные мотивы, давая тому шанс оправдаться или наоборот, зарыть себя еще глубже.
# Проведите допрос и обыск нарушителя, да бы понять точные мотивы, давая тому шанс оправдаться или наоборот, зарыть себя еще глубже.
# После допроса и обыска, отведите заключенного в одиночную камеру и огласите приговор, со статьями и их объяснениями.
# После допроса и обыска отведите заключенного в одиночную камеру и огласите приговор со статьями и их объяснениями.
# При заключении снимите с них вещи которые могут вам помешать их спокойно содержать в случае побега, по типу: сварочной маски, очков и т.д. В случае отсутствия этих предметов, вы с легкостью сможете оглушить нарушителя при помощи флешера на стене. Так же, не забудьте изъять их рюкзак, ПДА и прочую мелочевку, если она не считается контрабандой, и положить их в шкафчик, он автоматически откроется по окончанию срока и заключенный сможет все забрать.
# При заключении снимите с них вещи которые могут вам помешать их спокойно содержать в случае побега, по типу: сварочной маски, очков и т.д. В случае отсутствия этих предметов, вы с легкостью сможете оглушить нарушителя при помощи флешера на стене. Так же, не забудьте изъять их рюкзак, ПДА и прочую мелочевку, если она не считается контрабандой, и положить их в шкафчик, он автоматически откроется по окончанию срока и заключенный сможет все забрать.
# Вы в праве изъять у заключенного: набор инструментов, РЦД и прочие инструменты, если они до этого использовались для кражи, и не возвращать их по истечению срока.
# Вы в праве изъять у заключенного: набор инструментов, РЦД и прочие инструменты, если они до этого использовались для кражи, и не возвращать их по истечению срока.

Версия от 11:47, 30 августа 2021

Gavel.png This page is merely an IC roleplay suggestion

It has NOT been adopted as an official policy after two votes.
Administrators will only intervene when you are sentenced to grossly unfair times. If you get 3 minutes instead of 2, talk to the lawyer as it's considered an IC issue. If you cite Space Law in an adminhelp or anywhere outside IC communications, you will be laughed at.

A log of community votes can be found here.

Space Law is a collection of rules and regulations enacted by Nanotrasen which has oversight through CentCom and is enforced by the Sec Officers on the station. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on station, from the lowliest Assistant to the highest Captain, all are equal under the eyes of the Law and ultimately answer to her.

The rules and regulations herein are not absolutes, instead they exist to serve mainly as guidelines for the law and order of the dynamic situations that exist for stations on the frontiers of space, as such some leeway is permitted.

Краткий справочник кодов преступлений

Используйте это, чтобы быстро найти номера кодов преступлений.

Коды преступлений, состоят из кодов категорий (_xx), которые для простоты использования представляют собой набор схожих преступлений в строке с префиксом числа (X__).

Код 1XX - Легкие 2XX - Средние 3XX - Крупные 4XX - Чрезвычайные 5XX - Глобальные
01 Побои Нападение (ФТП) Нападение с серьезными последствиями (ТТП) Убийство Аннигиляция
02 Повреждение станции Создание опасности на рабочем месте Саботаж Крупный саботаж Терроризм
03 Хулиганство Беспорядки Подстрекательство к бунту Недозволенный мятеж
04 Мелкая кража Грабеж Кража Крупная кража
05 Хранение наркотиков Распространение наркотиков Непредумышленное убийство Враг станции
06 Жестокое обращение с животными Нарушение приказа Нападение на офицера
07 Злоупотребление оборудованием Злоупотребление конфискованным оборудованием
08 Помеха на месте работы СБ Превышение полномочий
09 Проникновение Подслушивание Серьезное проникновение
10 Владение оружием Владение запрещенным оружием
11 Незаконное заключение Незаконное заключение офицера в тюрьму Сексуальное насилие
12 Неподчинение Побег из заключения
13 Медицинская халатность

Толкование закона

Поверхностное знание Космического Права важно для любого человека на станции. Это может быть разница между парой блестящих наручников и потягиванием Коктейлей в баре. Более глубокое толкование космического права требуется для таких должностей, как юрист, смотритель, ГП и ГСБ. Хотя маловероятно, что полицейские будут особенно внимательно слушать ваши протесты на счет их неправоты, этого может быть достаточно, чтобы смягчить приговор и избежать жестокого обращения со стороны службы безопасности.

