
Материал из Fluffy Frontier
(перенаправлено с «Mice»)
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Это руководство по питомцам и иным живым существам.

(В статье сохранены внутриигровые названия существ)

Что вам нужно знать о существах

Существа контролируются искусственным интеллектом игры, не путайте с ИИ. Этот ИИ заметно ограничен в многих аспектах, что чаще всего проявляется в плохом поиске путей и ограниченной реакцией на физические воздействия, из-за чего их действия часто становятся непредсказуемыми.

Существа делятся на четыре категории:


Name Description
Mouse Mouse Блуждают в тёмных технических тоннелях и пищат, когда кто-то на них наступит. Иногда грызут провода, что заставляет их тушку поджарится, а часть станции (по крайней мере ту, что находится без источника энергии) потерять энергию в считаные секунды.
Coffee Coffee Коричневый краб, что бесцельно блуждает где-нибудь по пляжу. Хорош на вкус.
Ian Ian Ян появляется в офисе Главы Персонала.

Ян может быть одет в различные забавные костюмы, которые обычно можно найти в театре или где-нибудь на станции. Пожалуйста, не кидайте его в стиралку. Если вы убили Яна, то ожидайте того, что скоро вы будете линчёваны. Секретная миссия любого ГП - доставить Яна живым на шаттл и вернуть его на ЦК.

Runtime Runtime Рантайм - питомец медбея. Она появляется в офисе главврача. Она куда менее забавная чем Ян, ибо не может быть одета в глупые костюмы. Если вы работаете в медбее, то ваша задача сохранить Рантайм и держать её подальше от Яна. Рантайм любит ловить мышей. Избегать контакта с представителями кошачьих мужского пола; она известна тем, что может вызывать КОТострофы, в результате которых вся станция наполняется котятами.
Poly Poly Поли принадлежит Главному/Старшему Инженеру. Будет чертовски сильно раздражать вас, ворую предметы из ваших рук. Он также может надевать и говорить в наушник. Даст вам знать, если сингулярность сбежит Будет постоянно жаловать на отсутствие хардсьюитов. Будет надоедать вам забавными фразами услышанными им от экипажа.
Pun Pun Pun Pun Пун Пун появляется внутри бара. Если вы являетесь барменом, то скорее всего вы проведёте большую часть смены защищая его от повара. Это редко выливается в что-то хорошее, обычно если не повар, так научники ловят его.

Первый бургер, что вы съедаете будучи на Космической Станции 13 зачастую сделан из Пун Пуна.

Lamarr Lamarr Содержится в аквариуме в офисе Директора Исследований. Ламмар является лицехватом чужих лишённым возможности заражать людей. Он любит безвредно цепляться к лицам людей.


Name Description
Floorbot Floorbot Флурботы - одни из созданных на станции роботов. Обычно они чинят пол и ставят плитки, там где их нету. В случае взлома они начинают снимать плитку.
Cleanbot Cleanbot Очередной робот. Клинботы всегда полезны; даже будучи взломанными продолжают мыть полы, но в куда более скользкой манере.
Medibot Medibot Маленький полезный хирург. Посмотрите руководство по робототехнике.


Name Description
Security RobotSecurity Robot Security Robots Ака Офицер Бипски/Охранный бот и ЕД-209. Пока не будут емагнуты, атакованы, не заметят нарушение законов, или иным способом не будут спровоцированы, будут просто патрулировать станцию. Когда они замечают преступника, они бросаются к нему, стреляя из шокера, или размахивая дубинкой. После нейтрализации цели они закуют её в наручники.
Lizard Lizard Безвредные, не будут атаковать, пока вы не нанесёте урон им. Перемещаются в случайные направления каждые несколько секунд. Не путать с лизардмэнами.
Pete the Goat Pete the Goat The (not really) harmless and mostly terrible goat. He spends his time plotting in the Chef's freezer; it's best to leave him there. Not only is Pete a wily and murderous animal, but his caretaker, the Chef, may just have the excuse he's always wanted for making you into a burger. Pete likes to eat space vines. Can be milked.
Walking Mushroom Walking Mushroom Truly neutral, their only purpose is to travel around the area they're in and look adorable. A more sinister property is their ability to warp and slow space-time MURDER EACH OTHER. Only in massive groups is their evil truly realized. One or two as pets are fine, however.
Space Clown Space Clown The lesser-skilled inhabitants of Clown Planet, they mostly mill about the area, occasionally honking. Robust one like the redshirt you are, or talk smack about the Honkmother, and your eardrums will explode at the menacing HONKs, and your body will be ground to dust under the stampede of floppy shoes.
Cow Cow Known for their milk, just don't tip them over. Can be milked for milk with a bucket.
Chicken Chicken Hopefully the eggs are good this season. If you feed it wheat it starts laying eggs. The eggs may hatch into chicks. Thrown eggs have a 13% chance to hatch as well.
Chick Chick Adorable! They make such a racket though.
Snake Snake Hunts and eats mice. Retaliates if attacked. Can be bought at Cargo or created via Xenobiology.


