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Причина переработки: "Перевод. В случае найденных ошибок пишите в дискорде - SweetMaurse#5846."

Гранаты делаются из четырех вещей: химикатов, проводов, любого триггера, и оболочки (обычно сделанной, из металла).

Вы можете посмотреть видео-туториал: Здесь (Сделано в Марте, 2020).


  1. Достаньте Grenade Casing. (Можно сделать из металла) Он способен держать в себе bottles, normal beakers (50u), large beakers (100u) и metamaterial beakers (180u)), одну-две бутылки или бикера наполните вашими химикатами(См. идеи ниже), и кабели CableCoils.png.
  2. Присоедините кабели CableCoils.png в Grenade Casing.
    • После добавления кабелей CableCoils.png, вы так-же можете добавить триггер, если вы хотите иметь дополнительный способ активации гранаты, а не просто "активация+бросок".
      1. Используйте ваш триггер в руке, чтобы задать ему настройки. (в некоторых из них, открывается окошко). Так-же некоторые настраиваются альт-кликом.
      2. Убедитесь, что триггер НЕ в режиме"can be attached", иначе он может не работать (Переключается с помощью отвертки Screwdriver tool.png). Это немного противоречиво, но так оно и работает. Режим "can be attached" используется только, чтобы соединять триггеры вместе, (и в некоторых других случаях) но не используется в создании гранат.
      3. Используйте триггер на "unsecured chemical grenade" чтобы открыть "хакинг" окно. Нажмите "attach" с триггером в руке, чтобы присоединить его. затем закройте это окно.
  3. Вставьте бутылки с вашими химикатами (Они могут смешаться, когда граната будет активирована) внутрь "unsecured chemical grenade".
  4. Закрутите отверткой Screwdriver tool.png unsecured chemical grenade, чтобы закончить создание гранаты Grenade.png.
  5. Если вы использовали только кабели CableCoils.png для создания гранаты, используйте отвертку Screwdriver tool.png на вашей ЗАКОНЧЕННОЙ гранате, Grenade.png чтобы настроить таймер между 3 и 5 секундами. Или используйте мультитул Multitool.png чтобы выбрать ЛЮБОЕ время между 3 и 5 секундами (или мгновенно)<- БАГ. Это так же работает, с некоторыми другими триггерами.

Ключ может быть использован, чтобы достать содержимое из "unsecured chemical grenade". Если вы используете ключ на пустом unsecured chemical grenade, вы достанете кабели.

Список возможных химических реакций приведен в руководству по химии. Обратите внимание, что некоторые реакции сразу же взрываются при смешивании, и их необходимо разделить на две бутылки. Так же обратите внимание, что реагенты пропадают после активации гранаты, то есть если вы использовали при создании гранаты Ядро Слайма - оно будет потеряно.

Необходимые материалы

Large Grenade Casings

When using a Large Grenade Casing Large Grenade Casing.png, researchable at R&D, instead of a standard casing Grenade Casing.png, you will be able to put these things in it:

  1. Create a slime core grenade by substituting one of the bottles/beakers with a slime extract. Be sure you have another bottle with the necessary reagent in the same grenade, or the slime extract won't do anything!
  2. For the strongest grenades you will need to use Bluespace Beakers, which also only fit in Large Grenade Casings.

Grenade Casing
Grenade Casing
Large Grenade Casing
Large Grenade Casing
Advanced Release Grenade
Advanced Release Grenade
Pyro Grenade
Pyro Grenade
Cable Coil
Cable Coil
Igniter (no longer used to make triggers)
Igniter (no longer used to make triggers)
Proximity Sensor
Proximity Sensor
Remote Signaling Device
Remote Signaling Device
Voice Analyzer
Voice Analyzer
Infrared Emitter (doesn't work in grenades)
Infrared Emitter (doesn't work in grenades)
Health Sensor
Health Sensor
Slime Core
Slime Core

Legal Payload Ideas

  • Metal Foam:
    1. Bottle: 30u Iron/Aluminium
    2. Bottle: 10u Foaming Agent, 10u Fluorosulfuric Acid
  • Cleaner:
    1. Beaker: 40u Fluorosurfactant
    2. Beaker: 40u Water, 10u Space Cleaner
  • Tear Gas:
    1. Beaker: 25u Condensed Capsaicin, 25u Potassium
    2. Beaker: 25u Phosphorus, 25u Sugar
  • Plant Killer
    1. Beaker: 25u Sugar, 25u Plant-B-Gone
    2. Beaker: 25u Potassium, 25u Phosphorous
  • Smoke Grenade
    1. Bottle: 15u Sugar
    2. Bottle: 15u Potassium, 15u Phosphorous
      1. You could use beakers and larger portions instead, but making one with beakers without utilizing the extra room for funny business would be a waste of glass. You can also occasionally find pre-made smoke grenades around maintenance.

