Участник:Saota: различия между версиями

Материал из Fluffy Frontier
(Новая страница: «{{Speech |name=Tuterr, the Private Eye |text= Yeah, kid? Still rambling on about an "interface"? God damn it... lemme put it straight with you, pal. You might wan...»)
Нет описания правки
Строка 104: Строка 104:
*<code>'''Click-drag humanoid to self with {{Combat_Mode}} off'''</code> = Buckles target to self.  
*<code>'''Click-drag humanoid to self with {{Combat_Mode}} off'''</code> = Buckles target to self.  
*<code>'''Click yourself without active module (or resist)'''</code> = Unbuckles person from self.  
*<code>'''Click yourself without active module (or resist)'''</code> = Unbuckles person from self.  
*<code>'''Use *spin emote with someone buckled to you'''</code> = Forcefully throws the buckled person forward, which stuns them (even if they didn't hit anything).  
*<code>'''Use *spin emote with someone buckled to you'''</code> = Forcefully throws the buckled person forward, which stuns them (even if they didn't hit anything).

Версия от 14:30, 13 июня 2022

Generic detective.png
Tuterr, the Private Eye says:
"Yeah, kid? Still rambling on about an "interface"? God damn it... lemme put it straight with you, pal. You might want to go consult the Chief Medical Officer about your... condition. Maybe they will know something about your "key shortcuts" problem, whatever the hell that means."

Это список стандартных Хоткеев и элементов управления. Многие из них можно изменить с помощью меню Game Preferences -> Keybindings


An outdated diagram of (most) human hotkeys.
An outdated diagram of (most) human hotkeys.

Включенный режим горячих клавиш

Режим горячих клавиш может быть включен нажатием Tab. Для правильной работы хоткеев требуется зайти в игру с английской раскладкой.

  • W, A, S, D = Перемещение персонажа.
  • Q = Положить предмет.
  • E = Экипировать предмет в свободный слот.
  • R = Подготовиться к броску/ловле предмета.
  • B = Сопротивляться / Встать с кресла / Потушить себя /
  • T = Говорить.
  • G = Предложить предмет.
  • Z/Y = Активировать предмет в руке.
  • X = Менять руки.
  • 4 or F = Активировать Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people.
  • Зажатие C = Переключение режим бега/ходьбы при зажатии.
  • Зажатие Alt = Блокирование передвижения, позволяет поворачивать персонажа не двигаясь с места.
  • O = OOC.
  • M = Эмоут
  • H = Перестать тащить предмет
  • U или нажатие на кнопку rest = Лечь на пол. Вы можете ползать пока лежите.
  • Shift + B = Положить предмет в рюкзак, или достать последнюю положенную в рюкзак вещь.
  • Shift + E = Положить предмет в ремень/слот ремня, или достать последнюю положенную в ремень вещь.
  • Shift + Q = Положить предмет в слот костюма, или достать последнюю положенную в этот слот вещь.
  • Numpad 8, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 = Используется для выбора части тела на кукле. Номера соответствуют локации на теле. Нажатие на 8 производит цикл Голова -> Глаза -> Рот

