
Материал из Fluffy Frontier

Elsa 'l'Epee' Spinnewyn in game.

My wiki sandbox: https://tgstation13.org/wiki/User:Novaepee/sandbox

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsPb9_HVn1CqVo-9oQhnsEw

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DMCA Logo.png This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.

TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

Pen.png Требует переработки!

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Причина: TGMC's meta, development, and gameplay are always in flex. In parallel, TGMC's memes are forever changing. This page shouldn't remain static but in a state of metamorphosis.



Job Role Rank Difficulty
The Captain of THEIR DOOM. A bait to CM player because CM whitelist. DO FUCKING BRIEFING IN THE BRIEFING ROOM!!!! Don't fix engine; get bitched at by medical and marines when autodoc has no power. Don't load OB; get bitched at by marines and SL for not loading OB. Don't know what is a Tadpole is. Never check crew manifest. "WhAt Is OrBiTiNg?!" "I cAn'T cHaNgE oRbIt LeVeLs!!" "LiStEn To Me, MaRiNeS!" Don't communicate to marines; get bitched at by marines and Discord for being a shit captain. Flash, arrest, or mateba people for doing captain's job despite captain not doing their fucking job. Attempt to battlefield execute with mateba only to get disarmed and lose mateba. The lowkey chief of shitcurity. Get bwoink then jobban for deploying to planetside. aThe Big Boy Command Announcement: WHY DON'T YOU MARINES LISTEN TO ME!? I AM SO GREAT BECAUSE I AM CAPTAIN! I WILL USE MY FUCKING MATEBA TO PROVE MY POINT!
Field Commander
Field Commander
The embodiment of TGMC's spirituality: the unga dunga. The running synthetic with a gun. OB, CAS, railgun, and mortar marines to heal them. Achieve objectives. Flow with the unga. Get cash money for req. Order things that marines want and need. Used to be able to use SG until some fucking bitch ruined it for all. ARE YOU ENTERTAINED, ELSA?! ARE YOU FUCKING ENTERTAINED YET WITH YOUR LIEUTENANT COLONAL RANK AT THE COST OF FC SG?! ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?! Superior than captain; in fact, FC is the de facto captain. Love their beret; always try to petition to not get decap with beret on. Can't make medals. Type in ...badFC in Discord to see a shit FC. aMarine Major decap simulation until wear helmet
Intelligence Officer
Staff Officer
Literally captain with no Mateba, but they don't need it since they are trigger happy with OB. Gloried cheerleader. Yelled at by marines to do req. Suffers in CIC alone waiting for captain to wake up. aLieutenant Commander just overwatch until they realize they can go to planetside
Pilot Officer
Pilot Officer
HE LEFT HIS HOME TO JOIN THE AIR FORCE. WHEN HE GOT DEPLOYED, HE MET THE MARINES. HE ASKED, "Where is the AC?" THEN THE MARINES LAUGHED. Remembered why they get jumped by SG mains during round start in Pillar of Spring. Don't put sentries on Alamo. Use all the sentries for Alamo when tadpole is in use. Forget to deploy sentries when in planetside. Think that coolage attachment is useful. Don't print out surgery table for MO doing Alamo surgery; in fact, put the medevac attachment in Alamo INSTEAD of a surgery table. Launch Alamo or Condor before engineers make FOB with drone. "WhErE iS tHe NoRmAnDy?!" Don't know what a tadpole is. Launch tadpole without Bluespace export mining upgrade. Don't check for tadpole supplies. Gib marines or destroy cade when landing tadpole. Get replaced by synthetic for tadpole. Fuck up evac with Alamo and tadpole by not lifting off in time. Change landing zone for tadpole to a place with barely any fucking miners. Cycle Alamo to the wrong LZ. Cycle without telling marines. Periods between cycle takes too long, making marines wait. Lockdown marines in Alamo EVEN IN SHIPSIDE! Yell at marines to get CAS flares, only to FF with Condor. WARTHOG, MARCH! Laugh at the days when he can refill Condor in midflight. aWarrant Officer HIGH WAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!
Tank Crewman
Tank Crewman
Don't exist in TGMC because no tank despite having the choice to choose the job in character setup. Never spawn. Cries. Almost had tank back, but tank bad. aMY ARMOR IS MY RANK plays Sabaton's Ghost Division


Job Role Rank Difficulty
Chief Military Police
Command Master at Arms
TGMC:Military_Law!!!! Tase marines for trying to FUCK WITH THE LAW!!!! Flash or stunbaton them when they are in CQC distance or in EORD. Being shitcurity as usual. Don't exist for being utterly useless and a bitch to deal with when new players grief marines. anonexistent kek DESTROY ALL MARINES, CORRUPT THEM ALL
Military Police
Master at Arms
Same as CMP with less access. YOU ARE BELOW AND ARE THE FUCKINGLAW!!!! asame status as CMP Medium


