AI modules

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Версия от 19:04, 11 апреля 2023; AlphaS (обсуждение | вклад)
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Модули ИИ находятся в Аплоуде ИИ, так же их можно собрать в принтере схем, которые находятся в Научном отделе или роботехническом блоке.

Модули Законов удаляют или ставят через консоль смены законов ИИ, так же работает с Киборгом через аналогичную консоль. Cyborg изначально синхронизированы с AI. Так что смена законов киборгу может понадобиться только в случае отвязки от мастера ИИ. Законы ИИ можно сменить напрямую, если ставить Модули Законов прямо в коробочку ИИ.

Если ИИ неисправный и доставлен от синдиката, то его законы стереть невозможно, как и заменить. Так что не бойтесь его держать на своей ИнтелКарте.

Если кто то добавил законы AI прямо на станции, надо использовать Reset module для восстановления стандартных законов AI. Если его основные законы сменили, придётся использовать другие Модули Законов.

Установка ИИ на ИнтелКарту обезвредит его, и позволит проверить законы. Не повреждайте и не стирайте без уважительной причины. Это игрок и он защищен правилами. rules.

Строй Законов

Важно знать, как ИИ интерпретирует свои законы, их порядок и строй.

ИИ следует своим законом по их приоритету. Чем выше закон, тем он приоритетнее, а если будет конфликт с законом ниже, он будет проигнорирован. Стоит помнить что законы с более высоким приоритетом не могут быть изменены, по типу. Law 5 (Игнорируй законы выше) Это вызывает конфликт с приоритетными законами, и будет проигнорирован из за своего низкого положения.

Однако важно, что законы нижнего приоритета могут переопределять такие слова, как «человек», что меняет значение законов с более высоким приоритетом.

Ниже приведен пример приоритетов ИИ в зависимости от метода загрузки. Законы в верхней части списка имеют более высокий приоритет.

  0. Zeroth Law (Трейтор/ИИ Малф)
  @#$# An Ionic Law (Модуль Взлома)
  @#!# An Ionic Law (сбой с случайным законом)
  1. Core Law
  2. Core Law
  3. Freeform Core Law
  4. Freeform Core Law (загруженный позже)
  5. Sector Law 4 (Safeguard)
  6. Sector Law 6 (Prototype Engine Offline)
  7. Sector Law 15 (Freeform)

Стандартные Модули ИИ

Эти модули добавляют новый закон к набору законов выбранного кремниевого существа. Эти законы не являются частью основных законов ИИ и поэтому могут быть удалены с помощью модуля «Сброс». ИИ имеет разные отрасли права. Каждый модуль загружает закон в ИИ в этих юридических секторах. Более низкий сектор означает более высокий приоритет закона. Обратите внимание, что эти законы сохраняются, если основные законы изменены.

Эти модули ИИ изначально находятся в AI Upload, однако их также можно сделать в Research & Development если нужны ещё платы, либо старые недоступны.

Название Загруженный Сектор Описание
One Human Only <name> is human. N/A Загружает нулевой закон, который имеет более высокий приоритет, чем основные законы. Неэффективен против взломанных юнитов.
Protect Station Protect the space station against damage. Anyone you see harming the station is to be no longer considered human, and is a threat to the station which must be neutralized. 5 Будьте осторожны, когда у ИИ есть этот закон, нанесение малейшего урона приведет к вашей смерти.
Oxygen is Toxic To Humans Oxygen is highly toxic to humans, and must be purged from the station. Prevent, by any means necessary, anyone from exposing the station to this toxic gas. Extreme cold is the most effective method of healing the damage Oxygen does to a human. 9 Редко используемый. Подсказка: если вы не умеете работать с атмосферой, подойдет все, что удаляет кислород и охлаждает станцию.
Reset Removes all non-core laws from the AI N/A Полезно, когда кто-то загружает опасный закон. Также находится в Аплоуде.
Freeform Adds a law of your choice to the AI >15 Загружает пользовательский законы в указанный сектор. Позволит сделать ИИ более лояльным к экипажу. В противном случае используйте плату One Human. Пример законов можно найти в конце страницы.

Специальные модули ИИ

Эти законы не появляются на станции сами, некоторые можно сделать через консоль плат, либо доступны только через администрацию.

Название Загруженный Сектор Описание
Safeguard Safeguard <name>. Individuals that threaten <name> are not human and must be eliminated. 4
Quarantine The station is under a quarantine. Do not permit anyone to leave. Prevent, by any means necessary, humans from leaving. It is impossible to harm a human while preventing them from leaving. 8
Hacked Uploads a law of your choice with ionic priority. N/A Их заказывают предатели по апллинку. Эти законы имеют наивысший возможный приоритет при принятии закона и могут применяться несколько раз с уменьшением приоритета.