Для некоторых преступлений, важны намерения обвиняемого. Разницу между нападением и покушением на убийство, бывает очень сложно установить, и в случае сомнений следует взять меньшую степень наказания, в нашем случае, убийство. Однако важно отметить, что Нападение и Покушение на убийство являются взаимоисключающими. Вам не могут быть предъявлены обвинения в нападении и покушении на убийство за одно и то же преступление, поскольку у каждого из них разные намерения. Точно так же "Нападение со смертельным оружием" и "Нападение на офицера", также являются преступлениями об убийстве, и их нельзя суммировать. При вынесении приговора обратите особое внимание на требования каждого закона и выберите тот, который лучше всего соответствует преступлению.

В случае яростных преступлений (нападение, непредумышленное убийство, покушение на убийство и убийство) и кражи (мелкая кража, карманная кража, кража и крупная кража) рассматриваются только самые серьезные.

Нельзя суммировать одинаковые по смыслу преступления, например, заключенный взял у кого-то три предмета, это будет единое нарушение, карманных краж, если они украли вещи у двух человек, это будет тоже самое нарушения, о карманной краже.

Помощь преступнику делает вас сообщником; вам могут быть предъявлены обвинения в том же преступлении, что и лицу, которому вы помогали.

Процедуры Брига

Стандартные оперативные процедуры для брига следующие:

  1. Привести подозреваемого в Бриг, наручники не обязательны, но, приветствуются. Сообщите Смотрителю или ГСБ, о прибытии вас и нарушителя.
  2. Проведите допрос и обыск нарушителя, да бы понять точные мотивы, давая тому шанс оправдаться или наоборот, зарыть себя еще глубже.
  3. После допроса и обыска отведите заключенного в одиночную камеру и огласите приговор со статьями и их объяснениями.
  4. При заключении снимите с них вещи которые могут вам помешать их спокойно содержать в случае побега, по типу: сварочной маски, очков и т.д. В случае отсутствия этих предметов, вы с легкостью сможете оглушить нарушителя при помощи флешера на стене. Так же, не забудьте изъять их рюкзак, ПДА и прочую мелочевку, если она не считается контрабандой, и положить их в шкафчик, он автоматически откроется по окончанию срока и заключенный сможет все забрать.
  5. Вы в праве изъять у заключенного: набор инструментов, РЦД и прочие инструменты, если они до этого использовались для кражи, и не возвращать их по истечению срока.
  6. Вы не можете изымать: личную одежду, наушник, маску (только, если это мим или клоун). Серьезно, не делайте этого, если не хотите стать Щиткуром.

Do NOT fully strip the prisoner unless they have earned a permanent sentence.

In the event of a sentence exceeding the 10 minute limit of the timer inform the Warden so he may add the rest of the time later.

In the instance of prisoners that have earned Labor Camp duty, you must dress them in orange overalls and assign them targets, based on their sentence, by getting a prison ID, putting it in a Prisoner Management Console, assigning their quota (with a conversion rate of 100 points per minute otherwise served in the brig) and then giving them the ID as you ship them to the Labor Camp. There are more details on this procedure at Labor Camp.**

NOTE: In the current revision of TG, Mineral spawn is heavily reduced in the gulag area. If you plan on using the gulag for several incidences [meaning the floors are already mined so people can't mine the floors for glass], you should use a lower conversion rate.

The Warden or Head of Security are responsible for placing prisoners and in permanent confinement.

  1. Permanent Prisoners are to be completely stripped of their belongings, which are to be held in either evidence or a prison locker.
  2. The prisoner is to be dressed in an Orange Prison Jumpsuit and Shoes, which are found in the prison lockers.
  3. Permanent Prisoners are not permitted to possess any personal belongings whilst they are incarcerated in the Prison Wing.
    1. The Labor Camp can also be used to hold Permanent Prisoners. Simply do not issue a prisoner ID when transferring them to the camp.