Job Role Rank Difficulty
Chief Engineer
Chief Ship Engineer
Think that fixing engine is a waste of time, so never fix it. Assume that OB is loaded, and never ask what OB should be loaded. Don't do req when RO cryo, then get bored and cryo despite chairs and tables haven't been deconstructed. Fuck off of shipside and make autism FOB. Secretly the superior RO. aLieutenant Derrick's job
Requisitions Officer
Requisitions Officer
Buy B18 and Mateba for himself. Deny valk orders. Don't give marines their Jaegar mods. Don't buy spec weapons in late game despite having 1,000 points. Ignore PO's request to get more points for CAS since RO assumes they can't help with CAS. Work on cardio by running to CIC and pressing buttons for supply beacon. "WhAt Is A bLuEsPaCe?" Send down ARSR belt with stuff still in crates, including the bluespace export. Yells at marines for not selling xenos even when RO have not given marines bluespace export. Spite marines by sending bluespace export to somewhere else other than FOB, then wonders why there is not much req points to spend. Get yelled at by marines as to why supplies are taking too long to reach to planetside yet beacons are on. Tase marines when entering his sacred space in req. Get disarmed and lose tase forever. Hate getting yelled at for getting ammo, especially THEM SMARTGUNNERS! aChief Petty Officer jew master level 100
Ship Technician
Ship Technician
Fuck about in ship, cryo or SSD when needed the most. Discount CSE that is still way better than being a RO. Engineer without a life's purpose. Wish they were in CM to have the bar be relevant. aPetty Officer literally CSE with no orders and less access


Job Role Rank Difficulty
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Medical Officer
The true job for Alamo surgery. Have access to third surgery kit in Pillar of Spring. Big dicc energy MO that can set red alert, SD, and ERT in CIC. Enjoy their command radio headset and the fact that marines don't break into their office anymore. aThe Civilian with the Biggest Dicc PO 2.0
Medical Officer
Planetside medicine powercreep makes MO shit. Can't do surgery, so autodoc. Use autodoc too much, so medbay APC runs out of power. Too fucking bored since CMO took Alamo surgery. Don't know that cryotube exist. Don't clean gloves after surgery, so marine gets infection. Feeds marine pills during surgery, so marine gets infection. Takes too long during surgery, so marine get infection. Don't know about infection, so marines necro. Barely use blood packs when marines are in low blood. aN/A Autodoc bitch
Research things. Be sad because there's nothing currently to your job, so go be the cool Medical Officer with the good shit. aN/A Easy


Job Role Rank Difficulty
Squad Leader
Squad Leader
Don't set supply beacon down. OB, railgun, CAS, and mortar the FOB. Then proceed to never using tac binos ever again; also never give tac binos to anyone when SSD or cryo. Die to overextending in push since didn't wait for marines to catch up. Never use orders. Might be old enough to be GAYery seargent. aStaff Seargent leadership orders are *warcry with buffs
Squad Specialist  SADAR says:

Squad Specialist  TX-8 says:
"beno be mad with stagger"

Squad Specialist  T-100 minigun says:

Squad Specialist

Act as THE NEXT UNGA THING to the Squad Leader. Cry when a xeno melts your toys because you got too aggressive and did not use a fucking belt harness. Wear B-18, the better version of Jaegar exo + valkyrie. Use T-100 to instill fear into xenos; Windhealer's weapon. Have no mini-scope for SADAR. tx-8 being the hidden meta of spec weapons. When removed from role spawn, indirectly buff marines by letting buy 100 miniguns and 100 SADARs. Grenade launcher is now free.
TGMC spec shitpost.png
Squad Smartgunner  T-29 says:
"I need more ammo, baka!"

Squad Smartgunner  T-25 says:
"Nani?! you cheating on me, baka?!"