Любой режим

  • Клавиши со стрелками = Перемещение персонажа.
  • Shift + Клик = Осмотреть что-либо.
  • Shift + Двойной клик = Осмотреть что-либо внимательнее.
  • Shift + ПКМ = Открыть контекстное меню.
  • Shift + СКМ = Указать на что-либо.
  • Alt + Клик на тайл = Открыть новую вкладку с списком всех вещей на тайле рядом с вами.
  • Alt + Клик по PDA/планшету = Извлечь ID (или ручку, если там нет ID) из PDA/планшета.
  • CTRL + Клик по PDA = Извлечь ручку.
  • CTRL + Shift + Клик по PDA = Извлечь картридж.
  • Alt + Клик по шкафчику = Запереть шкафчик.
  • Alt + Клик на одежду = Переключить возможные настройки вида одежды (стянуть/натянуть дыхательную маску, спустить вниз комбинезон, расстегнуть лабораторный халат, перевернуть кепку и т.д.).
  • Alt + Клик по сумке/контейнеру = Открыть контейнер. Так же работает на контейнерах находящихся в других контейнерах.
  • Alt + Клик по микроволновке = Включить микроволновку.
  • Alt + Клик по Химическому Диспенсеру, Реакционной Камере, ChemMaster 3000 или PanD.E.M.I:C = Извлечь любую загруженную пломбу.
  • Alt + Click a vent or scrubber while having a "ventcrawl" ability = Crawl into the pipes. Monkeys, slimes and several other creatures can do this.
  • CTRL + Up/Down = In your text bar will shift through the history of everything you've entered in the red bar at the bottom.
  • CTRL + Click = Pull an object or person you're standing next to.
  • While pulling something, click an empty floor tile with empty hand = Drag the pulled object to the clicked floortile if possible.
  • End = Toggle throwing mode.
  • Page Down = Use the object in your active hand.
  • Middle Mouse Button or Page Up = Switch your active hand.
  • Click the Drop button on your HUD = Drop the item in your active hand.
  • Delete = Stop pulling.
  • F12 = Toggle minimal HUD.
  • Spacebar = While entering commands in red bar auto-completes them.
  • Tab = Toggle between hotkey and normal mode. While in hotkey mode, WASD will move your character.
  • Esc = Stops you from being stuck moving in one direction (due to lag or other issues).

Other Humanoid Controls

These are actions you can perform which require other methods than hotkeys.

  • Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. your jumpsuit = Change suit sensor mode.
  • Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. a stacked item = Split stack.
  • Click-drag a person to yourself = Opens the other person's inventory, where you can remove or add worn objects and also turn their internals on or off.
  • Open someone's inventory while you are prone next to them = Lets you untie their shoelaces.
  • Click-drag yourself to a table = Attempt to climb the table.
  • Click table while someone else is attempting to climb it = Push them away.
  • Click-drag a bag/container onto another bag/container = Attempts to move all contents of the first bag to the other.
  • Grab action.png Grab 32.pngHold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4). a prone person aggressively and then drag them to yourself (your sprite) = Fireman carry them.
  • Have someone else Grab action.png Grab 32.pngHold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4). you aggressively, and then you click and drag your own sprite to them = Piggyback ride them.
  • Click a table while fireman carrying person = Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. off: Place gently , or Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. on: Slam their targeted bodypart on the table.
  • Grab action.png Grab 32.pngHold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4). yourself while aiming for bleeding limb = Grasp your bodypart to slightly reduce blood flow. Must be done with your other arm if one is the one bleeding.
  • Grab action.png Grab 32.pngHold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4). a small animal and then click-drag the animal to yourself = Scoop up the animal. Doesn't work on all animals.
  • Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. a target while holding a container with liquid = Splash the target with the liquid.

Hotkeys for the AI

  • Double-Click a tile = Instantly jump there.
  • Double-Click people = Start tracking the person.
  • Ctrl + number key (0-9) = Saves your current camera location.
  • Number key (0-9) = Jumps camera to saved camera location. Tilde and zero will return you to the last spot you jumped from.

Hotkeys for the AI and Cyborgs

  • Shift + Click a door = Open/close.
  • Control + Click a door = Bolts down/up.
  • Control + Shift + Click a door = Emergency access on/off.
  • Alt + Click a door = Electrify on/off.
  • Control + Click an APC = Power on/off.
  • Control + Click a Turret Control = Power on/off.
  • Alt + Click a Turret Control = Lethal/stun mode.

Cyborg Hotkey-mode Enabled

  • Cyborgs have many of the basic hotkeys and controls that humans have. You need to not have a module active to be able to open lockers, unbuckle people from chairs and such with your left clicks. But you do not have hands so you can not pick up most things.

Cyborg specific hotkeys:

  • X = Cycle active modules
  • 1 = Activate first module
  • 2 = Activate second module
  • 3 = Activate third module

Other Cyborg Controls

  • Click-drag humanoid to self with Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. on = Opens the interact window of the target (undress window).
  • Click-drag humanoid to self with Combat Mode Combat 32.pngEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm Harm 32.png them if on, or Help Help 32.png them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. off = Buckles target to self.
  • Click yourself without active module (or resist) = Unbuckles person from self.
  • Use *spin emote with someone buckled to you = Forcefully throws the buckled person forward, which stuns them (even if they didn't hit anything).