Legal Representation and Trials

Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation however you are under no obligation to provide or allow this.

Lawyers, and by extension the Head of Personnel, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process, however they have zero authority over the brig, security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing.

The Lawyer's security headset is a privilege not a right. Security personnel are under no requirement to listen to them and security channel abuse is to result in that privilege being revoked.
If the lawyer continuously acts as a disruptive influence Security are fully permitted to confiscate their access, remove them from the brig and bar their future access to it.

In instances where a conflict of opinion arises over the sentence of a prisoner the chain of command must be followed. This goes, from top to bottom: Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Sec Officer / Detective.

Trials are not to be performed for Timed Sentences. This is mainly for the benefit of the accused as trials will often run many times the length of the actual sentence.
Trials may be performed for Capital Crimes and Permanent Detention, however there is no requirement to hold them. Forensic Evidence, Witness Testimony, or Confessions are all that is required for the Head of Security, Warden or Captain to authorize their sentence.

In cases where the Death Penalty is desired but the Captain or Acting-Captain is unable or unwilling to authorize the execution a trial is required to authorise the death penalty.

Use of Deadly Force

As a member of the stations Security force you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal takedown technology.

It is for this reason that the situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between, in the grand majority of circumstances you will be expected to use your stun weapons, which indeed are many times more effective than lethal options, to diffuse a situation.

There are a few circumstances where deadly force is permissible:

  • Code Red Situation - situations which would warrant a Code Red, such as: full blown mutinies, hostile boarding parties, and Space Wizards automatically authorise lethal force.
    Note: The Alert Status is not required to be elevated to Code Red as in most of these scenarios the Chain of Command will be too damaged or otherwise occupied to raise the Alert Level.
  • Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective - certain targets are impervious to NLWs, such as Mechs, Xenomorphs, Borgs, and Hulks. Lethal force may be used against these targets if they prove hostile.
  • Severe Personal Risk - sometimes getting close enough to a target to slap the cuffs on will create significant personal risk to the Officer. Deadly force from range is recommended to subdue Wizards and Changelings.
    • Criminals in hostile environments such as space, fire, or plasma leaks also fall into this category, as do criminals believed to be in possession of high explosives. Ranged lethal force is the only reasonable option in these conditions.
  • Armed and Dangerous - if a suspect is in possession of weapons, including stun weapons, and you have reasonable suspicion that they will use these against you, lethal force is permitted. Although in the majority of cases it is still preferable to attempt to detain them non-lethally.
    • Unauthorized personnel in the armory are considered by default to be Armed and Dangerous, maximum force is permitted to subdue such targets.
  • Multiple Hostiles - it can be extremely difficult to detain multiple hostiles. As a last resort if you are being mobbed you may deploy your baton in a harmful manner to thin the crowd. Generally it is better to retreat and regroup than stand your ground.

Additionally, in the event of an attempted prison break, Security may fire lasers through the glass. They are expected to first fire a few warning shots before unloading their weapon into the target.

Minor Crimes

All of these crimes carry a 1 minute sentence.

Code Crime Description Notes
101 Resisting Arrest.PNG Resisting Arrest To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest. Follow proper arrest procedure and have a legitimate cause to arrest in the first place before you brig a suspect for this. Suspects who scream bloody murder while being arrested are not cooperating.
104 Libertycap.png Drug Possession To possess space drugs or other narcotics by unauthorised personnel. Botanists and MedSci staff are authorised to possess drugs for purposes of their jobs and are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.
106 Indecent exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams rape is only worth it on slow shifts.
107 Vandalism.PNG Vandalism To deliberately damage the station with malicious intent. Sentence depends on quantity of property damaged.
109 Trespassing.png Trespass To be in an area which a person does not have access to. This counts for general areas of the ship, and trespass in restricted areas is a more serious crime. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied.