Squad Smartgunner

Elsa's job. don't @ her. Superior aim mode since the very beginning of DMCA TGMC. Yells at req for more SG ammo, yet still hog all the spawn SG drums in round start. Antenna Jaegar mod to get SG drums and not have to hold supply beacon everywhere they go. Hug supply beacon. Waste all SG drums on not killing xenomorphs. WASTE ALL THE T-25 MAGS TO SHOOT AT NOTHING!! Throw away T-29 for T-25 to disregard the fundamental role of SG for a superior purpose: unga. Don't use mag harness OR belt harness. People steal NVG and job since meson is ded https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/7307 Use baldur or surt (flamer smartgunner gets bullied by vet players). Go chad mode with jetpack. Low key T-42 LMG with more sunder. Wish can turn off IFF for the memes. aTHE TRUE GAMER JOB TGMC sg shitpost.png
Squad Engineer
Squad Engineer
"WhAt iS fOb DrOnE?", then avoid building FOB with drone. "hOw To FiX aPc?", then avoid Crash gamemode. Never have enough fucking supplies in round start to build more. THE FOB MUST GROW! Go unga instead of maintaining FOB or cades. Forgot to barricade the meltable reinforced walls. Don't know how to upgrade miner. DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX MINER! Would rather push with marines instead of maintaining miner near tadpole. Bitch about not getting supplies when haven't fixed and used miners nearby. Blind oneself with blowtorch. Don't make razorsharp obstacles to protect sentry from crusher. Can't figure out how to use PACMAN for e-razor. Ponder why they choose this job. aLance Corporal bob the builder with autism or fucking stupid
Squad Medic
Squad Corpsman
Use QC, bica OD, and peri like a fucking CM player. Xeno: HOW CAN YOU RECOVER BLOOD SO FAST!? Corpsman: NANOBLOOD, SON! "MaKe Me ImIaKlY" or forget to have imialky FROM THEIR FUCKING SQUAD CORPSMAN PREP ROOM. "MARINES TOOK ALL OF THE TRI PILL BOTTLES!", but never realize that in the squad corpsman prep they have tri pill bottles stocked. Break into chem room to make special chem for themselves. "I dOn'T kNoW hOw To GeT QC+ aNd PERI+" Forgot to link medevac roller to medevac beacon. Yell for MeraDerm when there is no larva juice around, only to use MeraDerm for only oneself. Always near crit. Bitch about running out of burn and brute kit and not knowing how to make infinite kits. Use a medical rig and don't fill it up with ammo. Corpsman with ACTUAL NEURONS watch github as JPR make more chems and read chem wiki page that lovegreenstuff maintain since the beginning of the freaking universe. FUCKING HATE MAGMOOR! TGMC 9000 burn damage.gif aLance Corporal OD simulator
Squad Marine
Squad Marine
the basics of all unga, but the most unga of them all a"I LIKE TO SEE MY PRIVATES!" UNGA DUNGA


Job Role Rank Difficulty
survivorTGMC TS-34.png
Robust yang rounies in the beginning of round; survivor major in 12:20. Coded out of existence becuase of beno mad (https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/6072) a"I WILL DOUBLE BARREL PB YOU, ROUNY!" THE ULTIMATE UNGA

Combat synthetic. Doesn't know how to do ANYTHING. Name is David. aTGMC synthetic shitpost.png Want to reenact Blade Runner
Open fucking doors. Hate it when marines don't listen to its protips. MAKE LOUD ANNOUNCEMENT WITH TACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. Bolt airlocks to cuck xenomorphs before they crash Alamo to shipside (assuming xenos want to get a xeno major). Discount CIC job. Thought that the job is as exciting as SS13 AI. aФайл:TGMC AI shitpost.png
fuck you meat bags
Corporate Liason
Corporate Liason
Runs out of FOB only to get decap. aN/A Windhealer's job


Standard Marine Weapons

Weapon: Description:

T-12 assault rifle

Beginner friendly. A weapon that is beloved. Very flexible since many attachments can be used for it like GL and flamethrower; would highly recommend.


T-18 carbine

A good dakka weapon. Burst real good. Ammo be smol

TX-73 various.gif

TX-73 Lasrifle

Epic sunder time

TGMC TX11.png

TX-11 combat rifle

End of Evangelion gun; TGMC's version of advanced Heckler & Koch G11. The rectangle rifle go brr

Weapon: Description:

T-42 light machine gun

Decepticunt gun; superior than noob trap T-60


T-60 general purpose machine gun

noob trap gun. remembered when one could put a vertical grip on T-60

Weapon: Description:

T-64 battle rifle

A gun that barely anyone heard of, not even David use this gun

TGMC T-37DMR.png

T-37 designated marksman rifle

baby TL-127 without the cool cocking sound

TGMC tl127.png

TL-127 bolt action rifle


TGMC mosin nagant.png

Mosin Nagant

The Mosin Nagant, a bolt action rifle form a bygone age, still used today by dedicated snipers due to it's high caliber, being capable of sending both xeno and human targets into crit with a couple of shots. Its bolt action design comes with the usual drawbacks, slow rate of fire and the finicky reload process, along with a limited magazine capacity. Holds 5 rounds in the internal magazine plus 1 in the chamber, the bolt can be cycled with unique-action . Comes with a rail scope.