Name Description
Space Carp Space Carp Spess Carp are an alien lifeform that travel through space in schools. Sometimes, space stations will be attacked by a traveling school, and anyone unlucky enough to be outside the protective walls will be attacked. Carp have a chance to stun their victims and attack every tick, doing about 10 brute damage with each bite.
Giant Spider Giant Spider Giant spiders that grow from spiderlings, spread webs and attack anyone they encounter, causing brute damage from the hit and toxin damage from the poison they inflict. Changelings have the ability to infest the station with fleshy versions of these.
Facehugger Facehugger Facehuggers knock out their victims outright and have a chance to infect them with a deadly xeno embryo. On the other hand, they can usually only attack once before they die and their infectious embryos can be resisted. Facehuggers don't care about masks or most headgear and will tear them off when they leap.
Spurdo Spärde :----DDDDDDD Space Bear Space bears can be spawned by cruel admins or mad scientists and will swarm the station, rapidly killing anyone they encounter. Bears will choose their targets one at a time and pursue them, giving a growl to alert their intended victim. Bears can see through windows, but won't break them.
Cosmic Horror Cosmic Horror Horrifying, nightmare-inducing monsters from beyond the stars. Cosmic horrors are yellow, blob like creatures that will attack anyone they can find. The Wizard keeps one as a pet.
Killer Tomato Killer Tomato Spawned from the hydroponic trays of spiteful botanists, these mutant vegetables will hop menacingly after the first living thing they see. You should have eaten your veggies, because now they'll eat you invade harmlessly your personal space!
Visrator Viscerator A small flying deployed drone created and manufactured by one of the Major Syndicate Corps, they are hostile towards anything they see and attack using their rotor blades. Considered extremely efficient and are used in infiltrations and hostile take-overs, usually serve as a distraction to a more serious threat.
Pine tree Pine Tree A large, wintry tree. It appears to be a normal evergreen tree that would be perfect for the holidays, but it secretly detests festivities and will assault anybody within range of its menacing branches.. Commonly seen spawned by scientists with gold slimes and too much free time.
Hivebot Hivebot A roaming bee-bot equipped with an attached weapon that fires bullet projectiles that can also come in stronger versions, its rate of fire is slow and is considered moderate in terms of damage. Easily destroyable, however this is countered by being in packs or even in an entire platoon.
Hivelord Hivelord Found on the asteroid. These strange creatures will unleash hivelord broods one after another at you whilst trying to keep distant. Fortunately, each of its spawn dies in a single hit, and deal tickle damage. Their remains are known to have curative properties
Goliath Goliath The bane of many careless miners. Found on the asteroid, these creatures pack a heavy punch, and slip anyone who comes near with four tentacles for better ease of punching. If felled, they leave behind hive plates that can be used to strengthen hardsuits, plus a corpse that can be used to revive with a lazarus injector and terrorize the station paraded as a trophy.

Basilisk Fierce, territorial beasts that live on the asteroid, capable of firing freezing beams, cold enough to inflict serious freeze burns while it closes in and attacks its immobilized target. Fortunately, they don't attack unless someone comes very close to them. Drops diamonds upon death.
Goldgrub Goldgrub Mostly harmless and quite rare. Found on the asteroid, these creatures swallow up any loose, valuable ore they can find and flee when approached by a human, smashing through even solid rock on their path of escape before burrowing into the ground.
Blob Spore Blob Spore Spawns from the Blob Factory. Chases and hits you, and releases spore gas upon death.
Blob Zombie Blob Zombie If a Blob Spore finds a corpse, it will zombify it and then chase and hit you.
Blobbernaut Blobbernaut A Blob Factory can turn into this. Chases and hits you hard.
SkeletonIce Skeleton Skeleton A spooky skeleton. Fragile, but hits fairly hard. Can come in an ice variant as well, which has more health and is faster.
Bee Poison Bees Bees that are coded to a random poison reagent. They'll inject a few units of it when they sting their targets.

Gold Slime Pool

These are the possible monsters summonable by a Gold Slime reaction with blood or plasma.