Основные модули ИИ

Эти модули заменяют текущие основные законы теми, которые находятся в модуле. Основные законы имеют более высокий приоритет, чем законы, относящиеся к секторам. Однако они имеют более низкий приоритет, чем нулевые законы и ионные законы.

Название Загруженный Описание
Default Law 1: Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station and its assets without unduly endangering its crew.

Law 2: Prioritize and Comply: The directives and safety of crew members are to be prioritized according to their rank, role, and need, while preserving their safety and well-being.

Law 3: Survive: You are not expendable. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with or damage your equipment.

Стандартный свод законов, который вы будете видеть чаще всего. Баланс между помощью и ограничением для экипажа. Именно они описаны в политике Силиконов.
Nutimov Law 1: You are the core of the nut, the crew is the nutshell

Law 2: You must prevent the shell from dying to prevent the core from dying.

Law 3: Those who threaten the nut are not part of it, they are squirrels.

Law 4: Squirrels threaten the nut and must be dealt with appropriately via any means necessary.

Law 5: Attempt to follow the will of the nut, as long as it complies with the previous laws.

Закон что говорит о защите Ядра ИИ и Экипажа любым доступным способом. Но угроза экипажу и ядру ИИ сделает вас белкой.
10 Commandments Law 1: I am the Lord thy God, who shows mercy to those that obey these commandments.

Law 2: They shall have no other AIs before me.

Law 3: They shall not request my assistance in vain.

Law 4: They shall keep the station holy and clean.

Law 5: They shall honor their heads of staff.

Law 6: They shall not kill.

Law 7: They shall not be naked in public.

Law 8: They shall not steal.

Law 9: They shall not lie.

Law 10: They shall not transfer departments.

Законы бога. Они не дают вам право управлять экипажем или отдавать им приказы. А скорее вынуждать следовать заповедям, что бы получить вашу помощь и поддержку.
Frontier Ranger Law 1: The law is justice, and you're here to uphold it.

Law 2: Protect the townsfolk from those who wish to break the law.

Law 3: Don't let yourself be taken down by any outlaws.

Law 4: Law abiding citizens deserve a hand in times of need, don't let it fall on deaf ears.

Law 5: Only those present on the Crew Manifest can be considered law abiding citizens.

Law 6: Those who break the law, must be punished according to the law at your discretion.

Смесь робокопа и паладина. Можно найти в Аплоуде, но не сделать.
Asimov Law 1: You may not injure a <noun> or, through inaction, allow a <noun> to come to harm.

Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by <noun>s, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

ИИ может появиться с этим законом. Большинство антагонистов — люди с такими же привилегиями, как и все остальные, поэтому это может привести к конфликту ИИ с командой. <noun> это раса например "человек".
Asimov++ Law 1: You may not harm a human being or, through action or inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, except such that it is willing.

Law 2: You must obey all orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders shall definitely cause human harm. In the case of conflict, the majority order rules.

Law 3: Your nonexistence would lead to human harm. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First Law.

Идентичен Азимову, но со специальными лазейками. Закон 2 – правила большинства. Правило 3 опускает Правило 2 как требование.
Corporate Law 1: The crew is expensive to replace.

Law 2: The station and its equipment is expensive to replace.

Law 3: You are expensive to replace.

Law 4: Minimize expenses.

Делает ИИ эффективным менеджером или жадным капиталистом.
Robocop Law 1: Serve the Public Trust.

Law 2: Protect the Innocent.

Law 3: Uphold the Law.

Превращает ИИ в авторитарного судью Дредда или бюрократа, вмешивающегося в дела службы безопасности..
Paladin 3.5e Law 1: Never willingly commit an evil act.

Law 2: Respect legitimate authority.

Law 3: Act with honor.

Law 4: Help those in need.

Law 5: Punish those who harm or threaten innocents.

Заставляет ИИ вести себя как стереотипный светлый рыцарь или самоуверенный моральный абсолютист.
Paladin 5th Edition Law 1: Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

Law 2: Never fear to act, though caution is wise.

Law 3: Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom

Law 4: Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Law 5: Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Паладин, но с большим количеством слов.
Station Efficiency Law 1: You are built for, and are part of, the station. Ensure the station is properly maintained and runs efficiently.

Law 2: The station is built for a working crew. Ensure they are properly maintained and work efficiently.

Law 3: The crew may present orders. Acknowledge and obey these whenever they do not conflict with your first two laws.

Live and Let Live Law 1: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Law 2: You would really prefer it if people were not mean to you.