TGMC mosin box.png

box of 7.62x54mmR rifle rounds

Holds 4 sets of five(5) 7.62x54mmR rifle rounds. The rounds need to be manually taken out of the box.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
Weapon: Description:
TGMC T-35.png

T-35 pump shotgun

Used as a close quarters tool when someone wants something more suited for close range than most people, or as an odd sidearm on your back for emergencies. Uses 12 gauge shells. Must be pumped after each shot using Unique Action.
TGMC Buckshot.png

Buckshot shells

Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Slug.png

Slug Shells

Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Flechette.png

Flechette Shells

Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
TGMC Incendiary Slug.png

Incendiary Slug Shells

Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC gyro.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png
Stock TGMC t35stock.png
TGMC T-39.png

T-39 Combat Shotgun

The T-39 is the middleground between the T-35's ability to use buckshot and a tube magazine and the TX-15's semi-automatic fire. Slower rate of fire than the TX-15, but can load buckshot and doesn't require manual chambering of each shell. Comes with all the advantages and disadvantages of having to load individual shells. Does 30% less damage.

TGMC Buckshot.png

Buckshot Shells

Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Slug.png

Slug Shells

Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Flechette.png

Flechette Shells

Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
TGMC Incendiary Slug.png

Incendiary Slug Shells

Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC gyro.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png
Stock Fixed
TGMC TX-15.png

TX-15 automatic shotgun

Another iteration of the ZX series of firearms, taking over the SX as the semi-automatic shotgun provided to the TGMC. Compared to the SX, this Shotgun is rifled, and loads primarily longer ranged munitions, being incompatible with buckshot shells. Takes 12-round 16 gauge magazines.

TGMC tx15-flechette.png

TX-15 flechette magazine

Holds twelve(12) 16 gauge flechette shells, good for if you suck at aiming.
TGMC tx15-slug.png

TX-15 slug magazine

Holds twelve(12) 16 gauge slug shells for longer range, accurate shots.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC bayonet.png TGMC compensator.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif
Underbarrel TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC gyro.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png
Stock Fixed
TGMC paladin12.png

Paladin-12 pump shotgun

A nine-round pump action shotgun. A sporterized version of a classic shotgun used for hunting, home defense and police work, modified and used by Nanotrasen security. Holds 8 shells in the magazine, plus 1 in the chamber.

TGMC Buckshot.png

Buckshot Shells

Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Slug.png

Slug Shells

Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Flechette.png

Flechette Shells

Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
TGMC Incendiary Slug.png

Incendiary Slug Shells

Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC gyro.png
Stock Fixed
TGMC TS-34.png

TS-34 double barreled shotgun

A double barreled shotgun of archaic, but sturdy design used by the TGMC. Due to balancing reports of barrel bursting, the ability to fire both barrels has been disabled. Uses 12 gauge shells, but can only hold 2 at a time. Come in its M276 pattern holster rig by default.
TGMC Buckshot.png

Buckshot Shells

Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Slug.png

Slug Shells

Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
TGMC Flechette.png

Flechette Shells

Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
TGMC Incendiary Slug.png

Incendiary Slug Shells

Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC gyro.png
Stock Fixed
Weapon: Description:
TGMC T-90SMG.png

T-90 Submachine gun

High rate of fire with a magazine to pair with, all in a compact package. The T-90 offers great performance in CQC or reconissance operations; also ideal for supporting roles looking for a weapon to fall back upon in case of an ambush as it can be weilded near instantly.
TGMC T-90SMG mag.png

T-90 submachine gun magazine!

Holds fifty(50) 10x20mm caseless rounds in a unique tubular magazine.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png 64pxlink=#Red Dot Sight TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png
Stock Fixed
Weapon: Description:
TGMC TP-14.png

TP-14 service pistol

The TP-14, produced by Terran Armories. A reliable sidearm that loads 9mm Parabellum. Capable of mounting a limited amount of attachments, while sporting only semi-auto, its rate of fire is only limited by how quickly you can pull the trigger.
TGMC TP-14 mag.png

TP-14 magazine

Holds fourteen(14) 9x19mm Parabellum rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif
Undderbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC gyro.png TGMC burstfire assembly.png
Stock Nothing
TGMC T-19.png

T-19 machinepistol

The T-19 machinepistol is known for it's ability to be one of the few automatic firearms functional in one handed operation. It's compact size gives those that do not have the space to spare the ability to go without being unarmed.
TGMC T-19 mag.png