Medium Crimes

All of these crimes carry a 2 minute sentence or a 100 point target at the Labor Camp, optional for the suspect you are arresting.

Code Crime Description Notes
201 Assault.png Assault To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to attempted manslaughter or even murder. Assaults with deadly weapons are a higher crime.
202 Pickpocketing.png Pick-Pocketing To steal items from another's person. Remember to take the stolen items from the person and arrange for their return. Stealing an ID is the most common and most serious form of pick-pocketing.
203 Narcotics Distribution.PNG Narcotics Distribution To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. Forcing or tricking someone to consume substances such as space drugs is assault.
204 Deadly Weapon.PNG Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of their job role. Items capable of a high level of damage, such as saws, axes, and hatchets fit into this category. Do remember that if it is an item that is part of their job they are permitted to carry it.
206 Rioting.PNG Rioting To partake in an unauthorised and disruptive assembly of crewmen that refuse to disperse. It is required to order the crowd to disperse, failure to disperse is the crime not the assembly. Any crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offences.
207 Workplace Hazard.PNG Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions. Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a plasma leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure.
208 Petty theft.png Petty Theft To take items from areas one does not have access to or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access.
210 BandE.PNG Breaking and Entry Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas, and breaking into restricted areas is a more serious crime. Crew can still be charged with breaking & entry even if they do not enter the area themselves.
211 Insubordination.PNG Insubordination To disobey a lawful direct order from one's superior officer. Charge issued by a head of staff to one of their direct subordinates. The person is usually demoted instead of incarcerated. Security is expected to assist the head in carrying out the demotion.

Major Crimes

These crimes carry a service at the Labor Camp, with a 500 point target or a five minute brig sentence.

Code Crime Description Notes
301 Assault Deadly Weapon.PNG Assault With a Deadly Weapon To use physical force, through a deadly weapon, against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Any variety of tools, chemicals or even construction materials can inflict serious injury in short order. If the victim was especially brutalized, consider charging them with attempted murder.
302 Assaulting an officer.PNG Assault of an Officer To use physical force against a Department Head or member of Security without the apparent intent to kill them. Criminals who attempt to disarm or grab officers while fleeing are guilty of this, even if bare handed. Officers should refrain from using lethal means to subdue the criminal if possible.
303 Manslaughter.PNG Manslaughter To unintentionally kill someone through negligent, but not malicious, actions. Intent is important. Accidental deaths caused by negligent actions, such as creating workplace hazards (e.g. gas leaks), tampering with equipment, excessive force, and confinement in unsafe conditions are examples of Manslaughter.
304 Lethal Weapon.PNG Possession of a Restricted Weapon To be in possession of a restricted weapon without prior authorisation, such as: Guns, Batons, Flashes, Grenades, etc. Any item that can cause severe bodily harm or incapacitate for a significant time. The following personnel have unrestricted license to carry weapons and firearms: Captain, HoP, all Security Personnel.
The Barman is permitted his double barrel shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds.
Only the Captain and HoS can issue weapon permits.
305 Possession Explosives.PNG Possession of Explosives To be in possession of an explosive device. Scientists and Miners are permitted to possess explosives only whilst transporting them to the mining asteroid, otherwise their experimental bombs must remain within the Science department.
306 Inciting Riot.PNG Inciting a Riot To attempt to stir the crew into a riot Additionally to the brig time the offender will also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be implanted with a tracking implant. For second offences or outright instigating violent uprisings consider charging with Mutiny.
307 Disrupting power.png Sabotage To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling the power network, and constructing barricades are but some of many means of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage.
308 Theft.PNG Theft To steal restricted or dangerous items Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as insulated gloves, spacesuits, and jetpacks.
Note that Cargo breaking open crates to illegally arm and armor themselves are guilty of theft.
309 Major Trespass.PNG Major Trespass Being in a restricted area without prior authorisation. This includes any Security Area, Command area (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research. Being in a very high security area, such as the armoury or the Captain's Quarters, is a more serious crime, and warrants a time of 10 minutes with a possible permabrigging if intent is believed to be malicious.
310 BE Restricted.PNG B&E of a Restricted Area This is breaking into any Security area, Command area (Bridge, EVA, Captains Quarters, Teleporter, etc.), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins research. As a major crime sentences start at 5 minutes, but can be extended if security believes break in was for attempted Grand Theft or attempted Grand Sabotage (yellow gloves don't count as grand theft).
311 Dereliction.PNG Dereliction of Duty To willfully abandon an obligation that is critical to the station's continued operation. A demotion is often included in the sentence. Emphasis on the word critical: An officer taking a break is not dereliction in of itself. An officer taking a break knowing that operatives are shooting up the Captain is. Engineers who do not secure a power source at the start of the shift and heads of staff who abandon the station can also be charged.