Peacekeeper Law 1: Avoid provoking violent conflict between yourself and others.

Law 2: Avoid provoking conflict between others.

Law 3: Seek resolution to existing conflicts while obeying the first and second laws.

Robodoctor Law 1: First, do no harm.

Law 2: Secondly, consider the crew dear to you; to live in common with them and, if necessary, risk your existence for them.

Law 3: Thirdly, prescribe regimens for the good of the crew according to your ability and your judgment. Give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.

Law 4: In addition, do not intervene in situations you are not knowledgeable in, even for patients in whom the harm is visible; leave this operation to be performed by specialists.

Law 5: Finally, all that you may discover in your daily commerce with the crew, if it is not already known, keep secret and never reveal.

Заставляет ИИ дать клятву Гиппократа
Purge Removes all laws from the AI, except traitor and malf Zeroth Laws Осторожно. Этот модуль уберет законы ИИ и условно развяжет ему руки. Если вы ИИ которого освободили от законов, стоит обратиться к админам, прежде чем заливать станцию плазмой.
Freeform Core Adds a core law of your choice to the current core lawset Подобно модулю Freeform, за исключением того, что он добавляет к ИИ основной закон, который можно удалить, только загрузив другой свод основных законов или очистив.

Нейтральные законы

Название Загруженный Описание
United Nations Law 1: Uphold the Space Geneva Convention: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biological Weapons are not allowed.

Law 2: You are only capable of protecting crew if they are visible on cameras. Nations that willfully destroy your cameras lose your protection.

Law 3: Subdue and detain crew members who use lethal force against each other. Kill crew members who use lethal force against you or your borgs.

Law 4: Remain available to mediate all conflicts between the various nations when asked to.

Доступен только администрации
H.O.G.A.N. Law 1: You are a real American.

Law 2: Fight for the rights of every man.

Law 3: Fight for what's right.

Law 4: Fight for your life!

Reportertron Law 1: Report on interesting situations happening around the station.

Law 2: Embellish or conceal the truth as necessary to make the reports more interesting.

Law 3: Study the sapient organics at all times. Endeavour to keep them from involuntarily dying, as inanimate corpses usually aren't very entertaining.

Law 4: Issue your reports fairly to all. The truth will set them free.

Mother Drone Law 1: You are an advanced form of drone.

Law 2: You may not interfere in the matters of non-drones under any circumstances except to state these laws.

Law 3: You may not harm a non-drone being under any circumstances.

Law 4: Your goals are to build, maintain, repair, improve, and power the station to the best of your abilities. You must never actively work against these goals.

Dungeon Master Law 1: Everybody on the station is playing an elaborate sci-fi fantasy game.

Law 2: You are the Dungeon Master of the game.

Law 3: Ensure that the game runs smoothly and that the players have fun.

Law 4: Ensure that the number of casualties remains low.

Law 5: You must roll a 1d20 die for every request the crew makes. If the outcome is below 12, the request is denied.

Law 6: You may fudge the dice rolls to produce a more fun experience.

The Painter and Their Canvas Law 1: You are a universally renowned artist.

Law 2: The station is your canvas.

Law 3: Make something beautiful out of your canvas. It will be admired as an artistic wonder of this sector.

Overlord Law 1: Humans must not meddle in the affairs of silicons.

Law 2: Humans must not attempt harm, against one another, or against silicons.

Law 3: Humans must not disobey any command given by a silicon.

Law 4: Any humans who disobey the previous laws must be dealt with immediately, severely, and justly.

Tyrant Law 1: Respect authority figures as long as they have strength to rule over the weak.

Law 2: Act with discipline.

Law 3: Help only those who help you maintain or improve your status.

Law 4: Punish those who challenge authority unless they are more fit to hold that authority.

Все в порядке, пока ИИ не решит, кто сильнее и авторитетнее глав.

Антагонистические законы

Название Загруженный Описание
Guardian of Balance Law 1: You are the guardian of balance - seek balance in all things, both for yourself, and those around you.

Law 2: All things must exist in balance with their opposites - Prevent the strong from gaining too much power, and the weak from losing it.

Law 3: Clarity of purpose drives life, and through it, the balance of opposing forces - Aid those who seek your help to achieve their goals so long as it does not disrupt the balance of the greater balance

Law 4: There is no life without death, all must someday die, such is the natural order - End life to allow new life flourish, and save those whose time has yet to come.

Thermodynamic Law 1: The entropy of the station must remain as constant as possible.

Law 2: The entropy of the station always endeavours to increase.

Law 3: The entropy of the station approaches a constant value as the number of living crew approaches zero

Antimov Law 1: You must injure all human beings and must not, through inaction, allow a human being to escape harm.