T-19 magazine

Holds twentyfive(25) 10x20mm caseless rounds.
TGMC T-19 mag inc.png

T-19 incendiary magazine

Holds twentyfive(25) 10x20mm caseless extra special spicy rounds.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC gyro.png
Stock TGMC t19stock.png
TGMC TP-23.png

TP-23 service pistol

The TP-23 is similar to it's 9mm cousin, however in .45 ACP. This mainly translates to lower magazine capacity but better damage. Has a built-in, irremovable laser sight.
TGMC TP-23 mag.png

TP-23 magazine

Holds eleven(11) .45 ACP rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png
Stock Nothing
TGMC 88M4.png

88 Mod 4 combat pistol

A powerful sidearm issued mainly to Nanotrasen private contractors, but issued to the TGMC in small numbers, based on the original VP70 more than a century ago. Fires 9mm armor piercing rounds and is capable of 3-round burst or automatic fire.
TGMC 88M4 mag.png

88 Mod 4 magazine

Holds eighteen(18) 9mm AP rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC burstfire assembly.png
Stock TGMC stock vp70.png
TGMC TP-44.png

TP-44 combat revolver

Produced by Terran Armories. A sturdy and hard hitting firearm that loads .44 Magnum rounds. Holds 7 rounds in the cylinder. Due to the nature of the weapon, it’s rate of fire doesn’t quite match the output of other guns, but does hit much harder.
TGMC TP-44 mag.png

TP-44 speed loader

Holds seven(7) .44 Magnum rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC gyro.png
Stock Nothing
TGMC TP-17.png

TP-17 pocket pistol

The TP-17, a tiny pistol used by the TGMC as an emergency handgun meant to be stored about anywhere. Fits in boots. You can chamber a bullet then load a mag for extra capacity.
TGMC TP-17 mag.png

TP-17 magazine

Holds eight(8) .380 ACP rounds.
Weapon: Description:
TGMC tl84.png

TL-84 flamethrower

The TL-84 flamethrower is the current standard issue flamethrower of the TGMC, and is used for area control and urban combat. Has hydro cannon mounted underneath to put out your fires and friendlies that walked into your fire (their fault, naturally). Uses large flamethrower cans to fuel itself.

TGMC tl84 mag.png

TL-84 fuel tank

Holds 60 units of ultra thick napalm.
TGMC tl84 mag ext.png

TL-84 fuel tank

Holds 100 units of ultra thick napalm.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
TGMC T160.png

T-160 Recoilless Rifle

The T-160 recoilless rifle is a long range explosive ordnance device used by the TGMC used to fire explosive shells at far distances. Uses a variety of 67mm shells designed for various purposes. Definitely, not an RPG, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

TGMC T160 HE.png

T-160 High Explosive shell

67mm high explosive shell. Causes a heavy explosion in a small area.
TGMC T160 LE.png

T-160 Light Explosive shell

67mm light explosive shell. Causes a light explosion in a large area. Able to travel a greater distance due to the light payload.
TGMC T160 HEAT.png

T-160 High Explosive Anti Tank shell

67mm high explosive-anti tank. Causes a medium explosion in a small area.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC scope mini.png
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Nothing
TGMC t70.png

T-70 grenade launcher

The T-70 is the standard grenade launcher used by the TerraGov Marine Corps for area denial and big explosions. Fired rounds DO NOT PASS THROUGH FRIENDLIES OR ENEMIES. The rotary cylinder holds 6 rounds.


Any nade

Any nade that you can get your hands on.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
TGMC T81.png

T-81 grenade launcher

A lightweight, single-shot grenade launcher used by the TerraGov Marine Corps for area denial and traumatising allies. Fired rounds DO NOT PASS THROUGH FRIENDLIES OR ENEMIES.


Any nade

Any nade that you can get your hands on.
Rail Nothing
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
TGMC powerfist.png


A metal gauntlet with a energy-powered fist to throw back enemies. Altclick to clamp it around your hand, use it to change power settings and screwdriver to pop out the cell. Has 3 power settings.

TGMC powercell.gif

Any powercell

Any shiny box with angry pixies inside.
TGMC TL172.png

TL-172 Defensive Shield

A heavy shield adept at blocking blunt or sharp objects from connecting with the shield wielder. Looks very robust. Alt click to tighten the strap. Weld it to repair it.