Illegal Payload Ideas

  • Knockout Smoke:
    1. Bottle: 10u Phosporous, 10u Potassium, 10u Chloral Hydrate
    2. Bottle: 10u Sugar, 20u Chloral Hydrate
  • Small Explosive:
    1. Bottle: 30u Potassium
    2. Bottle: 30u Water
  • Lethal Meth Grenade
    1. Beaker: 10u Phosphorous, 10u Potassium, 30u Meth
    2. Beaker: 10u Sugar, 40u Meth
      1. Tested on a chef in a confined space. Flailed around uncontrollably and quickly became retarded before dropping into crit. Died shortly after going into crit from an insane amount of toxin damage.
  • Fluorosulphuric Foam Grenade
    1. Beaker: 30u Fluorosurfactant, 20u Fluorosulfuric Acid
    2. Beaker: 30u Water, 20u Fluorosulfuric Acid
      1. Will deal damage. Victims will likely slip in the foam and fall down, causing even more damage.
  • Silent Murder
    1. Beaker: 15u Phosphorous, 15u Potassium, 20u Mute Toxin
    2. Beaker: 15u Sugar, 35u Cyanide
      1. Silences victims, then kills them very slowly with Cyanide. When used correctly, it is a possible tool for mass murder. For bonus points, use a voice analyzer so it kills the clown the next time he HONKs.


The grenade can work differently depending on the trigger used in its construction. You must always start with Cable. After you have added Cable, you can choose to also attach a trigger (see construction):

  • Cable only: Goes off after 5 seconds by default. Use screwdriver on the finished grenade to toggle between 3 and 5 seconds, or a multitool Multitool.png to choose any timer value between 3 and 5 seconds.
  • Timer: Goes off after a certain time has elapsed. You must set the timer before you attach it to the grenade (it's fine to keep it on "not timing"). Then using the finished grenade will make that timer start ticking instead of the normal 3 or 5 seconds.
  • Mousetrap: Is primed when its current container is opened. Activate mousetrap before attaching it to the grenade. Grenade primes like a normal grenade (3 or 5 seconds) if activated manually in hand when finished.
  • Proximity Sensor: Is primed when something moves within a chosen range (there is an arming period). Set it up before attaching. It should be set to "Not arming" before attaching it. Detection range 0 = the same tile as the grenade. Then using the finished grenade in hand will start the activation timer, which gives you time to place it.
  • Remote Signaling Device: Is primed when it receives the correct code via another Remote Signaling Device. Grenade primes like a normal grenade (3 or 5 seconds) if activated manually in hand.
  • Voice Analyzer: Is primed when the trigger phrase is said out loud, after a short delay (record phrase with voice analyzer beforehand). Grenade primes like a normal grenade (3 or 5 seconds) if activated manually in hand. Doesn't work from whispers.
  • Health Sensor: Is primed when the person carrying it is in crit or dead (alt-click the health sensor to toggle crit/death). Grenade primes like a normal grenade (3 or 5 seconds) if activated manually in hand.
  • Infrared Emitter: When activated, a laser beam (either invisible or red) will extend out in the direction the grenade is facing (it can be rotated by dragging it). Can't be used in grenades.

In the past you used to make custom trigger assemblies by attaching an igniter and trigger together, but this was changed in June 2019 to the above system.


Use a grenade in hand to activate it in case of a Cable trigger (and others). When the grenade is activated, throw it by clicking on the target. Live grenades will be thrown regardless of "throw" mode being enabled or not.

Other triggers than just Cable usually work as normal Cable grenades if using them in hand, but they can also be triggered as described in the triggers list.

When the grenade goes off, the chemical beakers/bottles inside will mix their contents and heat them by 10 Kelvin (or 500 Kelvin if you use a Pyro Grenade). If the mixture causes an effect (Smoke, an explosion, etc), it will happen at this time; otherwise, the resultant chemicals will be splashed on everything nearby. A grenade filled with Space Lube, for instance, will coat every nearby floor surface with slippery goop.


If you use Wirecutters on a Grenade, you will unsecure it, but this doesn't work on activated grenades. A Wrench can then be used to remove the payload to prevent anyone from rearming it.