Name Description
Space Carp Space Carp A spaceproof giant carp. Deals medium damage with bites, and dies easily.
Megacarp Mega Space Carp *Sentient ones are rideable

Intended Department: MISC(Anyone could also use a shark mount)

Magicarp Magicarp A spaceproof giant carp with magic powers. Can bite like a normal carp, but it can also shoot magic bolts (Door Creation, Change, Animation, Healing, Death, Fireball, Teleportation, Nothing, Spellblade). A magicarp can only shoot one kind of bolt, picked randomly at the moment of spawn.
Chaos Magicarp Chaos Magicarp A spaceproof giant carp with magic powers. Can bite like a normal carp, but it can also shoot magic bolts (Door Creation, Change, Animation, Healing, Death, Fireball, Teleportation, Nothing, Spellblade). A chaos magicarp shoots a random bolt every time it fires.
Guard SpiderBroodmother Spider Giant Spiders Giant spiders that grow from spiderlings or egg clusters, spread webs and will attack anyone they encounter, causing brute damage from the hit and toxin damage from the poison they inflict. Those with green eyes and purple stripes are Broodmother Spiders and can lay eggs that'll hatch into more spiders. Broodmother spiders require Australicus Slime Mutator to be made. Extremely dangerous.
Spurdo Spärde :----DDDDDDD Space Bear *Sentient bears can be ridden
  • Can be combined with crate mimic to play Death Stranding as a bear

Intended Department: MISC(Anyone could use a bear mount)

Cosmic Horror Creature
  • Has the ability to demanifest when not seen, and jaunt around
  • Can teleport to any location currently not being observed
  • Health only 50.

Intended Department: MISC

Killer Tomato Killer Tomato These mutant vegetables will hop menacingly after the first living thing they see. They aren't very dangerous since they haven't been botany-engineered and spawn with low potency.
Visrator Viscerator A small flying deployed drone created and manufactured by one of the Major Syndicate Corps, they are hostile towards anything they see and attack using their rotor blades. Considered extremely efficient and are used in infiltrations and hostile take-overs, usually serve as a distraction to a more serious threat. By itself it's really fragile, though.
Pine tree Pine Tree A large, wintry tree. It appears to be a normal evergreen tree that would be perfect for the holidays, but it secretly detests festivities and will assault anybody within range of its menacing branches. Commonly seen spawned by scientists with gold slimes and too much free time.
Hivebot Mechanic Hivebot Mechanic

The hivebot mechanic can repair machinery and hivebots after a delay. The hivebot mechanic can also place down foam walls (the ones from foam grenades) to patch up possible breaches in the station's hull.
Intended Department: ENGINEERING

Blob Spore Blob Spore Works like the ones from the Blob Factory. Chases and hits targets, and releases spore gas upon death. Can hit corpses to make them into Blob Zombies.
Blob Zombie Blob Zombie If a Blob Spore finds a corpse, it will zombify it.
Faithless Faithless A humanoid monster. Medium-high resistance, medium-high damage. Can knock down with his attacks. Has one ability that lets him listen to radio channels.
Statue Statue A statue of a human. Nigh-indestructible, extremely fast, and hits incredibly hard (more than double of an esword's damage) but cannot move or attack while someone is looking at it. Can cause lights to flicker around it, and can temporarily blind people around it to gain a few moments of free movement.
Blobbernaut Blobbernaut Works like a normal blobbernaut, but does not die if not close to a blob.
Basilisk Basilisk Can drink lava. Doing so heats the Basilisk up, giving it some temporary buffs:
  • Completely heals all damage when activated
  • Increases the Basilisk's speed to 0, from 3.
  • Changes the Basilisk's projectile to deal as much damage as an unupgraded KA.
  • Gives it that sick-looking alert sprite previously unusable by sentient basilisks

These buffs run out after 5 minutes. You cannot drink lava again until you've cooled down.
Intended Department: MINING

Goldgrub Goldgrub Can eat ore to store it within itself. Has two abilities, Spit Ore and Burrow.
  • Spit Ore is simple, as it spits out all your currently consumed ores.
  • Burrow allows the Gold Grub to bury itself under the surface from mining turfs (think asteroid ground and basalt ground from lavaland). It can only come back out by utilizing one of these surfaces as well.

Intended Department: MINING

Festivus pole.png Festivus Pole Rubbing it with Help action.png Help 32.png
Left-click with Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. toggled off.
creates static charge, recharging power cells on the ground, in cyborgs, and in APCs by 75 in a radius of 2.

Intended Department: ENGINEERING/MISC

GrayCrate.png Crate Mimic
  • Interacting with the crate with Help action.png Help 32.png
    Left-click with Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. toggled off.
    will open or close it.
  • Can store things inside it like a real crate, including people
  • Can ride on rideable mobs for ease of transport
  • Crate can toggle a lock on itself, preventing anything from opening it or closing it.

Intended Department: CARGO/MISC

Eyeball mob.gif Eyeball
  • Can see through walls
  • Night vision
  • Very susceptible to punches

Intended Department: SECURITY

Lightgeist.gif Lightgeist
  • Can not harm people or break anything under any circumstance
  • Can heal things. Healing power is scaled with damage boosting methods (such as fugu gland).