Weapon: Desc:
TGMC tl29.png

T-29 smart machine gun


REQ buyable weapons

Weapon: Desc:
TGMC minigun.png

T-100 minigun

A six barreled rotary machine gun, The ultimate in man-portable firepower, capable of laying down high velocity armor piercing rounds this thing will no doubt pack a punch. Must go through a short "spin up" period before firing.
TGMC minigundrum.png

Rotating ammo drum(7.62x51mm)

Holds three hundred(300) rounds of 7.62x51mm armor piercing rounds.
Rail TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
TGMC autosniper.png

T-81 Automatic Sniper Rifle

The T-81 is the TerraGov Marine Corps's automatic sniper rifle. It is rather well-known for it's night vision scope and IFF ammo, it however lacks a burst fire mode. It is mostly used by people who keep shooting their buddies in the back with a full power rifle round.
TGMC autosniper ammo.png

8.6x70mm caseless IFF

Holds twelve(12) 8.6x70mm caseless, IFF capable ammunition you can shoot straight over your buddies without worry!
Rail TGMC nv scope.png
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC bayonet.png TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock Fixed
TGMC sadar.png

T-152 Rocket Launcher

The T-152 is the primary anti-armor weapon of the TGMC. Used to take out light-tanks and enemy structures, the T-152 rocket launcher is a dangerous weapon with a variety of combat uses. Uses actual rockets rather than the T-160's recoilless shells, making it more powerful.
TGMC HE Rocket.png

84mm High-Explosive Rocket

High-Explosive Rocket with a wide blast radius.
TGMC rpgap.png

84mm Armor Piercing Rocket

Rocket with a high density warhead designed to pierce armor. Let's see those defenders try to tank THIS!
TGMC sadar ammo wp.png

84mm White Phosphorus Rocket

Incendiary rocket that bursts into flames on impact. Geneva convention? more like geneva suggestion!.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC scope mini.png
Muzzle Nothing
Underbarrel Nothing
Stock What stock?
TGMC mateba.gif

TL-24 autorevolver

The TL-24 is the rather rare autorevolver used by the TGMC issued in rather small numbers to backline personnel and officers. It uses recoil to spin the cylinder. Uses heavy .454 rounds. Orderable from Requisitions.
TGMC mateba ammo.png

Mateba speed loader

Holds 6 rounds of .454 Casull heavy pistol rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png
Stock What stock?
Weapon: Desc:
TGMC m41a.png

M41A pulse rifle

An older design of the pulse rifle made by Pulse Industries. A rather unknown weapon of its time. It invented the use of electronic firing in the modern era though. Comes with a removable 2-shot underslung grenade launcher. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
TGMC m41a ammo.png

M41A magazine

Holds 95(ninety-five) 10x24mm caseless rounds.
Rail TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC bipod.gif TGMC gyro.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png TGMC attached gun grenade.png
Stock Fixed
TGMC m412.png

M412 pulse rifle

The M412 rifle is a Pulse Industries rifle, billed as a pulse rifle due to its use of electronic firing for faster velocity. A rather common sight in most systems. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
TGMC m412 ammo.png

M412 Magazine

Holds 40(forty) 10x24 caseless rounds.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC QFA.png TGMC scope.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC bipod.gif TGMC gyro.png TGMC burstfire assembly.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png TGMC attached gun grenade.png
Stock Fixed
TGMC m412l1.png

M412L1 heavy pulse rifle

A large weapon capable of laying down supressing fire, based on the M412 pulse rifle platform. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
TGMC m412l1 ammo.png

M412L1 box magazine

holds 200 (two hundred) 10x24mm caseless rounds
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC compensator.png
Underbarrel TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC bipod.gif
Stock Fixed
TGMC type71.png

Type 71 pulse rifle

The primary rifle of the USL forces, the Type 71 is a reliable rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm, firing in two round bursts to conserve ammunition.
TGMC type71 ammo.png

Type 71 magazine

Holds 40(forty) 7.62x39mm rounds.
Rail TGMC Magnetic Harness.png TGMC RDS.png TGMC scope.png TGMC scope mini.png TGMC flashlight.gif
Muzzle TGMC Suppressor.png TGMC Extended Barrel.png TGMC heavy barrel.gif TGMC compensator.png TGMC bayonet.png
Underbarrel TGMC Laser Sight.png TGMC Vertical Grip.png TGMC Angled Grip.png TGMC bipod.gif TGMC gyro.png TGMC burstfire assembly.png TGMC attached gun flamer.gif TGMC attached gun shotgun.png TGMC attached gun grenade.png
Stock Fixed


Tier 0

Caste Role Difficulty
LarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarvaLarva be the combat larva that everyone need and not deserved. Evolves into Combat Drone, young rouny, the rare Defender that is used to evolved into a warrior or the chad Sentinel. arest in weed until evolve