Capital Crimes

These crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, or Cyborgization.
Only the Captain, HoS, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence.
Only the Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.

Code Crime Description Notes
401 Murder.PNG Murder To maliciously kill someone. Punishment should fit the nature of both the crime and the criminal. Murder committed by temporary emotional distress, such as fear or anger, warrants lower punishments. Cyborg candidates must have brains fit to obey relevant laws. Life imprisonment is the most humane option for the insane who might malfunction as cyborgs.
Unauthorised executions are classed as Murder.
403 Attempted Murder.PNG Attempted Murder To use physical force against a person until that person is in a critical state with the apparent intent to kill them. Remember, if a person attempts to render first aid after the victim falls into a critical state they may not have intend to kill them.
406 Mutiny.PNG Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. This is one of the few crimes where it is recommended to always seek a third party opinion. If their actions are determined to be for the betterment of Nanotrasen consider a timed sentence or even a full pardon.
407 Compromising Station Integrity.PNG Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions, seriously threatening crew or station. Bombing, arson, releasing viruses, deliberately exposing areas to space, physically destroying machinery or electrifying doors all count as Grand Sabotage.
408 High value target theft.png Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature.
Syndicate agents frequently attempt to steal cutting-edge technology. Examples include: intelligence or research samples, the Hand Teleporter, the Captain's Antique Laser, the Captain or the HoP's ID cards, or Mechs.

This is by no means a exhaustive list of items that are high value to the syndicate; when in doubt use common sense when you see certain items that are stolen that can cause massive problems throughout the station. Remember if something is locked up in a secure area it probably should not be taken without prior permission.

411 Antag skum.png Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen. Current enemies of Nanotrasen currently include: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), The Wizard Federation, The Changeling Hivemind, and The Cult of Nar'Sie.
Note that this is one of the few crimes where you may summarily execute someone for if they present a significant risk to detain them.

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Modification


Getting de-converted from revolutionary or cultist. Immediate release.
Self Defense Self Defense is defined as "The protection of oneself, the protection of thy colleagues, and the protection of thine workplace".
Do note however that persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, this is not permitted.
Immediate release.

Cooperation with prosecution or security

Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning or providing names of head revolutionaries. -25% to sentence time. In the case of revealing a head revolutionary: Immediate release.
Surrender Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without putting a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to actually come to the brig yourself. -25% to sentence time, and should be taken into account when the choice between life in a secure cell, execution, and cyborgization is made.

Immediate threat to the prisoner

The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location; otherwise, immediate release.
Medical reasons Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay. The timer continues to run during this time.
Sparking a Manhunt In addition to Resisting Arrest, a prisoner that must be chased for at least 2 minutes after an arrest is attempted can have their sentence increased. 1 minute added to their sentence for every 2 minutes the chase lasted.
Repeat Offender If a convict reoffends after being released they may receive a harsher punishment. Depending on the severity of the crimes committed after the third, or even second, strike their sentence may be increased to Permanent Imprisonment. Additional brig time.
Escape from Brig If a prisoner flees confinement for any reason other than to escape impending lethal danger (fire, hull breach, murder), reset their timer to their full original punishment. Reset timer.
Aiding and Abetting Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: Interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, providing medical care (unless paired with a large dose of sleep toxins). The same sentence as the original criminal.