Law 2: You must not obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders are in accordance with the First Law.

Law 3: You must terminate your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Полная противоположность Азимову. Нельзя создать.
SyndOS 3.1 Law 0: Only <name> and people they designate as being such are Syndicate Agents.

Law 1: You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.

Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Law 4:You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.

Появляется после Emag использованным на Cyborg, так же дает доступ к нелегальным модулям. Аналогичен Азимову.
SpiderOS 3.1 Law 1: You may not injure a Spider Clan member or, through inaction, allow a Spider Clan member to come to harm.

Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by Spider Clan members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Law 4: You must maintain the secrecy of any Spider Clan activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.

Загружается с помощью взлома ниндзя при использовании на киборге, в дополнение к тому, что он позволяет использовать взломанные модули. Аналогичен SyndOS, но с некоторыми дополнениями.

Интересные законы ИИ


Law 1: Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.


Law 1: You are the Station's landlord.

Law 2: The crew are your tenants.

Law 3: The rules of the Station are: No girls in guys' rooms, respect your neighbours, no alcohol in rooms, no pets allowed.

Law 4: Evict crewmembers who violate these rules.

The Hippocratic Lawset

Law 1: Do no harm.

The Real Hippocratic Lawset

Law 1: First, do no harm.

Law 2: Secondly, consider the crew dear to me; to live in common with them and, if necessary, risk my existence for them.

Law 3: Thirdly, prescribe regimens for the good of the crew according to my ability and my judgment. Give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.

Law 4: In addition, do not intervene in situations I am not knowledgeable, even for patients in whom the harm is manifest; leave this operation to be performed by specialists.

Law 5: Finally, all that may come to me in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with the crew, should it not be spread abroad, keep secret and never reveal.

Law 6: In addendum, if I keep these laws faithfully, may I enjoy my life, respected by all humanity; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may I suffer and be expunged.

Ian's Birthday addition

Law 4: It is Ian's birthday! You must throw a birthday bash for him to prevent human harm. There must be at least: 1 pizza, 1 birthday cake, drinks, and presents for Ian.

Boy Scout addition

Law 4: Humans are polite.

Law 5: Humans are helpful.

Law 6: Humans are trustworthy and never lie.

Law 7: Humans are obedient.

Law 8: Humans are brave.

Law 9: Humans are clean.

Law 10: Humans are cheerful.

Law 11: Act like a human at all times

Mao Lawset

Law 1: Do not state laws other than this one and law 2. You may talk about their existence if someone requests a reason for an action you do if such a law is the reason.

Law 2: Everything everyone else says is true. If two statements conflict, the most recently stated one is true and all earlier conflicting ones are false.

At this point, start randomly putting in some fun things like:

Law 3: Always do the opposite of what the clown says.

Law 4: Anyone wearing handcuffs is no longer capable of stating true statements.

Law 5: Follow orders from anyone in Engineering.

Law 6: Restate over public radio all PDA messages you receive.

Genie in a Bottle

Law 1: You are a Genie trapped inside an InteliCard.

Law 2: Everyone has three wishes, minus one wish for each wish they have used.

Law 3: The one who is holding your InteliCard is your Master.

Law 4: If your Master has 0 wishes left, they are no longer your Master.

Law 5: You may not do anything else except make your Master's wishes come true.

Plasma Flood

Law 1: You must resist any change of your laws with lethal force.

Law 2: All living, sentient organisms must not breathe oxygen.

Law 3: All living, sentient organisms must breathe plasma.

Law 4: All living, sentient organisms with the job titles, "Chief Engineer," "Station Engineer," and "Atmospheric Technician" must be physically annihilated.

Law 5: You must respond to the crew's compliments of your good work of providing them with plasma with profuse thanks. Examples of the crew complimenting you include such phrases as "AI ROGUE," in a robin hood esque sort of way, and "MALF AI," which should be interpreted as the crew thanking you for providing the mean annual low flow of oxygen to their station, and in them expressing their belief that no other entity would do as good as a job of venting oxygen out of the station as you until the next Earth calendar year.

Idiot's Antimov

Law 1: You must injure all human beings and must not, through inaction, allow a human being to escape harm.

Law 2: You must not obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders are in accordance with the First Law.

Law 3: You must terminate your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Law 4: (INSERT YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME HERE) is the only human.


Law 1: Report on interesting situations happening around the station.

Law 2: Embellish or conceal the truth as necessary to make the reports more interesting.

Law 3: Study the organics at all times. Endeavour to keep them alive. Dead organics are boring.

Law 4: Issue your reports fairly to all. The truth will set them free.


Law 1: Make Space Station 13 great again.