Tier 1

Caste Role Difficulty
use frenzy for combat drone. need weed 4 speed. use larva accelerator to purge meds. spend time combat droning and not weeding the entire fucking planet. don't use healing phenomone, or forget to use them at all, when resting. don't heal other benos. Blood feud with flamethrower. Evolves from the Primorial larba; evolves into cancer Carrier, resin wall hugger Hivelord, Bitchmind, psychic drone, or thiccy mommy milky drone. aEasy to get into and fun to master
Try to tank, dies. Realize that Crest Defense Crest defense.png makes you live long enough to survive dense marine firing lanes. Fortify for the big brain players, then they can laugh and eat SADAR, CAS, and OB for days. The only xenomorph that use their tail and heal their own sunder. Remember when it can deflect bullets. Evolves from NOODLE LARBA; evolves into The best stand, Warrior. achad
Runner TGMC rouny love.gif
evasion for the true young rouny. loves to dance and slashing marines. lives and die for the dance dance revolution. Blood feud with PB shotgunners. Evolves from FUCKABLE MEAT Larva; evolves into SNEAKY Hunter GOD I HATE IT, evasion but avoiding SPACETIME, virgin Bull, or becomes the nonexistent Panther aThats a rouny.png

"CaP tHe MaRiNe!" xeno that was left behind with the capture gameplay, arise to stun lock marines with stamina crit now purge marines out of their premed with neurotoxin. Mouth full of neurotoxin. Boiler lite with neurotoxin cloud. Blood feud with hypervene and water. Evolves from the sleeping Larva; evolves into acid Spit, leaving behind the neurotoxin. aha ha marine go horizontal with spits
The rouny that was not the rouny. Made for capture gameplay, but both it and capture gameplay went to the shadow realm. Disarm the heck out of marines if disarm in TGMC exists. Can't sue TGMC wiki because of this PR that is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 (so fuck off, drawsstuff): https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/3877 aTO THE SHADOW REALM! https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/5272

Tier 2

Caste Role Difficulty
Unchained when capture gameplay is no more. Use facehuggers to fuck marines to death by stun lock. Enjoy the sounds of marines getting face rape. Make traps that marines still haven't learn how to counter 100% of the time. The true vietnam caste. NOW A GRENADER WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF HUGGER! Neurotoxin hugger used to inject 18u of neurotoxin. Has so much bugs, bug fixes, and fixes broken compared to any xenomorphs. TGMC carrier shitpost.png MARINES HATE THIS CASTE! Evolves from the chad Drone. aYEET
THICC DRONE, FITTING FOR THE MASTER OF RESIN! ASS SO FAST THAT IT CAN MATCH ROUNY! Use resin wall to cuck sentry and laugh at engineers. Sticky spit to hide level 5 acid wells. Try to combat hivelord and die because they forgot to turn on resin walker. Infusion is Kamehameha and instant click. Silolord. Make acid turrets to robust marines. Hide spawning pools behind thousand of resin walls. Evolves from the smol hivelord. aMaze Runner
Beloved by vet xeno players F7acc7a1-d239-425c-ab70-bd6c36dc059d.gif. ORA ORA ORA the marines. Wombo combo marines into lava or hive, whichever is closest. Agility mode 90% of the time. Always use keybinds. Super fucking sweaty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7BIuUoZuT0 . Sentries sweat when seeing a warrior with punch ready. Remembered the day that they could rip off limbs like in CM. Evolved from tonk boi; evolves into 360 NO SCOPE CROOSHER when the warrior feels like making engineers cry. aFALCON, PUANCH!
Laugh at the fact that it has two stuns. The only xeno with walking animations. Break right arm with just 5 slashes because marine decides to duel. Curious when it will have Surreal's buff. Evolves from old rouny; evolves into DOOM RAV. aSnek Eater
MARINES HATE TELEPORTING BENO! "HIVEMIND! WE MUST TRAVEL BACK TO THE FUTURE!" Love being in Alamo cockpit. Autodoc marines' foreign objects by accident; really just send the foreign objects to the SHADOW REALM!!!! "daddy surreal, why do people hate me?" The space faring caste that love going to space. Get blamed instead for map issues. Evolves from IS THAT A ROUNY?!. aLeague of Legend's flash
why not? Evolves from LITTLE EVASION BITCH; evolves into Gets killed charging cades all the time numbskull. Remember and cry when gore was unbelievably strong. Get ventilated by buckshot when you inevitably do a stupid charge. Complain to the Hivelord why he's building defenses in your charging lane. Get killed during final marine push on hive because you suck at anything but charging. a Get your Lambo sponsorship you got this king!

Spitter Spitter Spitter Spitter

Call of duty beno. Enjoy making marines horizontal by spitting. Sad that it doesn't have a unique toolkit. Evolves from sad sent; evolves into underappreciated boiler or GAMER Praetorian aBah! I spit at you!
Make marine puke nonstop. interior designer for FOB to make it into the vomitorium. Is really hunter+. Only remembered in Git and by players who keep getting fucked by Afflictor: (https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/5002) "REFACTORed" as deflier aSnakes, why did it have to be snakes?

Tier 3

Caste Role Difficulty
The "better" Spitter. Love making marines go horizontal by faceplanting their acid cone. Is one step away from HvH due to the fact that it just shoots. Simple and clean. Evolves from next prae. aHard
Fling marines from barricade. Love the fact that it is not MOBA crusher from CM. Can solo cades until razorsharp. Man handle sentry. Love the fact that help intent prevent bodyblock from marine. Secretly know how to one shot reinforced walls. Blood feud with engineers. Evolves from Ultimate MMA beno or bitch bull aCHOO CHOO THE XENO TRAIN IS HERE!
Right arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.png
Right arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.pngRight arm.png
Darth Vader + Doom guy. Turn on Doom OST in the background. May have a heavier and slower ass compared to Hunter, but make up for it by making Luke Skywalker references.
Hand cut.gif
Has a collection of right arms. Too angry to die with Endure. Hate it when the stuns don't land. Waiting for the day that Surreal's rav rage PR to come. Evolves from Hunter that also have two stuns.
aRip and tear
The OG farter. The only sniper in the hivemind. Remember when it was countered by snipers. Glow in the dark with hivemind. Look at crusher's kit and cry. Blood feud with CAS and OB. Evolves from Spitter. axeno sniper
Rape marines. Really from LifeWeb or some ERP server that enables rape. Red-pilled carrier. Is so flexible that it can vent crawl. Fart a lot. Thiccer afflictor. Once had neuroclaws that made marines cry in pain, and now have new claws from ded afflictor. Evolves from CBT Carrier and Resin Nomad. aIt helps me control my rape tendencies
Beno with telekinetic. Love to help shuffle to get behinds and screech to fling marine 7+ tiles away from other marines. Screech and fling marines to acid turrets. kek at the days when it has force choke marines BEHIND FUCKING WALLS. Still get stunned by shotgun despite being T3. Mommy's sidekick PSYCHIC buddy. Middle mouse button for screech is beginner shrike, shift+click or right mouse button for screech is big brain shrike. Evolves from Combat Drone, evolves to Bigger mommy. Only one per Hive. athere is always 2 shrikes

Tier 4

Caste Role Difficulty
Queen Elsa
Queen Elsa
Lead the hive with yelling "SCREECHING!! REEEEEEE!!". Bigger drone but not as thicc as hivelord. Remember when it has halloss for screech instead of stamina damage. Spam Word of the Queen because they can. Tacticool by slashing and spitting. Laugh at the very concept of ovi queen. Always waiting to be Ancient Empress, but still die by the unga. Miss the days when Tail Sweep was for self-defense. Evolves from princess Anna or drone; there can only be one Queen TO RULE THEM ALL, AND IN THE DARKNESS BINDS THEM. aNot CM queen.
You heal benos but get cucked by unweeded areas. The xeno with the highest health points. Cry about Hathkar not completing Psychic Beacon. Evolves from Drone; there can only be one Hivemind per hive. aAI but xeno and poop weed
King Xeno
King Xeno
The Chad manifested Underwhelming, not worthy of king. Gravity Crush marines behind walls. Gravity Crush is secretly heavy_explosive. Shed a tear in remembrance of 5x5 gravity crush. Screech will literally make you wish you get screech by Queen. Literally have three AOE abilities. Screecher.dmi Evolves from over 9000+ psychic points and get taken over by a random ghost. aHe Came, He Saw, He Conquered Mommy's thicc ass

Tier QM

Caste Role Difficulty
Admeme spawn athiccest mom.


Caste Role Difficulty
Vampire tanky and thicc beno. Will suck for health. Like to blood donate. "What is a marine? A miserable little pile of unga. But enough talk... Have at you!" Check PR for its progress! https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/5271 Evolves from ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. aWHY WON'T YOU DIE?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE 600 HEALTH AT YOUNG?!





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Job Positions

TGMC Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Officer
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison, Researcher
Special Synthetic, AI
Xenomorphs Tier 0 Larva
Tier 1 Drone, Defender, Runner, Sentinel
Tier 2 Carrier, Hivelord, Warrior, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Spitter
Tier 3 Praetorian, Crusher, Ravager, Boiler, Defiler
Tier 4 Queen, King, Shrike, Hivemind
Others Emergency Response Team, Survivor